Pile-up, the background
due to the superposition of a low mass diffractive event with a hard
scattering event, is a more serious concern since this
combination can fake a hard diffractive signal.
Using the two-arm (p and ) single diffractive (SD) cross section
mb, we see that there will be an appreciable pile-up
background for the quadrupole spectrometers (the fake background for the
dipole spectrometer is relatively less important due to the acceptance being
weighted towards higher
where the fake background is negligible).
For example, from the
third column of Table 6 at 4E31 luminosity 21% of all events
(1-P(n=0)) will have at least one extra single diffractive event.
Fortunately, this background is dominated by very low mass diffraction
which could not produce jets and can easily be rejected at Level 1 by a
cut such as
, which will reduce the effective cross section
to about 2 mb [21]. Applying this cut reduces the overlap of
diffractive events with dijet events to a
few percent (5% at 4E31).
The aforementioned single interaction requirement will reduce this
background by about a factor of 10 based on Run I experience. Note
that virtually all single diffractive events with
) will give enough hits in the Level Ø
counters for this requirement to be effective. With these simple cuts
the fake background is reduced to about 0.5% of dijet events, which
is on the order of the expected 0.3-1% hard
diffractive dijet signal [11]. As shown in Sec. 5.4,
the Level 1 rates implied by this level of background are acceptable
after the proton acceptance is taken into account.
At Level 3 this background can be reduced to near zero as discussed below.
The hard double pomeron background, due to the pile-up of two opposite
side single diffractive events with a dijet event, is also manageable.
A tighter cut requiring that
would likely be used for double pomeron events.
Since only about
is available for jet production
this gives an
there will be no contribution to
jet cross sections from lower
values, but a large contribution
to the pile-up background.
The column in
Table 6 labelled P(
) shows the probability of
having two or more single diffractive events for a diffractive cross
section of 1 mb is 0.00027.
This gives a background more
than an order of magnitude greater than the expected
signal for hard double pomeron exchange, which is likely to be
a few millionths of the dijet cross section [11].
Although this absolute rate is already small and additional cuts
are not strictly necessary, we would still apply a
single interaction requirement to reduce the contamination
at Level 1 to the
same order as the signal.
The same arguments apply to
background from two soft single diffractive events plus a dijet event
or one hard single diffractive dijet event and one soft jet single diffractive
At Level 3 (or offline in the case of diffractive W bosons) there will be other tools available for identifying pile-up background which will be combined into a single interaction algorithm or tool:
Although lower luminosity is optimal for dedicated hard diffractive triggers, there is still an appreciable single interaction cross section at very high luminosity and there are many handles for rejecting pile-up background.