Procedures for New Students |
you want to do your Master's or PhD degree here at the CBPF? In this
page we describe the experiences of various PhD and Master's students coming
to the CBPF and what was required of them. |
This page last modified: $Date: 2001/08/18 18:53:27 $
Since things change
quite often (especially in Brazil!), we can't take any responsibility (whatsover!)
for the accuracy of information on this page. Instead, we hope that
it will be a useful guideline for anyone interested in coming to the CBPF
to study.
Also note that the
information on this page was compiled and written around February, 2000,
with a slight update in December of 2000.
This page is devoted to those people who
are interested in coming to the CBPF to study master's or PhD degrees.
Before going any further, the following minimum is required:
You must have an undergraduate degree (i.e.
something like a 4-year college degree) and are ready to do your master's
or PhD.
You must understand a bit of Portuguese (not
a lot, just enough to take a test written in it. No problem if you
understand Spanish) and be able to write in one of the following: Portuguese,
Spanish or English.
If you meet these two requirements, you may
eligible to come to the CBPF to study on a study grant from the Brazilian
So let's run through the requirements one-for-one,
in the order that you will likely confront them:
Almost all of the researchers studying
at the CBPF have already completed their undergraduate degrees, and and
currently performing either their Master's, PhD or postdoc (or above).
For a more recent handling of the information
in this section, see http://www.cfc.cbpf.br/inscricao.html
(which also includes examples of last
year's exams).
Those students wishing to study at Master's
or PhD level must pass an entrance exam, which is administered two times
per year:
Apply in June to take the exam in July
about the 20th)
Apply in November to take the exam
in December (usually about the 10th)
As far as we students have been able to ascertain,
the number of people admitted to the CBPF is based principally on the number
of available scholarships. At the PhD level, for example, typically 20
students take the exam, from which between 5 and 8 are eventually chosen.
The exams are written in Portuguese, although
answers may be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. (So you must
be at least able to understand the questions written in Portuguese)
The exams may be taken at the CBPF directly
or administered at some university close to you. You have 3 hours to complete
the PhD exam.
For more information on the post-graduate
courses, including the exam times, etc., see the "CFC" (Committee of Scientific
Formation) pages:
and go to the "Pos-Graduação"
To register to take the exams, you must
provide the following:
3 photos 3x4
Xerox of your passport, your CPF and a "comprovante
de endereço" (i.e. a copy of a light or gas bill from your current
Copy of your school transcript
Curriculum vitae (i.e. Resumé)
Copy of your Bachelor's diploma
(along with a form which the CBPF will give
you to fill out).
For anybody outside of a 500km radius of
Rio, you can take the exam at your home institution. Find a physics,
math, engineering, etc. professor and have him or her get into contact
with the CFC here at the CBPF to arrange for you to take the test abroad.
The PhD exam contains 5 questions: one
on classical mechanics, one on quantum mechanics, one on thermodynamics,
and two on electromagnetism. You must answer only one of the questions
on electromagnetism (you have a choice), so that the total number of questions
you must answer is 4.
3 days ahead of each exam, the committee
which administers the exam sends out a bibliography which tells you which
chapters to study in which references. This little piece of paper
will really be your true guide to the exam.
Most students carefully study the sample
exams before taking the exams themselves. Here are a number of sample
exams which have simply been scanned in (sorry about the readability.
Drop us an email if you're unable to read what's written. We have
better copies of the exams, but they take up much more room on the server).
Past PhD Exams:
PhD Entrance Exam
PhD Entrance Exam
PhD Entrance Exam
PhD Entrance Exam
PhD Entrance Exam
Past Master's Exams:
Master's Entrance Exam
Example "topics" paper which was given
out 3 days before the 14/12/98 exam, explaining which topics would be covered:
PhD Entrance Exam Topics Paper (Sent out 11/12/98)
Brazilian consulates/embassies:
Assuming that you've passed the exam, then
here's where the fun begins. If you're Brazilian, you should have no problems,
while if you're from a foreign country, be prepared for some unsavory situations
with embassies and the "foreign police" (immigration).
To apply for a visa in your home country,
you'll probably need the following documents:
A letter of invitation from the CBPF.
Proof of financial support.
A passport, valid for at least the period
of your stay.
A "letter of good conduct" from your local
police station/etc. in the country in which you live. To find out exactly
what this is or what it looks like, you'll have to contact the nearest
Brazilian embassy or consulate in your country.
