Rio de Janeiro will host a Satellite Conference to ICM 2000 on "Nuclear Methods in Magnetism" in the week preceding ICM in Recife. This meeting will continue the tradition of the previous conferences in Munich (1988) and Canberra (1997). 

The purpose of the Satellite Conference is to stimulate the exchanges between specialists from different parts of the world, in the context of a smaller meeting. The contributions to the conference will include studies of Magnetism using NMR, muSR, Nuclear Orientation, Angular Correlations, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, ENDOR, Neutron Studies, and related techniques. Theoretical results related to hyperfine interactions will also be welcome. 

The social program will allow the participants to get acquainted with the wonders of Rio de Janeiro. 

Local Committee:
A.P. Guimarães (Chairman) 
Diana Guenzburger
E. Baggio-Saitovitch
I.S. Oliveira and R.B. Scorzelli (Secretaries)
P.H. Domingues 

Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas
R. Xavier Sigaud 150
22290-180 Rio de Janeiro - RJ


Rio de Janeiro - the name of the state, the name of its capital, world-famous, and main point of entry into Brazil.

The city lies nestled between the sea and the mountains. And what a sea! What mountains! One of nature's masterpieces. 

There are some thirty miles between downtown Flamengo and far-flung Recreio, fringed on one side with blue sea, bordered on the other by green hills. 

Between them lies a colorful state of mind called 'carioca', with 8 million locals who samba their way through life, relaxed and high-spirited. 

That's just the way it should be in Rio, surrounded by natural beauty on all sides, with Christ the Redeemer perched on top of the Corcovado blessing the city, and the Sugar Loaf, one of the most famous postcards of the country. 

This natural beauty spreads throughout the State of Rio de Janeiro. To the south lies the Green Coast, with innumerable beaches that shouldn't be missed such as the Island of Jaguanum, Angra dos Reis, and Paraty. Moving north from Rio is the Sun Coast. Here we find the beautiful beaches of Itaipu, Maricá, Saquarema, Araruama, Cabo Frio, Búzios, Arraial do Cabo and a host of others. 

The state of Rio also offers delightful mountain resorts like Petrópolis, Teresópolis and Friburgo.

(From the homepage of the Brazilian Tourist Office Embratur

For tourist information on Rio visit the homepage of the official City tourist office Riotur.


Second Announcement for the Conference on Nuclear Methods in Magnetism 2000

Satellite Conference to the International Conference on Magnetism ICM2000, 
August 6 - 11, 2000 
Recife, Brazil

2000 - BRAZIL 500 YEARS


We look forward to your active participation in the Nuclear Methods in Magnetism Conference. We are working to provide the participants with a Conference that will be both scientifically stimulating and personally pleasing. NMM2000 will be a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with workers from all over the world engaged on the study, with nuclear techniques, of a wide range of problems in magnetism. This meeting will continue the tradition of the previous conferences in Munich (1988) and Canberra (1997).

* Conference Venue
The NMM2000 Conference will be held at the Rio Othon Palace Hotel in the district of Copacabana, at the famous beach, in the southern part of Rio de Janeiro.

Rio Othon Palace Hotel
Av. Atlântica, 3264 - Copacabana
Cep: 22070-001 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Phone: +55 21 522-1522 / Fax:: +55 21522-1697

* Topics

Contributions in the following topics are expected:
1. Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy to Magnetism
2. NMR Studies of Magnetic Materials
3. ENDOR Studies of Magnetism
4. Angular Correlation Studies
5. Nuclear Orientation Studies
6. Theory and Computation of Hyperfine Fields
7. Muon Spectroscopy
8. Neutron Studies
9. Studies with Other Related Techniques


H. Akai (Osaka)
S.J. Blundell (Oxford)
S. Frota-Pessoa (São Paulo)
C. Kapusta (Cracow)
J. Meersschaut (Louvain)
E. Morenzoni (Villigen)
J. P. Sanchez (Grenoble)
A. Troper (Rio de Janeiro)
B. Turrell (Vancouver)

* Working language

The working language of the Conference is English. The Conference will have plenary sessions devoted to invited lectures and to short contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions.

