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There are many other physics topics besides hard diffraction that will
be accessible with the FPD. These include
Inclusive double pomeron. This process has not been observed at the
Tevatron and there are large uncertainties in the cross section.
Recent predictions of shadowing effects [29] can be tested
as well as the pomeron flux factor. Inclusive double pomeron interactions
are an ideal place to look for glueball production, and the clean event
topologies would make them easier to detect.
Centauros. The observation of anomalous cosmic ray events [30]
has not been adequately explained. It has been proposed that
centauros may be produced diffractively, which would explain why
they have not yet been observed by collider experiments [31].
The FPD would allow the search for centauro production in diffractive
High-|t| elastic scattering. There is little data on elastic scattering
except at small momentum transfers, so the FPD would be in a unique
position to map out the |t| dependence of the elastic cross section
up to a few GeV
Inclusive single diffraction. Many properties of inclusive single
diffraction have been measured at the Tevatron [21], but there
is little data on the momentum transfer dependence of these results.
The FPD will allow us to make significant
contributions to the understanding of soft as well as hard diffraction.
- Comparison of results with different tags.
Combining rapidity gap tags and proton tags will also be an interesting
study to see how often the proton is associated with a rapidity gap
and vice versa. Complete overlap is not expected due to the
super-hard pomeron, which would not generally give a rapidity gap in
the DØ detector, and also due to diffractive excitation of the proton.
Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998