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The High-Energy Gamma-ray Universe:
Results and Perspectives with Wide-Field Ground-Based Facilities

IAU GA 2024 Focus Meeting 12 | 14-15th August, 2024 | Cape Town, South Africa

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The call is now open for abstracts and grants for this Focus Meeting. All applications are made via the IAU General Assembly website.

Deadline for submission is 1 March 2024.



Ground-based gamma-ray astronomy is now an established field, playing a decisive role in high-energy astrophysics thanks to the success of the current generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). Over the past decade we moved from the collection of a dozen nearby bright emitters to the detailed study of the nature of objects of various classes across the Galaxy, and of nearby extragalactic sources, spanning orders of magnitude in intrinsic luminosity, from tens of GeV to almost 100 TeV. The view provided by these instruments is now comparable, in many aspects, to that achieved with more traditional observational techniques. Such achievements, allied with the lack of new gamma-ray space missions in the medium-term future, further increases the expectations towards the start of operations of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA).

In recent years we have also witnessed the coming of age of the wide-field particle arrays, chiefly represented by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO),the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory (HAWC), and the Tibet AS-gamma experiment which have extended the observational range of gamma-ray astronomy to beyond 100 TeV, significantly contributing to our understanding of the origin of cosmic rays and of extreme astrophysical phenomena. Since HAWC and LHAASO are both located in the Northern Hemisphere, plans are ongoing to install the first large-scale instrument of the kind below the line of the Equator, the Southern Wide-Field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO), from where the view of the Galactic Plane and Galactic Center are favoured. Preparations are also underway for the start of activities of a pioneer, small-scale southern-hemisphere pathfinder: the Andes Large-area Particle detector for Cosmic-ray Physics and Astronomy (ALPACA).

These two ground-based gamma-ray techniques available are highly complementary in their energy range of operations, observation modes and capabilities, with the extensive air shower (EAS) arrays being transit instruments capable of a continuous, wide-field surveying of the sky. The EAS arrays combination of vast collection areas with the continuous integration of signals over several years, confer them with the unique capability for a deep view of the Galaxy at the most extreme energies, expanding the observational reach of Astronomy up to the petaelectronvolt scale. In addition, their wide-field of view render them promising monitors of the extreme transient and variable universe, as recently showcased by the first serendipitous TeV detection of a GRB by LHAASO, making them potentially powerful instruments for multi-messenger astrophysics.


This Focus Meeting takes place at a particular moment in the development of this new and emerging branch of observational astronomy, marked by the unprecedented achievements of arrays such as HAWC and LHAASO, which have driven the breakthroughs of the field and brought ultra-high-energy astronomy to maturity. It will also signal the launch of SWGO as the first project to build a wide-field array in the Southern Hemisphere, thus opening up a new window into the Galaxy at extreme energies.

The purpose of the meeting will be to present and review the current status of ground-based gamma-ray astronomy and its principal wide-field facilities, and discuss the many astrophysical problems that can be probed from their unique vantage point. With LHAASO being only on its first years of operation, but already delivering a wealth of breakthrough results, and SWGO approaching its construction phase as the first southern observatory of its kind, it is the right time to promote the discussion of this emerging and still little represented field in the existing IAU Commissions.

Supporting Divisions

  • Division B Facilities, Technologies and Data Science
  • Division D High Energy Phenomena and Fundamental Physics

Meeting Topics

  1. Instrumentation and Experimental Status:
    Current and Future Facilities; Water Cherenkov and Particle Detectors;

  2. The TeV to PeV Galaxy:
    Origin of Cosmic-Rays; PeVatrons; Extended Sources and Diffuse Emission; Galactic Center;

  3. Extreme Extragalactic Sources:
    Ground-based Monitoring of VHE Transients; Gamma-ray Bursts; Gamma-ray Propagation Effects;

  4. Synergies:
    Multi-wavelength Synergies; Multi-messenger Synergies (Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves); Synergies with IACTs and the CTA;

  5. Astro-particles:
    Dark Matter Searches; Fundamental Physics Topics; Cosmological Probes.

Invited Speakers

  • Razmik Mirzoyan (MPIP, Germany)
  • Alberto Carraminana (INAOE, Mexico)
  • Hao Zhou (Shangai Jiao Tong Univ., China)
  • Petra Huentemeyer (Michigan Tech, United states)
  • Ruizhi Yang (Univ. Science and Tech., China)
  • Brain Reville (MPIK, Germany)
  • Gwenael Giacinti (Shangai Jiao Tong Univ., China)
  • Markus Boettcher (North-West Univ., South Africa)
  • Susumu Inoue (ICRR, Japan)
  • Roberta Zanin (CTA Observatory, Italy)
  • Giovanni Pareschi (INAF, Italy)
  • Soebur Razzaque (Johannesburg Univ., South Africa)
  • Aion Viana (Sao Paulo Univ., Brazil)
  • Felix Aharonian (DIAS, Ireland)
  • Ulisses Barres de Almeida (CBPF, Brazil)



  • Ulisses Barres de Almeida (CBPF, Brazil)
  • Felix Aharonian (DIAS, Ireland)
  • Zhen Cao (IHEP, China)
  • Petra Huentemeyer (MTU, United States)
  • Gustavo Romero (IAR, Argentina)


