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Recent Experimental Results

The study of hard diffractive processes has expanded dramatically in recent years. Results from HERA and the Tevatron include the observation of diffractive jet production [10, 11, 12], diffractive W boson production [13], and rapidity gaps between high transverse energy jets [14, 15, 16, 17].

As an example of some of this work, we describe in detail a DØ search for hard diffractive jet production using rapidity gap techniques. Preliminary results show evidence for hard diffractive jet production at center-of-mass energies tex2html_wrap_inline2864GeV and 630GeV [11]. The data used in this study were obtained using a forward jet trigger requiring at least two jets above 12GeV in the region tex2html_wrap_inline2870 or tex2html_wrap_inline2872. A forward jet trigger is ideal for studying diffractive jet production, since the interacting parton in the pomeron typically has a smaller momentum fraction than the one from the proton, resulting in a boosted jet system. Events with multiple tex2html_wrap_inline2812 interactions or spurious jets have been removed. Jets are reconstructed using a cone algorithm with radius tex2html_wrap_inline2876. The number of EM towers (tex2html_wrap_inline2878) above a 200MeV energy threshold is measured opposite the leading two jets (tex2html_wrap_inline2882 GeV) in the region tex2html_wrap_inline2884 for the data. The (tex2html_wrap_inline2878) distribution is shown in Fig. 3 for tex2html_wrap_inline2830 of (a) 1800GeV and (b) 630GeV. The distributions at both center-of-mass energies show a striking peak at zero multiplicity indicating a class of events with no particles detected opposite the dijet system. The curves shown are negative binomial fits to the data excluding low multiplicity bins and extrapolated to zero to estimate the background from standard color exchange, which is typically well described by such a distribution [18]. The dashed curve is a fit to the whole distribution, while the dotted curve is a fit to the leading edge only. The excess at zero multiplicity for both center-of-mass energies is on the order of 1% and is in qualitative agreement with expectations for a hard diffractive component.

Figure 4(a) shows an actual DØ hard diffractive candidate event with Roman pots superimposed. This overlay demonstrates how a ``typical'' Run II event display might appear: a central jet, a forward jet, calorimeter energy and charged tracks in one hemisphere, and a rapidity gap and detected anti-proton in the other hemisphere. Figure 4(b) shows a similar overlay with a hard double pomeron exchange candidate (extracted from a promising preliminary search for this class of events described in Ref. [11] and Sec. 2.2.4), which has two central jets and forward-backward rapidity gaps. Both tex2html_wrap_inline2822 and p tracks could be detected in this event with the Forward Proton Detector, the details of which will be discussed later in this document.

Figure 3: Number of electromagnetic calorimeter towers (tex2html_wrap_inline2878) above a 200MeV energy threshold for the region tex2html_wrap_inline2902 opposite the forward jets for center-of-mass energies of (a) 1800GeV and (b) 630GeV. The curves are negative binomial fits to the data excluding low multiplicity bins.

Figure 4: Event displays showing Run I candidate events with a Forward Proton Detector (not to scale) added. (a) shows a hard diffractive candidate with a forward and central jet and a large rapidity gap in the out-going tex2html_wrap_inline2822 hemisphere. The tex2html_wrap_inline2822 could be tagged by the FPD. (b) shows a hard double pomeron candidate event with central jets and two rapidity gaps. Both the p and tex2html_wrap_inline2822 could be tagged with the FPD.

The H1 and ZEUS Collaborations have published many papers on diffraction, and the combination of diffractive jet production with diffractive deep inelastic scattering measurements has led to a picture of the pomeron that is dominantly composed of hard gluons, but with some quark component [19]. Results from CDF on hard diffractive jet production (similar to the DØ analysis detailed above), combined with their observation of diffractive W boson production, also support a dominantly gluonic Pomeron, but do not yield much insight into the pomeron structure function. There are also questions about how to combine results from HERA and the Tevatron, as the normalization may depend on center-of-mass energy [20]. The normalization uncertainty arises from how the flux of pomerons in the proton is defined and whether or not the pomeron obeys the momentum sum rule, which states that the sum of the momentum fractions of the constituents of a particle should be one. The momentum sum rule is not obviously true for the pomeron, which may not be a traditional particle with a uniquely defined structure function. The data obtained with the FPD should shed light on many of these issues and lead to a coherent picture of the pomeron.

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Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998