01 III Michel AGUENA DA SILVA Galaxy cluster cosmological parameters with DES 
02 III Ronaldo BATISTA Abundace of galaxy clusters in inhomogeneous Early Dark Energy models 
03 III Daniel BORIERO Chameleon signatures in large scale structure and dark radiation behavior 
04 III Hugo CAMACHO CHAVEZ The angular correlation function in photometric galaxy surveys and Marcos Lima
05 III Gabriel CAMINHA Estimating the bias and scatter of lens modelling in wide area surveys 
06 IV Tiago CASTRO Supernovae constraints and the MCMC method for likelihood analysis 
07 IV Sonia G. DOMONT Stability of Stars in Modified Gravity Theory
08 IV Habib DÚMET-MONTOYA Analytic Solutions for Navarro--Frenk--White Lens Models for Low Characteristic Convergences 
09 IV Michele FONTANINI Sourcing a dynamically accreting black hole in an expanding background with imperfect fluids
10 IV Daniel GUARIENTO Causal structure of black holes in an expanding universe
11 V Germán I. GOMERO Identifying the topology of space with few topological lensing events
12 V Jonas GOMES DOS SANTOS Ondas gravitacionais e o espectro de anisotropia tensorial na presença de neutrinos cosmológicos
13 V Vinicius MIRANDA Features in DBI inFlation
14 V Davi C. RODRIGUES Large scale renormalization group effects in gravity and their contribution to the kinematics and lensing of galaxies
15 V Manuela G. RODRIGUES Black holes in expanding universe 
16 V Filipe O. SALLES Anomaly-induced effective action of gravity and stability of classical solutions 
17 VI Grasiele B. SANTOS O problema da singularidade em gravitação quântica canônica
18 VI Janilo SANTOS The conformal and projective structures of Palatini f(R) theories of gravity
19 VI Luis Gustavo T. SILVA Índice espectral (ns) e escala de homogeneidade
20 VI Poliane de Morais TEIXEIRA The covariant derivation of Paneitz operator 
21 VI Florencia A. TEPPA PANNIA A Cosmographic Approach to the Redshift Drift in FLRW Models
22 VI Cristofher ZUÑIGA VARGAS Perturbações Cosmológicas num Universo em Aceleração Transitória