Lectures by Marc Casals

Course "Quantum Black Holes" at CBPF (2019)

Timetable: Wednesdays 2-4pm (Auditorium of the 5th floor).


* As agreed, there is an extra lecture at 2-4pm on Monday 18/11/2019 in the Auditorium of the 5th floor, as usual (but there won't be an extra lecture on Monday 25/11/2019).

* Wednesday 20/11/2019 is a bank holiday, but there will be a lecture at 2-4pm as usual (you just need to sign in at the security desk).

* The final exam will be at 2-4pm on Wednesday 27/11/2019, which will be the last day of the course.

* The mid-term exam will be held at 2-4pm on Wednesday 6/11/2019.


Course "Gravitational Waves" at CBPF (2018)

Timetable: Wednesdays 2-4pm (Auditorium of the 5th floor). The last lecture will be on 12/12/2018.

Problem Sheets:

Problem sheet on the first part of the course. To be handed in by 5/12/2018.


* The assessment of the course will be based entirely on the Problem Sheets (there will be no exam).

Course "Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time" at the California Institute of Technology (2016)

Timetable: Based on the results in the doodle poll, the schedule will be:

9-10:30am on Monday 7 (R2)
11am-12:30pm on Tuesday 8 (R2)
10:30am-noon on Wednesday 9 (R1)
10:30am-noon on Thursday 10 (R3)
9-10:30am on Friday 11 (R1)


9-10:30am on Monday 14 (R1)
11am-12:30pm on Tuesday 15 (R2)
3:30pm-5pm on Wednesday 16 (R1)
1:30-3pm on Thursday 17 (R4)
9-10:30am on Friday 18 (R1)


R1= Room 469 at Lauritsen 4th Floor.
R2=Room Cahill 312.
R3=Room Cahill 273.
R4=Room Cahill 370.


Problem Sheets:

Problem sheet 1

Problem sheet 2

Problem sheet 3

Problem sheet 4

Hand-written lecture notes (please note that these were written for myself, so they are not easy on the eye!) :

- Pages 1-19 (up to November 10)

- Pages 20-29 (November 11)

- Pages 28-33 (November 14 & part of November 15)

- Pages 34-35 (part of November 15)

- Pages 36-41 (part of November 15)

- Pages 42-49 (November 16)

- Pages 48-58 (November 17)

Videos of lectures:

Lecture 11/11/2016 - part 1

Lecture 11/11/2016 - part 2

Lecture 11/11/2016 - part 3

Lecture 11/11/2016 - part 4

Lecture 14/11/2016 - part 1

Lecture 14/11/2016 - part 2

Lecture 14/11/2016 - part 3

Lecture 15/11/2016 (only the last part)

Lecture 16/11/2016 - part 1

Lecture 16/11/2016 - part 2

Lecture 16/11/2016 - part 3

Lecture 16/11/2016 - part 4

Lecture 17/11/2016 - part 1

Lecture 17/11/2016 - part 2

Lecture 17/11/2016 - part 3

Lecture 18/11/2016 - part 1

Lecture 18/11/2016 - part 2

Lecture 18/11/2016 - part 3

Lecture 18/11/2016 - part 4

Lecture 18/11/2016 - part 5

Other documents:

- Bibliography

Course "Quantum Black Holes" at CBPF (2016)

Timetable: Wednesdays at 10am-noon in room 601-C and Fridays 2pm-4pm in the Auditorium of the 5th floor.

Course assessment: 20% homework, 30% oral presentation, 50% written exam.


* The final written exam will be held at 9h on Thursday July 28, 2016, in room 601-C.

Problem sheets:

Problem sheet 1

Problem sheet 2

Course "Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time" at CBPF (2014-15)

Timetable: Wednesdays 4-6pm in room 601-C.


* The final written exam will be held at 14h on February 28, 2015, in room 601-C.

Problem sheets:

Problem sheet 1

Problem sheet 2