Prof. Alberto Passos Guimarães

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
R. Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150
CEP: 22290-180, Rio de Janeiro
%Phone: 55-21-2141-7183
Fax: 55-21-2141-7400

Alberto Passos Guimarães is Emeritus Researcher at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) in Rio de Janeiro.

He obtained his Ph.D. at the University of Manchester, England, and has been a visitor at MIT, Cambridge, and at the Physics Institute in Uppsala, Sweden; he also visited for short periods the Technical University of Darmstadt, and the University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom. He is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and was awarded the National Order for Merit in Science.

His main areas of present interest are the magnetism of nanoscale systems, studied with different experimental techniques and with micromagnetic simulation. He has also been active in popularization of science, being one of the founders and president for several years of the Instituto Ciência Hoje (ICH), that publishes the magazines ‘Ciência Hoje’ and 'Ciência Hoje das Crianças'.


  1. Introdução ao Magnetismo, Livraria da Física, (São Paulo, 2022).
  2. GUIMARAES, A. P., MÁXIMO, R. Uma Câmera Entre Quatro Paredes: Imagens da Quarentena, Editora Festa (2021). (pdf)
  3. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Forças de Atração: Crônicas de uma Carreira Científica no Brasil, Livro e Kindle (2021). Details and Errata .
  4. From Lodestone to Supermagnets: Understanding Magnetic Phenomena, Wiley-VCH (Berlin, 2005). Reviews and Errata . Brazilian Edition (A Pedra com Alma), Civilização Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro, 2011). Reviews and Errata .
  5. Magnetism and Magnetic Resonance in Solids, John Wiley (New York, 1998). Reviews and Errata . Brazilian Edition, Edusp (São Paulo, 2009). Details and Errata .

Libraries Listed in WorldCat that hold these books (2022) (pdf)

Citations in the Google Scholar

Citations in Publons

Articles (2005-2024)

