
An old picture with students.
From left to right:
Raphael Maia (MSc, PhD), R.O.V, Rômulo Abreu (PhD), Maria Moura (SI), Fernando Nicacio (Msc, PhD)

Ongoing Thesis Projects

Thiago Carneiro (MSc)
Witnesses for classicality and null quantum discord

Recently Finished Thesis

Lucianno Augusto (MSc, 2014)
Appearance of Negative Specific Heat in Oscillators Model

Leonardo Cirto
(MSc, 2010)
Lyapunov exponent of a Lennard-Jones gas

Fernando Nicacio (PhD, 2009)
Semiclassical decoherence

Rômulo F Abreu (PhD, 2007)
Entanglement generation with quantum maps

Raphael NP Maia (PhD, 2007)
Wavepacket dynamics in the nearby orbit approximation

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Last updated: 25/08/14