Paper submission

III BWMD Program Committee invites you to submit papers to IEEE Magnetics Letters (IML)

If your digest is accepted for presentation at III BWMD, you may contribute a paper for publication in the IEEE Magnetics Letters (IML). The maximum paper length is 4 journal pages for contributed and invited papers. The deadline for manuscript submission is December 31, 2014. Post deadline manuscripts will not be accepted or forwarded for review. The review standards will mirror those used for regular articles. Note that participation in the conference does not guarantee that a paper will be accepted for publication. Additionally, at least one of the paper’s co-authors must present the paper at the conference in order for it to be considered for publication. There will be no cost to the conference and the authors. All the papers will have two peer reviews, and the final decision on the publication of the manuscripts will be made by the IEEE Magnetics Letters editors.

Further information will be provided soon.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop Secretariat at

Abstract submission

III BWMD Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. The abstract submission deadline is October 20, 2014. In order to submit an abstract to the III Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics, please, download the abstract templates, read the abstract submission instructions, fill the Abstract template and send it attached to an e-mail message to Please, state "Abstract - Presenting author name" in the subject field of your message. Your abstract submission will be acknowledged within the next 24 h after you sent the message to us. 

Click here to download the Abstract templates and the guide for abstract submission and presentations.

Submit your abstract only once. If you need to resubmit a modified version of a previously submitted abstract, please, send us the revised one attached to an e-mail message entitled "Abstract Resubmission - Presenting author name" in the subject field and indicate in the e-mail body the Abstract Submission Code that you received by e-mail at the first submission.

Abstracts should be one page, with title, authors, affiliations, references, figures and tables included. Abstracts should be prepared and sended by using one of the following downloadable templates: MS-Word, or OpenOffice. No other file formats will be accepted. The pdf file of your abstract will be prepared by the Workshop staff. Abstract files in pdf format will be used for the production of the conference booklet without additional editing, so it is very important that, before sending us the original filled template, you double check that the resulting pdf file matches the page layout of the abstract template. Also check that the abstract length, including figures, tables and references, does not exceed one page. 

Corresponding authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection of their abstract via e-mail.

If you have any question on the submission procedure, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop Secretariat at


The workshop language is English. No simultaneous translation service will be provided during the meeting. 

The Workshop presentations will consist of invited lectures, oral talks and poster sessions, selected by the Program Committee. 

A single plenary session is planned for all invited and oral presentations. Invited talks are 1 hour or 30 minutes long, including 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Oral contributions are 30 minutes or 15 minutes long, considering 5 minutes for questions. Both, invited and oral presentations are to be made either using personal laptop or the PC that will be available in the session room (Windows system + Powerpoint and Acrobat Reader). Please, come to the session room 15 minutes before the session start to upload your presentation to the PC or to set up your laptop connection. 

For contributed poster presentations, the available board area for poster presentations is 90 cm (width) x 100 cm (height). You must provide your own printout of the title, authors and poster itself. Scotch tape and the session paper designation sign will be provided by the Workshop staff. You are requested to set up your poster on Wednesday or on Thursday morning, and remove it at the end of the Workshop. . 

If you have any question about workshop presentations, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop desk at