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Dipole Spectrometer Acceptance


The nominal tex2html_wrap_inline3382 values for dipole spectrometer pot locations are obtained by scaling the tex2html_wrap_inline3266 values from Table 1 and give an tex2html_wrap_inline3314 of 7.0 mm and 6.3 mm, for tex2html_wrap_inline3100 and tex2html_wrap_inline3102, respectively. An anti-proton is considered to be accepted by the dipole spectrometer if it passes through the active area of both detectors while remaining within the limiting aperture of the beam pipe throughout its entire trajectory. The acceptance is determined as a function of the initial conditions of the anti-proton (tex2html_wrap_inline2820, |t|, and tex2html_wrap_inline2926).

The geometric (tex2html_wrap_inline2820) acceptance of the dipole spectrometer is shown in bins of tex2html_wrap_inline2926 and |t| in Fig. 15. The size of the boxes are proportional to the geometric acceptance with the largest boxes representing 100% acceptance. The acceptance is especially good for 0<|t|<0.5 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 and high tex2html_wrap_inline2926 (tex2html_wrap_inline3410). At low |t| and tex2html_wrap_inline2926 the particle is not deflected enough to enter the pots, while at high |t| and tex2html_wrap_inline2926 the particle is deflected too much and scatters off the beam pipe.

Figure 15: The geometric acceptance in bins of tex2html_wrap_inline2926 and |t| for the dipole spectrometer with the detectors at the nominal tex2html_wrap_inline3382 displacements. The acceptance in each bin is proportional to the size of the box, with the largest box representing 100% acceptance.

We calculate the total acceptance (or cross section times acceptance, tex2html_wrap_inline3426) by integrating over the tex2html_wrap_inline2820 and |t| values accepted by the pots. We include the |t| dependence using the relation tex2html_wrap_inline3434, where tex2html_wrap_inline3436 from Ref. [21]. This expression is valid for single diffractive and most likely double pomeron events, but for elastic events tex2html_wrap_inline2956 [22]. The total acceptance is dominated by the |t| acceptance, since the cross section falls so steeply with |t|.

The solid line in Fig. 16 shows the total acceptance for diffractive events for tex2html_wrap_inline3382 pot positions. For comparison, the acceptance for pot positions of tex2html_wrap_inline3266 (dashed line) and tex2html_wrap_inline3448 (dotted line) are also shown. The acceptance increases rapidly with increasing tex2html_wrap_inline2926 for all pot displacements. Even for tex2html_wrap_inline3448 there is still acceptance at low tex2html_wrap_inline2926. The tex2html_wrap_inline3382 acceptance for several tex2html_wrap_inline2926 and tex2html_wrap_inline2930 values is summarized in Table 2. Although we are only focussing on the acceptance for tex2html_wrap_inline2968, the dipole spectrometer retains tex2html_wrap_inline3464 acceptance up to tex2html_wrap_inline3466.

Table 2: Integrated total acceptance (in percent) for anti-protons using a tex2html_wrap_inline3382 Roman pot displacement in the horizontal plane versus tex2html_wrap_inline2926 and tex2html_wrap_inline2930.

Figure 16: The total acceptance as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline2926 for the nominal tex2html_wrap_inline3382 pot displacements (solid line). The acceptance is integrated over |t| and tex2html_wrap_inline2820 and assumes a single diffractive |t| dependence as discussed in the text. For reference, the acceptance for tex2html_wrap_inline3266 (dashed line) and tex2html_wrap_inline3448 (dotted line) are also shown.

It was mentioned earlier that CDF had little acceptance for tex2html_wrap_inline2968. This was due to several factors [39]:

From our studies each extra millimeter corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline3524, thus the CDF detector location (about 13 mm from the beam), would give a tex2html_wrap_inline3526 and near full acceptance for tex2html_wrap_inline3528, which is consistent with their results (the Run I and Run II lattices are not identical and the beam energy is different).

The situation for the DØ dipole spectrometer will be much improved. The design we are considering for our pots, discussed in Sec. 4.1 should result in a dead area on the order of 100 tex2html_wrap_inline3530m, instead of a few millimeters. The separation of the beams is more advantageous at the DØ location, with the tex2html_wrap_inline2822\ beam located 0.3 mm closer to the pots than the proton beam [40]. We will be preparing for a long run and will have adequate time to study the halo rates in order to minimize the pot displacement. The long running period will allow us to obtain large data samples even if the acceptance were significantly less than 1%. We consequently expect to have acceptance to tex2html_wrap_inline2926 near zero, as shown in Fig. 16.

To better understand the acceptance, it is instructive to study Fig. 17, which shows the horizontal and vertical displacements at the tex2html_wrap_inline3100 and tex2html_wrap_inline3102 pot locations for scattered tex2html_wrap_inline2822's with tex2html_wrap_inline3542 (top plots) and tex2html_wrap_inline3528 (bottom plots). The ellipses are contours of constant |t| ranging from 0.5 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 for the inner-most ellipse to 2.0 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 for the outer-most ellipse. The ellipses are displaced in the negative x direction due to the bending into the Tevatron ring of particles with less than the beam momentum. Comparing the ellipses for tex2html_wrap_inline3528 and tex2html_wrap_inline3542 shows that this deflection is larger for higher tex2html_wrap_inline2926 (lower tex2html_wrap_inline2822 momentum) as expected. The dashed bracket (superimposed on tex2html_wrap_inline3102 locations) represents a detector at the proposed tex2html_wrap_inline3382 displacement. It clearly intercepts a large portion of the ellipses, including the critical low |t| values. A detector with a displacement of 13 mm shown by the dotted bracket on the tex2html_wrap_inline3100 plots will clearly have much worse acceptance.

Figure 17: The x and y displacements at the tex2html_wrap_inline3100 (left plots) and tex2html_wrap_inline3102 (right plots) pot locations are shown as contours of constant |t|, ranging from 0.5-2.0 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 (smaller |t| gives smaller displacement) for tex2html_wrap_inline3542 (top plots) and 0.05 (bottom plots). The dashed brackets show a pot displacement of 6.3 mm (10tex2html_wrap_inline3218), while the dotted brackets show a pot displacement of 13 mm (CDF Run I position).

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Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998