  1. Magnetic interactions in vortex-state nanodisk arrayscharacterized by gradient magnetic vortex echo, H. Vigo-Cotrina, S. Urcia-Romero and A.P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 135, 083903 (2024).
  2. The emergence of kpi skyrmions and their spin wave modes in a ferromagnetic disk, H. Vigo-Cotrina, D.L. Monteiro, J.P.V. Urruchua and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 560 169665 (2022).
  3. Spin wave modes of nanoellipses with a magnetic radial vortex configuration, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 518 167377 (2021).
  4. Switching of skyrmioniums induced by oscillating magnetic field pulses, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 509 166895 (2020).
  5. Creating skyrmions and skyrmioniums using oscillating perpendicular magnetic fields, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 507 166848 (2020).
  6. Parallels between a system of coupled magnetic vortices and a ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic (FM/NM) multilayer system, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 497 166009 (2020).
  7. Influence of the dipolar interaction in the creation of skyrmions in coupled nanodisks, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 489 165406 (2019).
  8. Writing and storing information in an array of magnetic vortex nanodisks using their azimuthal modes, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 460 160-164 (2018).
  9. Micromagnetic study of skyrmion stability in confined magnetic structures with perpendicular anisotropy, R.L. Novak, F. Garcia, E.R.P. Novais, J.P. Sinnecker and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 451 749–760 (2018).
  10. Single array of magnetic vortex disks uses in-plane anisotropy to create different logic gates, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A.P. Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 441 14–20 (2017).
  11. Controlling energy transfer time between two coupled magnetic vortex-state disks, H. Vigo-Cotrina and A. P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 120, 213901 (2016).
  12. Thermally activated processes and superparamagnetism in Bi12MnO20 nanoparticles: A comparative study, L.A.S. de Oliveira, A. Pentón-Madrigal, A.P. Guimarães, J.P. Sinnecker, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 401 890–896 (2016).
  13. Indirect switching of vortex polarity through magnetic dynamic coupling, G.B.M. Fior, E.R.P. Novais, J.P. Sinnecker, A.P. Guimarães, and F. Garcia, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 093906 (2016).
  14. Interaction between magnetic vortex cores in a pair of nonidentical nanodisks, J.P. Sinnecker, H. Vigo-Cotrina, F. Garcia, E.R.P. Novais, and A.P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 203902 (2014).
  15. Effect of perpendicular uniaxial anisotropy on the annihilation fields of magnetic vortices, E.R.P. Novais , S. Allende, D. Altbir, P. Landeros , F. Garcia, A.P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 153905 (2013).
  16. Magnetic vortex echoes, F. Garcia, J. P. Sinnecker, E. R. P. Novais and A. P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012) 113911-5;
  17. Multi-quantum echoes in GdAl2 zero-field high-resolution NMR, J.R. Tozoni, J. Teles, R. Auccaise, R. Oliveira-Silva, C. Rivera-Ascona, E.L.G. Vidoto, A.P. Guimarães, I.S. Oliveira, T.J. Bonagamba, J. Magn. Res., 212 (2011) 265-273; doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2011.07.003.
  18. Properties of magnetic nanodots with perpendicular anisotropy, E. R. P. Novais, P. Landeros, A. G. S. Barbosa, M. D. Martins, F. Garcia, A. P. Guimarães, J. Appl. Phys. 110, 053917 (2011); doi:10.1063/1.3631081.
  19. Tailoring magnetic vortices in nanostructures, F. Garcia, H. Westfahl, J. Schoenmaker, E. J. Carvalho, A. D. Santos, M. Pojar, A. C. Seabra, R. Belkhou, A. Bendounan, E. R. P. Novais, A. P. Guimarães. Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 022501 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3462305.
  20. Model for the growth of electrodeposited ferromagnetic aggregates under an in-plane magnetic field, C. Cronemberger, L.C. Sampaio, A.P. Guimarães, and P. Molho, Phys. Rev. E 81, 021403 (2010). (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.021403)
  21. Magnetoresistance and magnetization reversal of single Co nanowires, R. A. Silva, T. S. Machado, G. Cernicchiaro, A. P. Guimaraes, and L. C. Sampaio. Phys. Rev., B 79, 134434 (2009). (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.134434)
  22. Magnetic behavior of electrodeposited cobalt nanowires using different electrolytic bath acidities, CAFFARENA, V. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; FOLLY, W. ; E.M. Silva ; CAPITANEO, J. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 107, p. 297-304, (2008). (doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2007.07.016)
  23. Magnetic properties of Fe90Zr7B3 ribbons studied by FMR and magnetization, FOLLY, W ; CAFFARENA, V ; SOMMER, R ; CAPITANEO, J ; GUIMARAES, A . Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 320, p. e358-e361, (2008). (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2008.02.070)
  24. Zipping method applied to Barkhausen noise: A new tool to investigate the micromagnetic disorder in amorphous magnetic materials, GUIMARAES, A. P. ; GUNDEL, A. ; SANTI, L. ; SOMMER, R. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 434, p. 604-607, (2007).(doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.08.090)
  25. Magnetocaloric properties of the Ni2Mn1-x(CuCo)xGa Heusler alloys, GOMES, A.M ; M. Khan ; S. Stadler ; N. Ali ; DUBENKO, I. S. ; TAKEUCHI, A. Y. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. . Journal of Applied Physics, v. 99, p. 8Q106, (2006). (DOI:10.1063/1.2164415)
  26. The magnetocaloric properties of Ni2Mn1-xCuxGa, S. STADLER ; M. Khan ; MITCHELL, J. ; N. Ali ; GOMES, A.M ; DUBENKO, I. S. ; TAKEUCHI, A. Y. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. . Applied Physics Letters, v. 88, p. 192511, (2006). (DOI:10.1063/1.2202751)
  27. Preparation of electrodeposited cobalt nanowires, CAFFARENA, V. ; CAPITANEO, J. ; SIMAO, R. A. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. Materials Research, v. 9, p. 205-208, (2006). (doi: 10.1590/S1516-14392006000200017)
  28. La(Fe1-xCox)(11.44)Al-1.56: A composite system for Ericsson-cycle-based magnetic refrigerators, GOMES, A.M ; PROVETTI, J.R ; TAKEUCHI, A. Y. ; PASSAMANI, E.C. ; LARICA, C. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. . Journal of Applied Physics, v. 99, p. 116107, (2006). (DOI:10.1063/1.2203389)
  29. NMR, magnetic and structural study of Fe-Si-X (X = Nb, Ta) alloys, BARBATTI, C. ; TURTELLI, R. S. ; SCHONHART, M. ; SASSIK, H. ; SINNECKER, J. ; SINNECKER, E. ; SARTHOUR, R. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; GROSSINGER, R. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Amsterdam, v. 290, p. 612, (2005). (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.329)
  30. Magnetocaloric effect of the (Pr,Ca)MnO3 manganite at low temperatures, GOMES, A.M ; GARCIA, F. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; REIS, M. ; V.S. Amaral ; TAVARES, P. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Amsterdam, v. 290, p. 694, (2005). (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.339)
  31. Quantum logical operations for spin 3/2 quadrupolar nuclei monitored by quantum state tomography, BONK, F. ; AZEVEDO, E. ; SARTHOUR, R. ; BULNES, J. ; FREITAS, J.C.C. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; OLIVEIRA, I. S. ; BONAGAMBA, T. . Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Series B, Amsterdam, v. 175, p. 226, (2005). (doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2005.04.009)
  32. Modeling of electrical behavior of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 ceramic using impedance spectroscopy, KUMAR, V. ; O.P. Thakur ; L. Pandey ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; A. Goel ; O.M. Parkash ; D. Kumar . Modern Physics Letters B, v. 19, p. 697, (2005). (DOI: 10.1142/S0217984905008621)
  33. Effect of stress on the entropy calculated by applying the zipping method to Barkhausen noise, GUNDEL, A. ; SANTI, L. ; GUIMARAES, A. P. ; SOMMER, R. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 290, p. 1165, (2005). (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.11.503)
  34. Effect of the addition of Cr, Ta and Nb on structural and magnetic properties of Fe–Si alloys, RS Turtelli, R. Sato, A. Penton-Madrigal, CF Barbatti, R. Grossinger, H. Sassik, E. Estevez-Rams, R.S. Sarthour, EHCP Sinnecker, AP Guimarães, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 294, E151-E154 (2005). (doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2005.03.073)

