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Running with 132 ns Bunch Spacing

For the studies presented above, we have been considering 36 bunch (396 ns) running. At some point during Run II, we expect to switch to 132 ns running (see Sec 3.3.3). The FPD will be able to run effectively in this mode. We will be using standard DØ data structures which were designed to handle 132 ns. The time for a Level 1 decision will not be changed. The multiple interaction profile should be quite similar to the 396 ns mode, since at a given luminosity there are three times fewer interactions at 132 ns, but this improvement is offset by the increased luminosity. As shown in Sec 3.3.3, the overall acceptance is comparable (within a factor of two). The early time rejection of halo might not be as effective as in the 36 bunch scenario, but the amount of halo per bunch will be reduced, and halo can easily be expunged by a slight increase in the tex2html_wrap_inline2926 cut.

Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998