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Monitoring Backgrounds at DØ

It will be important to monitor the background rates at DØ to ensure that the pots do not have a significant effect on the standard DØ physics program. This should be possible without additional instrumentation. The rates in the trigger scintillator in the pots will give a good measurement of overall halo rates. The rates in the muon pixel counters will give a measurement of accelerator losses and can be measured before and after pot insertion. The inner ring of the 10 meter pixel counters, for example, should be quite sensitive to changes in accelerator background.

The Level Ø counters located in between the central and end cryostats and covering tex2html_wrap_inline4112 can give rate information on small angle background from the pots, since this background will sometimes interact with the beam pipe and give extra Level Ø hits. The SVX detector current, which will be closely monitored in any case, can also be used to verify that the losses from the pots have a small overall effect.

We will use the standard DØ alarm system to send a warning if any of these rates deviates from a nominal range; the pots can then be retracted if necessary.

Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998