Other publications

  1. GUIMARAES, A. P., MÁXIMO, R. Uma Câmera Entre Quatro Paredes: Imagens da Quarentena, Editora Festa (2021). % (pdf) %
  2. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Forças de Atração: Crônicas de uma Carreira Científica no Brasil, Livro e Kindle (2021). % Livro
  3. GUIMARAES, A. P. . O CBPF a serviço do país – perspectivas, Ciência e Sociedade, CBPF, v. 7, n.1, p. 1-2, 2020. (pdf)
  4. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Todos têm direito à ciência?, 03/09/2019. (pdf)
  5. GUIMARAES, A. P. . A vida começa aos..., 23/07/2019. (pdf)
  6. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Do que são feitas as coisas, Jornal do Brasil (online), 13/03/2019. (pdf)
  7. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Educação científica (entrevista), Folha Dirigida, 28/06/2012. (pdf)
  8. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Coisas impossíveis em geral não acontecem, Ciência Hoje, v. 292, p. 63 - 63, 01 mai. 2012. (pdf)
  9. GUIMARAES, A. P. . The beginnings of the study of Magnetism in Brazil, Ciência e Sociedade 007/11, CBPF 03/2011. (pdf)
  10. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Como funciona o astrolábio?. Ciência Hoje das Crianças, , v. 190, p. 28, 01 maio 2008. (pdf)
  11. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Brasil em 50º lugar na Copa do Mundo, Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 11 fev. 2008. (pdf)
  12. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Cientistas e crianças, Ciência Hoje, Rio de Janeiro, v. 240, p. 17 - 17, 01 ago. 2007. (pdf)
  13. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Como funciona a bússola, Ciência Hoje das Crianças n. 179 p. 28 maio 2007. (pdf)
  14. GUIMARAES, A. P.. Introdução ao Nanomagnetismo. Rio de Janeiro: Monografia CBPF MO-002/06, 2006. (pdf)
  15. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Mexico and the early history of magnetism, Revista Mexicana de Física, v. 50, p. 51, 01 jan. 2004. (pdf)
  16. OLIVEIRA, I. S., SARTHOUR, R. S., BULNES, J. D., BELMONTE, S. B., GUIMARÃES, A. P., AZEVEDO, E. R., VIDOTO, E. L. G., BONAGAMBA, T. J., FREITAS, J. C. C. . Computação Quântica: Manipulando a informação oculta do mundo quântico, I. S. Oliveira, R. S. Sarthour, J. D. Bulnes, S. B. Belmonte, A. P. Guimarães, E. R. de Azevedo, E. L. G. Vidoto, T. J. Bonagamba, J. C. C. Freitas, Ciência Hoje vol. 33 p. 22, nº 193, 2003. (pdf)
  17. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Os 400 anos do De Magnete, Ciência Hoje n. 167 p. 74 dezembro 2000. (pdf)
  18. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Divulgação Científica e o Projeto Ciência Hoje, Ciência e Sociedade CBPF-CS-009/99, Rio de Janeiro, 1999. (pdf)
  19. GUIMARAES, A. P. . A Língua Portuguesa e a Ciência Brasileira, Ciência e Sociedade CBPF-CS-025/98, Rio de Janeiro, 1998. (pdf)
  20. GUIMARAES, A. P. . A Pré-História Hoje, Ciência Hoje, 14 n. 82, pg. 40, 1992. (pdf)
  21. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Futuro e Ciência, Encontro Um Novo Olhar na Nova Era, CBPF 28/03-31/03/1991. (pdf)
  22. GUIMARAES, A. P., CAMARGO, E., RAUPP, M.A., LENT, R., SALINAS, S., dos SANTOS, W. G. . A Ciência Brasileira Rumo ao Século XXI, Ciência Hoje vol. 6, n. 33, p. 18 - 19, 1987. (pdf)
  23. GUIMARAES, A. P. . A Participação dos Pesquisadores nas Decisões do CNPq, Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Física, v. 1, 01/01/1982. (pdf)
  24. GUIMARAES, A. P. . Pelo Fim das Cassações Brancas, Cadernos de Tecnologia e Ciência, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, p. 17-20, 01/03/1980. (pdf)
  25. GUIMARAES, A. P., PREUSS, R. . Sobre os Efeitos das Experiências Atômicas, Observador Econômico e Financeiro, Rio de Janeiro, v. 281, p. 30 - 32, 01 jul. 1959. (pdf)

Photo album

  1. The where and the when (iBook) (2018) Album

Organization of International Conferences

  1. Nuclear Methods in Magnetism (2000) (Chair)
  2. Latin-American Workshop on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2007) (Chair)
  3. Nanomagnetism, Spin Electronics and Quantum Optics (November 2009) (Chair)

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