The area of the magnetization dynamics involves a wide range of topics, such as dynamic behavior of nanostructured magnetic systems, statistical aspects of the processes of magnetization, magnetotransport at high frequencies, non-destructive magnetic measurements, computational techniques, sensors and electronic applications, among others. In particular, this is an area of wide application and technology of great interest for fundamental research.
the last decades, the number of scientists and reaseach groups working
on Magnetization Dynamics has increased considerably. Thus, BWMD
aims to put together the Brazilian community of students and scientist
working on Magnetization Process and Magnetization Dynamics, as well as
invited renowned foreign specialists in the field. In this case, the
Workshop program consists of a
number of invited speakers who will give lectures on important recent
advances in the field, as well as a contributed oral presentations and poster session.
The I Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics took place in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 6-7, 2010. The II Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics was held in Natal, RN, Brazil, November 28-30, 2012.
The III Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics, will be held in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, November 19-21, 2014. The Workshop is organized by Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. III Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics is financially supported by the following institutions: CNPq, CAPES, PPGFísica/UFSM, UFSM, and CBPF.
Title | III Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics |
Date | November 19 (Wed) - November 21 (Fri), 2014 |
Venue | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria ( Avenida Roraima, 1000 Auditório Pércio Reis, CT Cidade Universitária Bairro Camobi 97105-900 Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil |
Official language | English |
Program | Opening & Closing Ceremony, Invited Talks, Poster Session, Welcome Reception, and Workshop Dinner |
Host | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande de Santa Maria |
Secretariat | Laboratório de Magnetismo e Materiais Magnéticos Departamento de Física Universidade Federal de Santa Maria 97105-900 Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Telephone: +55-55-3320-8618 E-mail: |
The workshop is expected to cover the following topics:
2. Magnetization dynamics and magnetization process in nanostructures
- Spintronics and spin nanoscillators
- Magnetoimpedance and broadband ferromagnetic resonance
- Magnetization dynamics on nanoparticles
- Barkhausen noise in nanostructures
4. Spin electronics & applications (non-recording)
- GMR of multilayers, magnetic contacts and constrictions
- Magnetic tunneling junctions
- Spin transfer torque
- Magnetoresistive and half-metallic materials
- Complex oxides
- Multiferroic materials
- Magnetic semiconductors
- Transport theory and spin injection
- MRAM, magnetic logic and devices
- Organic and carbon-based spin transport
- Spin-orbitronics (spin-pumping, spin Hall, spin Seebeck)
5. Magnonics
6. Magnetization dynamics in magnetic materials
- Electrical steels and losses
- Fe-Ni, Fe-Co, nanocrystalline and amorphous alloys
- Thin films, metamaterials, novel and special materials
7. Magnetization dynamics under high magnetic fields
8. Statistical aspects of magnetization dynamics
9. Scientific instrumentation and techniques for ultra-short times and high frequencies
10. Non-destructive magnetic measurements and instrumentation
- Barkhausen noise
- Magnetoacoustic emission
- Other techniques to analyse magnetic materials
11. Sensors, high frequency and electronic applications
12. Computational Techniques Applied to Magnetization Dynamics
13. Others