Quantum Chaos Group


The origin of the Quantum Chaos Group in CBPF can be traced to the arrival of Alfredo M. Ozorio de Almeida from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in 1994.
In 1995 Raúl O. Vallejos came as a postdoc, after working for his PhD thesis with Marcos Saraceno (Quantum Chaos Group, CNEA, Buenos Aires), who remains an active collaborator of our Group.
The tie with CNEA has involved the exchange of students and postdocs as well as several publications.

Subsequently, R. O. Vallejos worked with Caio H. Lewenkopf (at the Fluminense Federal University, UFF, Niteroi) who was a major collaborator with our group, having participated in our PRONEX project up to May 2004.
In 2001 R. Vallejos obtained a tenured position in CBPF and presently he supervises a new batch of graduate students.

The Group presently counts Fabricio Toscano, who did his thesis work with us but is now at the Federal University (UFRJ), and is a frequent local collaborator.
As well as the intense academic ties with the group of Marcos Saraceno in CNEA and with Marcus M. de Aguiar in UNICAMP, a new interaction is now in progress with the group led by Jan-Michael Rost in the Max Planck Institute in Dresden.
Further long standing exchanges are continued with Bristol University (M. V. Berry, J. P. Keating and M. Sieber), University of Tours (O. Brodier) and the University of Paris-Orsay (E. Bogomolny, P. Leboeuf).

As from 2001, the Group has participated intensely in the activities of The Millennium Institute of Quantum Information (Brazil).
The increasing emphasis on the study of quantum entanglement and decoherence, as well as the possibilities of direct local collaboration with the Nuclear Resonance Group in CBPF, led to the recent formation of the Quantum Information Group in CBPF.


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