  • Markus Boettcher (NWU, South Africa)
  • Patricia Caraveo (INAF-Bologna, Italy)
  • Alberto Carraminana (INAOE, Mexico)
  • Alessandro de Angelis (INFN-Padova, Italy)
  • Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino (USP, Brazil)
  • Brenda Dingus (UM, United States)
  • Jim Hinton (MPIK, Germany)
  • Elisa Prandini (Univ. of Padova, Italy)
  • Andreas Reisenegger (UMCE, Chile)
  • Takashi Sako (ICRR, Japan)
  • Marcos Santander (UA, United States)
  • Hao Zhou (SJTU, China)

Proceedings Editors

Ulisses Barres de Almeida, Patricia Caraveo, Michele Doro, Soebur Razzaque, Adrian Rovero

Important Dates

Please refer to the IAU GA XXXII website for details.

  • MARCH 01st, 2024
    Abstract Submission Deadline

  • APRIL 08th, 2024
    Notification on Contribution

  • MAY 31st, 2024
    Regular Registration Deadline

  • AUGUST 06th, 2024
    General Assembly Starts


This is a two-day meeting, focusing on each of the key topics below. Review talks of 30 minutes, invited talks of 20 minutes and contributed talks of 15 minutes are foreseen, all including time for discussion.

  • Day 1 - Topic 1: Instrumentation and Experimental Status
  • Day 1 - Topic 2: The TeV to PeV Galaxy
  • Day 2 - Topic 3: Extreme Extragalactic Sources
  • Day 2 - Topic 4: Synergies
  • Day 2 - Topic 5: Astro-particles

Table Example
Wednesday, 14th August Thursday, 15th August
SESSION Instrumentation & Experimental Status (chair U. Barres) SESSION Extreme Extragalactic Transients (chair R. Zanin)
10:30 Invited - Historical Overview (Razmik Mirzoyan) 10:30 Invited - Gamma-ray Bursts (Susumu Inoue)
11:00 Invited - The HAWC Experiment (Alberto Carraminana) 11:00 Invited - AGN and Radiogalaxies (Markus Boettcher)
11:20 Invited - The LHAASO Observatory (Hao Zhou) 11:20 Invited - Multi-messenger Synergies (Soebur Razzaque)
11:40 Invited - The SWGO Observatory (Petra Huentemeyer) 11:40 Contributed - Stela Faria
12:00 Contributed - Kazumasa Kawata 11:55 Contributed - de Ugarte Postigo
SESSION The TeV to PeV Galaxy - I (chair M. Boettcher) SESSION MWL and MM Synergies (chair S. Razzaque)
13:30 Invited - The Galaxy in VHE-UHE (Ruizhi Yang) 13:30 Invited - Synergies with IACTs and CTA (Roberta Zanin)
14:00 Invited - Pulsars & PWN (Gwenael Giancinti) 14:00 Invited - The ASTRI Array (Giovanni Pareschi)
14:20 Contributed - Silvia Celli 14:20 Contributed - Stefan Wagner
14:35 Contributed - Nathalie Matchett 14:35 Contributed - Indira Vergara
14:50 Contributed - Christo Venter 14:50 Contributed - Giuseppe Di Sciascio
SESSION The TeV to PeV Galaxy - II (chair A. Viana) SESSION Astroparticles (chair A. Carraminana)
15:30 Invited - Origin of CRs (Brian Reville) 15:30 Invited - DM and Fundamental Physics (Aion Viana)
16:00 Contributed - Lucas Barreto-Mota 16:00 Contributed - Nikolay Budnev
16:15 Contributed - Martin Tluczykont 16:15 Contributed - Ziwei Ou
16:30 Contributed - Ziwei Ou 16:30 Contributed - Sei Kato
16:45 Contributed - Brian Van Soelen 16:45 Future Perspectives (Ulisses Barres)


The focus meeting will be at the same venue as the General Assembly, at the Cape Town International Convention Centre, near by the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront.

See more information below on the venue and where to stay in Cape Town:
Where to stay in Cape Town

Practical Information


Registration for the focus meeting is done via the GA registration.

Abstract Submission

Abstracts for the focus meeting can be submitted via the GA abstract submission page.

IAU Travel Grants

IAU GA meetings travel grants are intended to cover in part expenses associated with the participants attendance during the respective entire meeting, including support for child care if needed. It is expected that the grantees will also attend other GA meetings. Requests for financial support are submitted by the individual IAU member using the specific GA IAU Grant Application Form prepared by the GA SOC. Full completion of the Application Form is mandatory, including submission of an Abstract, if relevant.
The deadline for the application is 1st of March. Please note that all deadlines listed close at 11:59 PM in the IAU office in Paris, France (GMT+1) on the given deadline date.

Code of Conduct

The organisers are committed to ensuring that the focus meeting is supportive and inclusive of all members of the astronomical community, regardless of their expression of identity, their nationality, or their academic seniority. All participants must read and respect the IAU Code of Conduct on Ethics and Anti-Harassment in order to participate in this meeting.


Conference Poster


Detailed information will be added when available.


General Assembly

For any information regarding the General Assembly, please contact the National Organizing Committee at kg@astro4dev.org.

Focus Meeting

For information related to this Focus Meeting, please contact Ulisses Barres de Almeida (ulisses@cbpf.br) or one of the meeting chairs.