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Conferências e Divulgação

  1. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Hadroproduction at Fermilab E769 - XXIII Rencontre de Moriond, Current Issues in Hadron Physics, Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van (1988) 451
  2. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm and Charm Strange states at Fermilab E769 - XXIV Rencontre de Moriond, Heavy Flavors, Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van (1989) 375
  3. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Photoproduction Results from Fermilab E691 and Prospects for Hadroproduction in E769 - Nuclear Physics 7B(proc. suppl.) (1989) 60
  4. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), E769 Hadronic Production of Charm - Physics in Canada , 45 (1989) 105
  5. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm at Fermilab E769 - XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Eds.World Scientific (1990) Vol.2, 1432
  6. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), A Dependence of Charm Hadroproduction Cross Section, XI Encontro Nacional de Partículas e Campos, Ed. SBF (1990) 185
  7. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Hadroproduction of Charm at Fermilab E769 - XX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Ed.Gut Holmecke (1990) 179
  8. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Recent Results from Fermilab E769 - XXV Rencontre de Moriond, tex2html_wrap_inline579 Physics - Ed. J. Tran Thanh Van (1990) 507
  9. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Charm Production in 250 GeV Hadron-Nucleon Interactions - Proceedings of The Division of Particles and Fields Meeting of the American Physical Society - (1991) 690
  10. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x Dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline415 Production in tex2html_wrap_inline577 -nucleon Interactions - III Topical Seminar on Heavy Flavors - Nuclear Physics B Proc. Suppl. 27 (1992) 219
  11. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of D+ and D0 Production in 250 GeV pi- nucleon Interactions - Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas - Eds. AIP Conf. Proceedings (1992) 1054
  12. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Update on Hadroproduced Charm at TPL XXVII Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions, Les Arcs, France, March 22-28, (1992) - Preprint FERMILAB-Conf-92/174
  13. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x Dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline415 Production in tex2html_wrap_inline577 -nucleon Interactions - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium and Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics - Eds. World Scientific (1992) 447
  14. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of tex2html_wrap_inline415 and tex2html_wrap_inline591 production in 250 GeV pi+/- nucleon Interactions - Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, Ed. World Scientific (1993) 721
  15. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Atomic Mass Dependence of D+ and D0 in 250 GeV pi+/- nucleon Interactions - Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, Ed. World Scientific (1993) 718
  16. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), A Study of Beauty and Charm Production in 250 GeV tex2html_wrap_inline593- nucleon Interactions Using Semi-electronic Decays - Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 725
  17. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Single Muons at DØ Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 750
  18. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Dimuon Production in DØ Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 753
  19. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Top Quark Search in DØ From the Lepton+Jets Mode Proceedings of 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society - DPF92, World Scientific, (1993) 453
  20. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Atomic Number Dependence of Charm Production Workshop on Future Directions in Particle and Nuclear Physics at Multi-GeV Hadron Beam Facilities, 4-6 March, 1993
  21. G. A. Alves et al. (E769 collaboration), Beam Flavor Dependence in the Hadroproduction of tex2html_wrap_inline415 and tex2html_wrap_inline597 Mesons Contribute paper for XXVII Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland July 20-27, 1994
  22. G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Cross Sections at DØ Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields, DPF94, World Scientific, Vol.I (1994) 807
  23. G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Cross Sections at DØ - Nota Interna da Colaboração - D0Note # 2232 Sep. 2, 1994
  24. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The DØ Upgrade - Submitted to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-177-E
  25. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), J/tex2html_wrap_inline511 Production in tex2html_wrap_inline437 Collisions at tex2html_wrap_inline439 - Submitted to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-205-E
  26. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Inclusive Muon and b-Quark Production Cross Sections in tex2html_wrap_inline437 Collisions at tex2html_wrap_inline439 - Submitted to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-208-E
  27. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Measurement of tex2html_wrap_inline609 Mixing Using Dimuons at DØ - Submitted to International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Brussels, Belgium, 27 Jul - 2 Aug 1995 - FERMILAB-CONF-95-209-E
  28. G. A. Alves, A. Santoro and M. Souza, Do Elétron ao Quark Top - Como Ver uma Partícula Elementar - Ciência Hoje, Vol.19 tex2html_wrap_inline611 113 (1995) 34
  29. G. A. Alves, B-Physics at Fermilab DØ Experiment - Present and Prospects - Nota Interna da Colaboração - D0Note # 2903 Apr. 15, 1996
  30. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The Dijet Mass Spectrum and Angular Distributions with the DØ Detector - Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-168-E
  31. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Rapidity Gaps Between Jets at DØ - Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-178-E
  32. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Hard Single Diffractive Jet Production at DØ - Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-247-E
  33. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), The tex2html_wrap_inline555 Production Cross Section and Correlations in tex2html_wrap_inline437 Collisions at tex2html_wrap_inline5211.8 TeV - Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-248-E
  34. S. Abachi et al. (DØ collaboration), Search for tex2html_wrap_inline619 and tex2html_wrap_inline621 Decays in tex2html_wrap_inline437 Collisions at tex2html_wrap_inline5211.8 TeV - Contributed Paper to XXVIII International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP96), Warsaw, Poland, 25-31 July 1996 - FERMILAB-CONF-96-253-E
  35. G. A. Alves (DØ collaboration), B-Physics at Fermilab DØ Experiment - Present and Prospects - Proceedings of XVI Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos, Ed. SBF (1996) 121
  36. G. A. Alves, M. Joffily, M. Miranda, A. Santoro and M.H.G. Souza, WWW Oriented Remote Job Submission Monitoring and Management over Internet - Proceedings of CHEP97 - Computing in High Energy Physics, Berlin, Germany, 7-11 April 1997 - CBPF-NT-003/97, FERMILAB-CONF-97-140-E

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Gilvan Alves
Thu Jul 17 12:49:01 GRNLNDDT 1997