IUPAP Young Scientist Awards 2013 (2 Medals)

The IUPAP Young Scientist Awards have been established in 2006 by IUPAP for recognition of research by young scientists with a maximum of 8 years research experience following a PhD (excluding career interruptions). Any scientist working in a field of interest for the IUPAP C4 Commission is eligible for these awards. The selection will be made by a subcommittee of the IUPAP C4 Commission. Two awards, each consisting of a certificate, a medal and a cheque for Euro 1000, will be presented at the 33rd ICRC at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2013.

Nominations supporting the case, including the nominee's curriculum vitae and publication list of the important publications, should be submitted to Johannes Knapp, Chair of the Cosmic Ray Commission (C4). The sponsor may also wish to ask two co-sponsors to send supporting letters. Nominations should be sent to the following address:

Dr. Johannes Knapp
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
E-mail: j.knapp@leeds.ac.uk

Nomination deadline: 28 February 2013

Self nominations will not be considered.