1. Rationale
  2. Topics
  3. Venue
  4. Registration
  5. Program
  6. Participants
  7. Organizing Committee
  8. Organization and support

First Rio Dark Matter Meeting

March 20-22, 2023


The nature of Dark Matter has been one of the major scientific issues for decades. Although a vast amount of astrophysical evidence points at its existence, so far a hypothetical Dark Matter particle has eluded its detection. In recent years the field of Dark Matter research has dramatically broadened its scope from the cosmological and astrophysical realms to encompass a myriad of dedicated experiments, also connecting to particle astrophysics, accelerator physics and the development of new detection techniques. The many possibilites of Dark Matter physics, including alternatives to its existence, have fueled an intense activity in theoretical models and phenomenology. Perhaps the only certainty we have until now about Dark Matter is that is has become an imminently interdisciplinary field, involving large sectors of theoretical and experimental physics, astronomy and cosmology, and instrumentation and data analysis.

The Rio de Janeiro state hosts a significant number of universities and research institutions, which carry out research potentially connected to Dark Matter, and indeed, this field of research has been emerging in the region. However, due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field and the diversity of the institutions, that has been very little interaction among the scientists interested in this field. This has motivated the organization of a workshop where students and researchers in the region interested in Dark Matter could have an overview of the research currently being carried out in this field, discuss potential collaborations, and plan new avenues for research. To that end, we have invited researchers from Rio de Janeiro and abroad to deliver short talks on their field and talk about their current research.

The meeting was initially planned as a small workshop with in person attendance, thus naturally restricted to participants from the Rio de Janeiro area and a few invited participants from other regions. However, the first edition was abruptly canceled due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the lessons learned during that period is how to hold hybrid meetings, which enables a broader participation. Therefore, we are holding the First Rio Dark Matter Meeting with in person and remote participation.

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Participation is open to students and researchers worldwide, which can also propose contributed talks. Registration is required to receive the zoom link and to attend in person.

The recorded talks are available on CBPF’s YouTube channel see the programa here


  • Astrophysical probes of Dark Matter
  • Dark Matter experiments
  • Indirect Dark Matter detection
  • Accelerator experiments
  • Detection techniques
  • Dark Matter models
  • Alternatives to Dark Matter
  • Beyond Standard Model Physics


Brazilian Center for Physics Research - CBPF
Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 - UrcaRio de Janeiro - RJ - BrasilCEP: 22290-180

and Zoom (the zoom link will be sent to the registered participants)

The meeting will also be broadcasted though CBPF’s YouTube channel

Registration deadline

March 13, 2023


foto de ciencia

The registration is free and open to participants worldwide, limited by our zoom availability. If needed be, priority will be given to participants from Latin America.

Applications for contributed talks from all participants are welcome. However, given the motivation to foster the collaboration and awareness of research conducted in the Rio de Janeiro state, priority of presentations will be given to in-person participants and presentations from scientists connected to Rio de Janeiro.

Applications for contributed talks from all participants are welcome. However, given the motivation to foster the collaboration and awareness of research conducted in the Rio de Janeiro state, priority of presentations will be given to in person participants and presentations from scientists connected to Rio de Janeiro

Also, to promote a more direct connection among the participants, we request those from the city of Rio de Janeiro and surroundings to attend at least one of the sessions in person (exceptions will be considered).

