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The dramatically expanding field of hard diffraction
has been driven by experimental results
and experiment should continue to lead theory. More precise
results are needed to improve the understanding
of the nature and structure of the pomeron and distinguish between
different theoretical models.
There is a rich, timely program of physics that can be accessed
with the addition of the FPD to the DØ detector.
This includes
Studies of pomeron structure using diffractive jet production,
including the dependence on
and |t|.
Search for diffractive production of heavy objects and
combining different hard diffractive channels to determine the
quark and gluon content of the pomeron.
Search for the super-hard pomeron.
Studies of double pomeron exchange.
Search for ``new physics'' such as glueballs, centauros, and Higgs bosons.
Determination of pomeron universality in conjunction with HERA results.
The understanding of strong interactions is incomplete without
inclusion of soft and hard diffractive processes.
The Tevatron is the ideal collider to study this physics
due to the large center-of-mass energy available, and
the addition of the FPD will greatly augment the physics possibilities of
the DØ detector.
Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998