*International Scientific Advisory Committee

J.I. Budnick, Storrs, USA
D. Chaplin, Canberra, Australia
H. Figiel, Cracow, Poland
M. Forker, Bonn, Germany
G.M. Kalvius, Garching, Germany
S. Mörup, Lyngby, Denmark
K. Nagamine, Tsukuba, Japan
P. Panissod, Strasbourg, France
P.C.Riedi, St. Andrews, UK
F.H. Sanchez, La Plata, Argentina
N.J. Stone, Oxford, UK

*Local Organizing Committee

A.P. Guimarães, Chairman
I.S. Oliveira and R.B. Scorzelli, Committee Secretaries
E. Baggio-Saitovitch
P.H. Domingues
D. Guenzburger


Deadline for submission is March, 1st. Abstracts may be submitted by participants for oral or poster presentation.

Transmission of the abstract file by e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word 97 format is required. Give as the subject of the e-mail message "NMM2000". All the abstracts should be sent to: Contributions by fax will not be accepted.

The deadline for the manuscripts of the full papers is June, 1st. Detailed information on paper format will be posted to authors after abstract acceptance.


The whole text must fit within a square 150mm wide and 150mm high. The left and top margins must measure 25mm.

Font Times New Roman, bold, 12pts. centered.

Typed in capital letters except for symbols which definitely require lower case letters.

Leave a blank line between the title and the list of authors.

Font Times New Roman, 12 pts. justified.
The name of the authors should be bold and that of the presenting author should be underlined. Initials should be before the author's name, followed by the affiliation. Leave a blank line between the list of authors and text.
Font Times New Roman, 12 pts. justified.
Single line spacing.
Do not include figures.  

Please specify your preference for oral or poster presentation on the right hand side of the paper below the abstract, followed by the name of the authors, complete address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address for corresponding author. Your abstract must convey the substance, significance and originality of your research and should state clearly the new results and the major conclusions.

Accepted papers will be published in the NMM2000 Proceedings early in 2001 in Hyperfine Interactions.

  * Registration

A registration form (FORM A) is attached to this announcement. It must be returned to CONGREX DO BRASIL, indicating the form of payment. Registration fee for regular registrants and Students include: access to all Conference sessions, coffee-break refreshments, conference material, welcome cocktail, social event with typical Brazilian Music and proceedings (except for students).

Registration Fee
(in US$)

Early Registration Fee

Until May 31st, 2000

Late Registration Fee

From Jun 1st, 2000 up to the Conference

Regular registrants






All payments should be made in U.S. dollars in the form of bank draft made out to Associação Brasileira de Pesquisas Físicas or through the following credit cards: MasterCard, VISA, Diners and American Express.

On site payments may also be made by cash or credit cards.

Upon receiving Form A, a Confirmation Letter will be issued. If payment is enclosed, a receipt will be annexed.

1. Personal checks are not accepted.
2. A surcharge of approximately 5% will be added for payment by all credit cards.
3. All payments must be received excluding bank charges.
4. Credit cards: charges will be made in Brazilian currency at the prevailing exchange rate. When charged to your account, minor rate fluctuations may result in variations in the value in the original currency.

Cancellation and Reimbursement
For refunds of the registration fee before May 31st, 2000 there will be an administration charge of 20%. It is regretted that after this date no refunds can be made. For refunds, written notification will be necessary, and should include information on your bank account number, as well as the branch and address of your bank. Refunds will be made up to 45 days AFTER the Conference.

* Accommodation

Hotel accommodation will be offered in Hotels in Copacabana. A special fare will be available to the participants.

The accommodation arrangements have to be made directly with the hotels giving as reference NMM2000 Conference.

The Accommodation Form (Form B) should also be sent to Rio Othon Palace Hotel with the one night hotel deposit included.

¶¶¶¶¶        Rio Othon Palace Hotel

q Single Room U$$ 90.00 + 15% taxes per night

q Double Room U$$ 99.00 + 15% taxes per night

U$$ 2.00 per day, per room as Tourism Tax to be added

q Buffet Breakfast U$ 10.00 + 10% tax

¶¶¶¶     California Othon Hotel

q Single Room U$$ 58.00 + 15% taxes per night

q Double Room U$$ 64.00 + 15% taxes per night

U$$ 1.00 per day, per room as Tourism Tax to be added

q Buffet Breakfast U$$ 4.00 + 10% tax

¶¶¶     Savoy Othon Travel

q Single Room U$$ 40.00 + 15% taxes per night

q Double Room U$$ 44.00 + 15% taxes per night

U$$ 1.00 per day, per room as Tourism Tax to be added

q Buffet Breakfast U$$ 4.00 + 10% service tax

Reservation Office
Rio Othon Palace Hotel
Av. Atlântica, 3264 - Copacabana
Cep: 22070-001 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Phone: +55 21 522-1522 / Fax:: +55 21 522-1697
Web page:
(For safety reasons, we advise that in the correspondence with the hotel, the number of the credit cards be sent by fax)

* Transportation

Rio de Janeiro is served by most major airlines. The participants coming to the main event in Recife (ICM) should inquire at their local travel agent about the possibilities of stopping in Rio on their way.

