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Hard Double Pomeron Exchange

  Hard double pomeron exchange is another process that can be studied effectively using the FPD. In this process both the incoming proton and anti-proton emit a pomeron and the two pomerons interact to produce a massive system. At the Tevatron a central system of about 100 GeV could be produced. With both arms instrumented it would be possible to measure both the proton and anti-proton using the FPD, and jets (for example) using the central calorimeter.

Figure 6: The diagram for a hard double pomeron exchange interaction resulting in a final state with a scattered proton, anti-proton, and two jets. The tex2html_wrap_inline2824-tex2html_wrap_inline2820 plot shows the distribution of particles in this event including forward and backward rapidity gaps and the circles which represent the two jets.

Due to the lack of color flow, rapidity gaps are expected to be produced whenever a pomeron is emitted. Hard double pomeron exchange would thus be expected to produce two rapidity gaps in conjunction with central jets. DØ has already begun a search for this unique topology, which is shown in Fig. 6. A sample of double gap events has been observed, although the interpretation of them in terms of hard double pomeron exchange requires further study [11]. The addition of the FPD would remove any ambiguity from these results and make it possible to study these very interesting events in detail as the kinematics of the event would be fully determined by the detection of both the p and tex2html_wrap_inline2822.

Observation and measurement of hard double pomeron exchange would help determine the pomeron structure and provide unique information on the pomeron flux. Double pomeron exchange would have a normalization proportional to the square of the flux factor, unlike other hard diffractive processes. In addition, this process has been proposed as a trigger for Higgs production at the LHC [27]. Knowledge gained at the Tevatron would indicate if this approach is worth pursuing.

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Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998