Exhibition & Publicity

In the last edition of the Nano conference, 980 researchers from 20 countries were present. In 2008, more than 1000 participants are expected which will present posters and give oral talks, representing a great opportunity for advertising your company, products and services to the research community.

As many companies are being contacted by e-mail in this first contact, we are writing to ask if your company or university department have interest in advertising with us.

In three ways your presence in NANO 2008 will be guaranteed:

As the exposition room capacity is limited, we ask you to express your advertising intention by filling in the following form before February 10th. The first results will be used to dimension the exposition spaces and to analyse the company interests for other advertising media.

The deadline for submission of the form is February 25th, 2008. By the beginning of March the exact catalog and video advertising costs will be made available for the interested companies. Contracts and payment information will be sent as soon as confirmations are made.

We would like to thank you in advance for your attention and interest.

Please fill in the form below to complete the first step:

 Company name
 Marketing representative name
 Marketing representative email address
 City, State, Country
 Phone (Country/area code, phone number)
 Fax (Country/area code, fax number)

Our company would be interested in:

STAND(s) of 4 square meters. The expected costs will be around 1800,00 US$ per 4 square meter area unit without meals and hotel. Check if interested in information about aditional package including hotel and one meal per day.

Printed pages. Possible sizes and expected costs are:
A7 – an eigth of a page – expected costs 50 US$
A6 – quarter page – expected costs 100 US$
A5 – half page – expected costs 200 US$
A4 – full page – expected costs 400 US$

Looped video advertise on 5 plasma screens distributed in the exhibition/poster room. Expected cost of 250,00 USD per 30 sec video.

By pressing submit your company expresses interest in the advertising vehicles described above.