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Dipole Spectrometer

  Figure 8 shows the proposed location of the Roman pots that will comprise the Forward Proton Detector, where A refers to the outgoing anti-proton side, P the outgoing proton side, Q represents the low beta quadrupole magnets, D the dipole magnets, and S the electrostatic separators. The dipole spectrometer consists of two Roman pot detectors (tex2html_wrap_inline3100 and tex2html_wrap_inline3102) located after the bending dipoles about 57 meters downstream of the interaction point on the outgoing tex2html_wrap_inline2822 arm. The other Roman pots in the figure are components of the quadrupole spectrometers discussed in the next section. The dipole spectrometer pots are located inside the Tevatron ring in the horizontal plane to detect scattered anti-protons that have lost a few percent of the original beam momentum. These are the equivalent positions of the CDF pots (E-876) [35] which were added at the end of Run I. There are no known obstacles to implementing this portion of the FPD as the optics are roughly the same at CDF and DØ, and there is space available at the equivalent location near DØ. It is not possible to instrument the outgoing proton side with a dipole spectrometer without major modifications to the accelerator (not being considered).

Figure 8: Placement of Roman pot detectors near the DØ interaction region. The horizontal scale shows the distance from the interaction point in meters. Each of the independent momentum spectrometers consists of two Roman pots (represented by black rectangles) in combination with the machine magnets as described in the text.

Some of the physics topics mentioned in Sec. 2.2 are accessible to the dipole spectrometer, which for CDF had almost full acceptance for anti-protons with |t|<3 GeVtex2html_wrap_inline3030 and tex2html_wrap_inline3110 [12]. These include studies of diffractive jet production, diffractive W boson production, and pomeron structure. CDF has preliminary results using their new (anti-)proton detector and sees events consistent with diffractive jet production, although there are background uncertainties due to their limited tex2html_wrap_inline2926 acceptance [12]. They also have a few diffractive W boson candidate events with a track in their detector.

A single dipole spectrometer with acceptance characteristics similar to that of the Run I CDF spectrometer has two principal limitations: hard double pomeron exchange cannot be studied using p and tex2html_wrap_inline2822\ tags since only the tex2html_wrap_inline2822 arm is instrumented, and the acceptance is restricted to a relatively large tex2html_wrap_inline2926 region where the backgrounds from other processes are large and hard to understand.

To remove these limitations, the FPD discussed in this document is optimized to improve the acceptance and also includes quadrupole spectrometers.

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Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998