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Contact: magdin@cbpf.br |
About the Workshop The I Brazilian Workshop on Magnetization Dynamics aims to put together the Brazilian community of scientists working on Magnetization Process and Magnetization Dynamics, as well as invited renowned foreign specialists in the field. The workshop is expected to cover the following categories: Magnetization Dynamics and Magnetization Process in Nanostructures
Invited Speakers
Claus M. Schneider - Inst. für Festkörperforschung Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany - Confirmed
Douglas L. Mills - University of California at Irvine USA - Confirmed
Grégoire de Loubens - CEA Saclay, France - Confirmed
Tolek Tyliszczak - Advanced Light Source/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Confirmed
Vassil Skumryev - UAB, Barcelona, Spain - Confirmed
Antônio Azevedo da Costa - UFPE - Confirmed Alexandre Da Cas Viegas - UFSC - Confirmed João Paulo Sinnecker - CBPF - Confirmed Felipe Bohn - UFRN - Confirmed Julian Geshev - UFRGS - Confirmed Luiz Sampaio - CBPF - Confirmed Marcos André Carara - UFSM - Confirmed Márcio Assolin Corrêa - UFRN - Confirmed Sérgio L. A. de Queiroz - UFRJ - Confirmed Organizing Committee Venue Sponsors