Transportation from the airport to the Conference hotel can be made either by bus or by taxi. If a taxi is preferred, we recommend the radio-taxi service that charges about US$ 20; the fare should be paid in advance at the counter of one of the companies: TRANSCOOPASS or COOPERTRAMO. The taxi ride takes about half-an-hour from the airport to the hotel. The bus fare is approximately US$ 2. This is a special air-conditioned bus (Real Company), and it takes about one hour from the airport to the hotel.

* Deadlines

Receipt of abstracts (automatic confirmation) March 1st, 2000
Notification of acceptance May 1st, 2000
Manuscripts June 1st, 2000

* General Information

Passport and visa requirements
Most participants will need only a valid passport. However, a tourist visa may be required from citizens of some countries. In this case, visas can be obtained from the Brazilian Consulate or Embassy in your country within a few days.

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Most people connected with tourism, hotels, clubs, shops and ground handling services speak at least another language. English and Spanish are the most common second languages. At the Conference, the official language will be English.

Seasons in Brazil are the opposite of those in the Northern Hemisphere: winter is from June through September and summer November through March. Warm tropical weather extends north from Rio throughout most of the year. South of São Paulo and other cities of the South, the climate is temperate with warm summers and cold winters.

The electricity supply is 110 V and uses a standard U.S. 2 flat-pin plug. 220 V adapters can be obtained at the hotel.

The Brazilian monetary unit is the "Real" (R$). The exchanges rates are published daily in the newspapers, and the equivalence in US dollars is around 1.9 R$ = 1 US$. Cash and travelers checks are easily exchanged with hotel cashiers, banks and travel agencies. Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept international credit cards; foreign currency may also be accepted.

Business Hours
Shops and most offices are open 9:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Friday, and from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday. Banks are open Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Most shopping centers and malls remain open from 10:00am to 10:00pm, Monday to Saturday. Many pharmacies and small grocery stores are open on Sunday.

Participants are advised to have their own comprehensive travel insurance coverage and to extend it to their personal belongings.

The organizers cannot be held responsible for any changes in the program due to circumstances beyond their control.

* Condensed Program

Tuesday, August 1
16:00 - 19:00 REGISTRATION (First floor)

19:00 - 21:00 

WELCOME PARTY (Pátio Tropical – 3rd floor)

  Wednesday, August 2 Thursday, August 3 Friday, August 4

08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:15 MOS-01 PAC-01 PAC-04
10:15 - 10:30 MOS-02 PAC-02 THE-01
10:30 - 10:45 MOS-03 PAC-03 THE-02
11:15 - 11:30 MOS-04 NMR-06 NOR-01
11:30 - 11:45 NMR-01 NMR-07 MUO-01
11:45 - 12:00 NMR-02 NMR-08 MUO-02
12:00 - 12:15 NMR-03 MOS-05 MUO-03
12:15 - 12:30 NMR-04 MOS-06 PAC-05
12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH
14:00 - 14:15 NMR-05 VISIT
14:15 - 14:45 INV-03 / S. FROTA-PESSÔA INV-09 / S.J. BLUNDELL
14:45 - 15:15 INV-04 / J.P. SANCHEZ INV-10 / W.D. BREWER
15:15 - 15:45     CLOSING SESSION
15:15 - 19:00



MOS Mössbauer Spectroscopy
MUO Muon Spin Resonance
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NOR Nuclear Orientation
PAC Perturbed Angular Correlation
THE Theory

Click here to download the Complete Program.

* Correspondence and Inquiries

Registration, Abstracts, Program Details:

Conference Secretariat:
CONGREX do Brasil
Av. Presidente Wilson, 164 - 9th floor
Cep: 20030-020 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Phone: +55 21 509-4080 / Fax: +55 21 509-1492