Pseudorapidity, 4#4, where 5#5 is the polar angle of the particle with respect to the beam, is frequently used as an approximation to rapidity.
This rule of thumb is derived from lower 11#11 experiments, and Fig. 5(b) indicates 45#45 (46#46 GeV/43#43) might be a safer requirement to avoid background.
Installing Roman pots in a ``cold'' (super-conducting) region of the accelerator requires extensive modifications.
The horizontal beam size is given by 85#85 where 86#86 is the horizontal beta function, 87#87 is the normalized emittance, 88#88 at 1 TeV, and 89#89 is the momentum spread. For the dispersion-free lattice the dispersion parameter 9#9 is zero and the second term can be ignored.
Background to the DØ detector caused by scattering off the pots is another concern, and is discussed in Sec.5.1.
For UA8 127#127 was about 0.8 GeV51#51 [6].
Given the abundance of equations available in the trigger cards, 2 29#29 thresholds and 2 |t| thresholds should be available. In that case, each card would report four outcomes to the trigger manager.
At this time only the forward muon detector has been simulated, but a second stage which couples the MARS simulation with a GEANT simulation of the entire DØ detector is underway.
The upgraded Level Ø detector is currently being developed and we do not have sufficient information yet to do detailed simulations of its performance, but its characteristics should be similar to those of the Run I Level Ø detector.

Gilvan Alves
Tue Mar 17 12:50:26 GRNLNDST 1998