The FPD is designed to be a sub-detector of DØ and will be well-integrated into the DØ trigger framework. Due to the relatively small number of channels (about 2000 compared to hundreds of thousands for other sub-detectors), this detector will have a negligible effect on the event size. It should be read out on every event since any standard type of physics process below mass threshold can be produced diffractively.
It will also be necessary to have a few dedicated triggers which demand tracks at the trigger level. Dedicated triggers will be required for
To minimize the bandwidth for these dedicated triggers, the
capability to cut on at Level 1 is essential (See Sec. 4.2.2).
This allows the
different triggers to only accept tracks in the kinematic range of
interest. In addition to the requirement of a p or
(and in some cases jets), the dedicated triggers
must include elements to reject multiple
interaction and halo backgrounds, which will be discussed in the
following section prior to the discussion of trigger rates and
data samples.
Although the bulk of data taking will be done during typical collider running conditions, it may be advantageous to take occasional low luminosity runs or special runs for systematic studies. It will be useful to map out the acceptance contours and a few dedicated runs are typically optimal for high cross section and alignment studies.