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Acceptance Summary

Tracking studies show that with reasonable assumptions about Run II conditions, the Forward Proton Detector will have quite good acceptance for detecting scattered protons and anti-protons. The dipole spectrometer has excellent acceptance for anti-protons, especially at low |t| and high tex2html_wrap_inline2926. The addition of quadrupole spectrometers allows the tagging of protons, and thus double pomeron and elastic events, as well as generally improving the intermediate and high |t| acceptance. Our design with spectrometers in both the horizontal and vertical planes makes this acceptance very robust, and insulates us against accelerator uncertainties. Although the tex2html_wrap_inline2822 quadrupole pots have inferior total acceptance to the dipole pots, they improve the |t| coverage, are crucial for elastics and halo rejection, and will allow the calibration of the dipole spectrometer. The quadrupole total acceptance is quite stable for both protons and anti-protons with tex2html_wrap_inline2926 at the 1-2% level, with a tex2html_wrap_inline3608 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 and tex2html_wrap_inline3360 ranging from about 2.5 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 at low tex2html_wrap_inline2926 to 3.9 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 at high tex2html_wrap_inline2926. The dipole acceptance for tex2html_wrap_inline2822's increases sharply with tex2html_wrap_inline2926 from about 2% at low tex2html_wrap_inline2926 to near 100% at high tex2html_wrap_inline2926. The minimum dipole |t| varies from about 0.3 to 0 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 for tex2html_wrap_inline3962 (with acceptance to tex2html_wrap_inline3964 for tex2html_wrap_inline3410), while the maximum |t| ranges from 4.1 to 1.8 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030. A summary of the spectrometer acceptances are given in Table 4.

Table 4: Properties of dipole and quadrupole spectrometers.

Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998