Please fill the registration form here by March 15


Participantes Afiliação
Agripino Segundo de Sousa NetoObservtório Nacional - ON
Álvaro Luis Martins de Almeida NogueiraCEFET/RJ
Álvaro Santos de JesusUFRN/IIP
Amanda Evelyn de Araujo CarvalhoObservatório Valongo-UFRJ
Ana Caroline Chagas de AlmeidaInstituto Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz/RJ
Ana Clara Magalhães BarcelosUfmg
Ana Kelly Alves de OliveiraAinda não pertenço
Andre NepomucenoUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Anibal VarelaICAS-instituto Sabato-UNSAM
Antonio Paulo Fada MaiaUERJ.
Arianna CortesiObservatório do Valongo
Arman Esmaili TaklimiPUC-Rio
Arthur Câmara MesquitaCBPF
Arthur Ferreira VieiraUniversidade Federal Fluminense/University of Southern Denmark
Artur de Santiago CamolezeInstituto de Física - Universidade de São Paulo
Barbara Nicole RosaUniversidade Estadual de Londrina
Beatriz Sayuri Duval HashimotoIFUSP, São Paulo
Bernardo FragaCBPF
Bernhard MeiroseLund University + Stockholm University
Binha Ferraz DaumaUniversidade Estadual Norte Fluminense | Centro Universitário Internacional
Bruno Carvalho da SilvaUniversidade Federal de Catalao - UFCAT
Bruno Henrique da SilvaUSP
Carlos R. ArgüellesIALP-UNLP&CONICET
Carlos Roberto de Melo CarneiroUFRGS
Cássia da Silva NascimentoUFRJ
Clarissa Martins SiqueiraIFSC/USP
Cristina FurlanettoUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Cristine Nunes FerreiraInstituto Federal Fluminense
Danillo Valentino de OliveiraUFRJ
Davi Cabral RodriguesUFES
David Rosa JuniorUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Debora Nascimento MateusUERJ-ZO
Diana López NacirDF-UBA
Dinorah Barbosa da Fonseca TeixeiraObservatório Nacional
Eddy Ariel Ramirez TrinoUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Eduardo CyprianoIAG/USP
Eduardo da Costa ValadãoCBPF
Elvis Brito RodriguesUFRJ
Fabrício Ladislau SantanaEstudante
Farinaldo da Silva QueirozInternational Institute of Physics, UFRN
Felipe Augusto da Silva BarbosaUFES
Felipe Bezerra DamascenoUniversidade Federal da Bahia
Felipe Pereira de CastroUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Felipe Sobrero Sorage MarquesCBPF
Fernanda Clara Monteiro HermesUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Fernanda Lima MatosIFUSP
Fernando MarroquimUniversidade Federal de Sao Joao del Rei
Gabriel da Silva Moreira TeixeiraCBPF
Gabriel da Silva RodriguesObservatório Nacional
Gabriel Lopes GarciaUFJF
Gabriela Rufino TravassosUFRJ - OV
Giulya Souza dos SantosUniversidade de São Paulo
Graziele Baltar Ferreira AntonioITA
Grecia Alejandra Gomez Iriartecbpf
Greique Ademir ValkFederal University of Santa Maria
Guilherme Vieira Donato TeixeiraUFRJ
Gustavo Adolfo Melgarejo CedeñoUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Gustavo Gil da SilveiraUFRGS & UERJ
Gustavo Henrique da SilvaUfmg
Gustavo Lourenço Lopes Weiterschan LevyCBPF
Gustavo Souza de CastroUFRJ
Herman Pessoa Lima JúniorCBPF
Ícaro Roberto Gonçalves PintoUsama
Idaiane Leandra MachadoUfes
Igor de Oliveira Cardoso PedreiraUniversidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
Isabel Bonomo Pederneiras BarbosaIAG/USP
Isabel Yokoyama Amaral de FariaUniversidade Federal de Lavras
Isabella Lima Leite de FreitasMinerva University
Jaiane da Silva SantosObservatório Nacional
João Carlos Adriano BatistaIFSP
João Delvaux MagalhãesUniversidade Federal Fluminense
João Paulo Correia de FrançaCBPF
João Pedro da Cruz Bravo FerreiraUFRJ
João Vitor Motta MunizUERJ
Jônathas Samuel Tavares de SouzaUniversidade Federal Fluminense
José Nilson da SilvaUnifap
José Pereira da Silva NetoUFPE
Juan Dennis Tejeira HuacaniUniversidad Mayor de San Andrés
Juliene Vargens FerreiraUFRJ
Karín Menéndez-DelmestreObservatório do Valongo, UFRJ
Késia de Oliveira BarbosaUFRJ
Larayane de Oliveira Moreira SantosUniversidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
Lauziene Nazareth BarbozaUFF
