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- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Hadroproduction at Fermilab E769 -
XXIII Rencontre de Moriond, Current Issues in Hadron Physics, Ed.
J. Tran Thanh Van (1988) 451
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm and Charm Strange states at Fermilab E769 -
XXIV Rencontre de Moriond, Heavy Flavors, Ed.
J. Tran Thanh Van (1989) 375
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Photoproduction Results from Fermilab E691 and Prospects for
Hadroproduction in E769 -
Nuclear Physics 7B(proc. suppl.) (1989) 60
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), E769 Hadronic Production of Charm - Physics in Canada
, 45 (1989) 105
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm at Fermilab E769 -
XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Eds.World Scientific
(1990) Vol.2, 1432
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), A Dependence of Charm Hadroproduction Cross Section,
XI Encontro Nacional de Partículas e Campos, Ed. SBF (1990) 185
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm at Fermilab E769 -
XX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Ed.Gut Holmecke
(1990) 179
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Recent Results from Fermilab E769 - XXV Rencontre de Moriond,
Physics - Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van (1990) 507
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Production in 250 GeV Hadron-Nucleon Interactions -
Proceedings of The Division of Particles and Fields Meeting of the
American Physical Society - (1991) 690
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x Dependence of
Production in
-nucleon Interactions - III Topical Seminar on Heavy Flavors -
Nuclear Physics B Proc. Suppl. 27 (1992) 219
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of D+ and D0
Production in 250 GeV pi- nucleon Interactions -
Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on High
Energy Physics, Dallas - Eds. AIP Conf. Proceedings (1992) 1054
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Update on Hadroproduced Charm at TPL
XXVII Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions,
Les Arcs, France, March 22-28, (1992) -
Preprint FERMILAB-Conf-92/174
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x Dependence of
Production in
-nucleon Interactions - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and
Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics - Eds. World Scientific
(1992) 447
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of
production in 250 GeV pi+/- nucleon Interactions
- Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, Ed. World Scientific (1993) 721
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Atomic Mass Dependence of D+ and D0 in 250 GeV pi+/- nucleon Interactions
- Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, Ed. World Scientific (1993) 718
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), A Study of Beauty and Charm Production in 250 GeV
nucleon Interactions Using Semi-electronic Decays -
Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 725
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Single Muons at DØ
Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 750
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Dimuon Production in DØ
Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 753
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Top Quark Search in DØ From the Lepton+Jets Mode
Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society -
DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 453
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Atomic Number Dependence of Charm Production
Workshop on Future Directions in Particle and Nuclear Physics at
Multi-GeV Hadron Beam Facilities, 4-6 March, 1993
- G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Beam Flavor Dependence in the Hadroproduction of
Contribute paper for XXVII Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland
July 20-27, 1994
- G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Cross Sections at DØ
Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields, DPF94,
World Scientific, Vol.I (1994) 807
- G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Cross Sections at DØ - Nota Interna
da Colaboração - D0Note # 2232 Sep. 2, 1994
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The DØ Upgrade - Submitted to International Europhysics
Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul -
2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-177-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), J/
Production in
Collisions at
- Submitted to International
Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium,
27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-205-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Production Cross Sections in
Collisions at
- Submitted to International
Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium,
27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-208-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Measurement of
Mixing Using Dimuons at DØ
- Submitted to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics
(HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-209-E
- G. A. Alves, A. Santoro and M. Souza, Do Elétron ao Quark Top - Como Ver uma Partícula Elementar -
Ciência Hoje, Vol.19
113 (1995) 34
- G. A. Alves, B-Physics at Fermilab DØ Experiment - Present and Prospects -
Nota Interna da Colaboração - D0Note # 2903 Apr. 15, 1996
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The Dijet Mass Spectrum and Angular Distributions with
the DØ Detector
- Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-168-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Rapidity Gaps Between Jets at DØ
- Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-178-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Hard Single Diffractive Jet Production at DØ
- Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-247-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The
Production Cross Section and Correlations
Collisions at
1.8 TeV
- Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-248-E
- S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Search for
Decays in
Collisions at
1.8 TeV
- Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics
(ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-253-E
- G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), B-Physics at Fermilab DØ Experiment - Present and Prospects -
Proceedings of XVI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos,
Ed. SBF (1996) 121
- G. A. Alves, M. Joffily, M. Miranda, A. Santoro and M.H.G. Souza, WWW Oriented Remote Job Submission
Monitoring and Management over Internet -
Proceedings of CHEP97 - Computing in High Energy Physics, Berlin, Germany, 7-11
April 1997 - CBPF-NT-003/97, FERMILAB-CONF-97-140-E
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Gilvan Alves
Thu Jul 17 12:49:01 GRNLNDDT 1997