N. | Session | Author | Title |   |
01 | III | Michel AGUENA DA SILVA | Galaxy cluster cosmological parameters with DES | |
02 | III | Ronaldo BATISTA | Abundace of galaxy clusters in inhomogeneous Early Dark Energy models | |
03 | III | Daniel BORIERO | Chameleon signatures in large scale structure and dark radiation behavior | |
04 | III | Hugo CAMACHO CHAVEZ | The angular correlation function in photometric galaxy surveys and Marcos Lima |  |
05 | III | Gabriel CAMINHA | Estimating the bias and scatter of lens modelling in wide area surveys | |
06 | IV | Tiago CASTRO | Supernovae constraints and the MCMC method for likelihood analysis | |
07 | IV | Sonia G. DOMONT | Stability of Stars in Modified Gravity Theory |  |
08 | IV | Habib DÚMET-MONTOYA | Analytic Solutions for Navarro--Frenk--White Lens Models for Low Characteristic Convergences | |
09 | IV | Michele FONTANINI | Sourcing a dynamically accreting black hole in an expanding background with imperfect fluids |  |
10 | IV | Daniel GUARIENTO | Causal structure of black holes in an expanding universe |  |
11 | V | Germán I. GOMERO | Identifying the topology of space with few topological lensing events |  |
12 | V | Jonas GOMES DOS SANTOS | Ondas gravitacionais e o espectro de anisotropia tensorial na presença de neutrinos cosmológicos |  |
13 | V | Vinicius MIRANDA | Features in DBI inFlation |  |
14 | V | Davi C. RODRIGUES | Large scale renormalization group effects in gravity and their contribution to the kinematics and lensing of galaxies |  |
15 | V | Manuela G. RODRIGUES | Black holes in expanding universe | |
16 | V | Filipe O. SALLES | Anomaly-induced effective action of gravity and stability of classical solutions | |
17 | VI | Grasiele B. SANTOS | O problema da singularidade em gravitação quântica canônica |  |
18 | VI | Janilo SANTOS | The conformal and projective structures of Palatini f(R) theories of gravity |  |
19 | VI | Luis Gustavo T. SILVA | Índice espectral (ns) e escala de homogeneidade |  |
20 | VI | Poliane de Morais TEIXEIRA | The covariant derivation of Paneitz operator | |
21 | VI | Florencia A. TEPPA PANNIA | A Cosmographic Approach to the Redshift Drift in FLRW Models |  |
22 | VI | Cristofher ZUÑIGA VARGAS | Perturbações Cosmológicas num Universo em Aceleração Transitória |  |