Lavínia de Oliveira Pereira BarbosaUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Laylson Alves VieiraSecretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará-SEDUC
Leonardo da Silva PeresUFRJ
Lia DoubrawaIAG/USP
Lisandra Souza da Costa dos SantosUniversidade Federal Do Rio De Janeiro
Lucas Antonio XavierUniversidade estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro
Lucas Corrêa de SouzaUniversidade Federal Fluminense
Lucas Haiashi LimaCBPF
Lucas Ribeiro da SilvaObservatório do Valongo
Lucas Ribeiro da SilvaIFF
Luiz Carlos CyricoCbpf
Luiz Filipe GuimarãesUFES
Luiza Mayara Santos MirandaCBPF
Manoel Vicente de Souza FilhoUFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense
Marcelo Granzotto Campoaffiliationless
Marcio de Sousa Mateus JuniorUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Marco GrossiObservatório do Valongo, UFRJ
Marcos Henrique Novaes PereiraUFES
Maria Aline Barros do ValeUniversidade Federal de São João del Rei
Maria Clemencia Rosario Mora HerreraUERJ / DFNAE
Maria Gabriela Ferreira Siqueira Amaral GomesUniversidade Estadual da Paraíba
Mário de Oliveira FerreiraCBPF
Martim Lourenço de Oliveira VieiraUFF
Mateus Felipe Araújo MedeirosUERN
Matheus Filipe Santos AlvesUFES
Matheus Gomes PachecoUFF
Matheus Rodrigues XavierUniversidade Federal do Sergipe
Matheus Weber CyricoUFRJ
Maurício Marques Soares FilhoCBPF
Mayara Hilgert PachecoInstituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
Michelly Silva AndradeUFJF
Miguel QuartinUFRJ
Mikael Jakson Silva GomesEstudante de pós-graduação
Mirian Reetz da SilvaUFES
Mônica Gonçalves Rocha RicardoEstudante
Murilo Santana RangelUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Natanael Gomes de OliveiraValongo Observatory, UFRJ
Nelson PadillaInstituto de Astronomia Teórica y Experimental (IATE - CONICET/UNC)
Ozgen Tunc TurkerUFES
Pablo Augusto Ferreira da LuzIFF
Patricia Rebello TelesCBPF
Patricio ColazoIate
Patrick Belmont Oliveira de MenezesUERJ/ON
Pedro Alípio Barreto BatistaUFRJ - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Pedro Feitoza de Araújo CaldasUFF
Pedro Zilves Maio VenturaIF-UFRJ
Phelipe antonie darc de matosCBPF
Prajwal Hassan PuttasiddappaUFES
Rafael Antunes NóbregaUFJF
Raimundo José Ferreira FIlhoObservatório do Valongo
Ramon de Sá PereiraUFF
Raphael Gomes de SouzaUERJ/CERN
Raquel Carvalho PimentelCamtuc – UFPA
Rayff Aby Faraj de SouzaObservatório Nacional
Rian Ferreira CavalcanteUniversidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN
Rodrigo von MarttensUniversidade Federal da Bahia
Rogerio Ferreira EmygdioECEME
Samara Cristina Santos de OliveiraUniversidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Sergio Lucas Torres MesquitaUFRJ
Susana PedrosaIAFE - Conicet/UBA
Thaís da Silva GueriniUERJ
Thais Lemos Porciuncula AlvesObservatorio Nacional
Thales da Silva DomingosFederal Fluminense University
Thiago do Carmo RamosIFRJ
Thiago S GoncalvesObservatório do Valongo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Thiago Souza do NascimentoIFRJ - Campus Nilópolis
Tiago Henrique Barbosa AlvesUFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Ulisses Barres de AlmeidaCentro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF)
Vanessa do Nascimento XavierCBPF
Vicente Vecce Lessa Navega DiasInstituto Federal Fluminense
Vitor Souza RamosCBPF
Vitória Maria Martins PitangaUFF
Vitória Maria Martins PitangaUFF
Viviane Angélico Pereira AlfradiqueCBPF
Widervan MoraisCBPF
Widervan MoraisCBPF
Yasmin Cristina Motta FernandesIFRJ - UNICSUL

The list will be available on March 14

Organizing Committee

Local Organizing Committee: Martín Makler (UNSAM/ CBPF - chair), Clécio De Bom (CBPF), Arthur Câmara Mesquita (CBPF), João Paulo França (CBPF)

Organization and support

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Figure credits: CONNIE; Kamiokande; HST; SNO; Zenon; G. Bertone & T. Tait (arXiv:1810.01668); meeting logo adapted from Villanueva-Domingo, Mena & Palomares-Ruiz, 2021.