
The II BWMD will offer the opportunity to the attendees to experience a number of scientific and social events during the Workshop. The social events are:

Welcome Reception

II BWMD welcomes you to the workshop by offering networking possibilities while enjoying your drink. Seize the opportunity to meet and greet all workshop attendees by participating at the Welcome Reception. It is an ideal chance to get to know the attendees in an informal setting and exchange ideas and opinions about the workshop aims and scope. The Welcome Reception Event is for all attendees and their accompanying persons. 

Workshop Dinner

II BWMD is delighted to offer to all attendees, their accompanying persons and speakers a dinner event. You will experience the delicious Potiguar cuisine while drink the traditional Brazilian Caipirinha. Due to the restricted financial support, the Workshop Dinner is not included in the Workshop package. Please, contact the Workshop Secretariat during the event to obtain further information on the Workshop Dinner.

Coffee Breaks 

II BWMD offers opportunities to all attendees and speakers to network in a relaxed environment. Take advantage of these events that will take place during the workshop and interact with researchers from distinct parts of the globe. Coffee breaks are included at no additional cost in the workshop package price and will be held once per day on preset hours, mentioned on the workshop program.


II BWMD offers the opportunity to all attendees and speakers to discover the beauties of Natal. If you wish to get a larger view of the city, its natural beauty and sandy beaches, an excursion is a must do thing before or after the workshop. The bookings for this tours will be available on Workshop at the registration area or at the Hotel reception.

You can always obtain further information by contacting the Workshop Secretariat at