A tax of between R$40 or US$40. If you're
a U.S. citizen, add a reciprocal tax of about US$45 (so you'll pay a total
of US$85).
Two photos (if you're applying from the U.S.,
these must be 2"x2" photos, i.e. the same size you used for your passport
A couple of words about the letter of invitation
and the proof of financial support. Firstly: if you received a letter of
invitation and financial support from Myriam, then you should be fine:
she knows exactly what to put in them, from personal experience.
Either way, the letter of invitation must
include a number of things. Most importantly, it must include the length
of time you are allowed to study at the CBPF. It must also be clear that
you are studying (so that you can obtain the study visa). And it probably
must include the other bureaucratic stuff: your FULL name (including middle
names, completely spelt out), the address of the institution, etc.
Proof of financial support is also critical.
The consulate will want to know how much you will be receiving in salary
per month, so it must be clear on whatever paper you give them that you
will be receiving a "bolsa" (study grant) as well as the amount.
The letter of good conduct is very easy to
obtain in the U.S.: simply go to your local police station, pay about US$5,
and they'll give you a piece of paper saying that, as far as they know,
you haven't been in jail recently.
From the Netherlands, they'll want to see
an "uittreksel van 't bevolkingsregister" (which costs about f10,50), as
well as a copy of your birth certificate (kopie van geboortebewijs), and
3 (instead of 2) photos. The letter of good conduct (bewijs van goed
gedrag) is somewhat more difficult to obtain: it takes about 4 weeks for
the police to search the national database of criminals, although you can
pay a bit more to have the process shortened to 2 weeks (the 4 week version
costs about f17,=). And in the Netherlands, one pays about f100,=
for the type IV visa (and f150,= for the type I visa), and it takes 3 days
for them to process your request and issue your visa.
With this paperwork,
you'll go to the consulate and apply. They'll give you some forms to fill
in, called "Pedido de Visto Consular". They may not look like much, but
a name and get away with it, you'll still be forced to correct it here
in Rio, where you'll have to go to a place called "Itamaraty", near "Central",
Bus #196, and talk with Dona Aparecida, an elderly and very nice lady who
is in the office between 15-18 hrs.)
Handing in these documents (as well as
your passport!), the embassy will give you a receipt for the money you
paid as well as a piece of paper which is meant as a "claim slip" for your
It seems that the consulates take anywhere
from 2 days to a week to process your visa request, during which time you've
left your passport with them. When you return, they will hand your passport
back to you with a new visa as well as a stamped version of the "Pedido
de Visto Consular" which you filled in. DON'T LOSE THIS PIECE OF PAPER!
You'll need it for the foreign police in Rio!
By the way, at least in the U.S., you
don't necessarily have to return to the embassy: a courier service can
bring your newly stamped passport to your home. You simply give them the
claim slip, along with some money for their services.
The visa you receive is a one-year (don't
worry: you can stay longer than that) visa, which is probably of either
type "IV" or "I" for students. Actually, they used to give out almost exclusively
type "I" for students, although the law seems to have changed in late 1999:
now they give type "IV" to students.
You're now ready to come to Brazil with
your new visa and this piece of paper called the "Pedido de Visto Consular".
There should be no problem here with your
new visa. There is only one tricky bit: whenever you pass through immigration
at the airport, they'll give you a sort of greenish immigration form to
fill out. They'll stamp it and give it back to you afterward. ALWAYS KEEP
THESE IMMIGRATION FORMS. Apparently, it can be difficult if you've lost
it along the way.
By the way, if you're leaving Brazil and
have obtained your protocol from the foreign police, then you follow a
slightly different process from a tourist. In your case, you are
considered a resident of Brazil, and you are required to fill out one of
those green forms when leaving (not entering) the country. So if
you leave Brazil to go to, say, Italy, you would carry the immigration
form around with you in Italy and hand it back in to the immigration services
when you returned to Brazil. Obviously, you will end up keeping the
very first immigration form you filled in when you first entered the country
(whereas normal tourists would hand it back in to immigration when they
left Brazil). Confusing, huh?
You'll arrive at the international airport,
which is located about an hour from the town center. To get to the CBPF,
you've basically got two choices: taxi or bus. This leg of the journey
is sort of critical: we don't want you in a bad situation on your first
day, so we'll describe it in some detail.
The taxi should cost about R$20 or so.
The taxi driver may want to charge up to R$5 for your luggage. We hate
to say it, but taxi drivers like to rip off newly-arrived passengers. Taxis
have two fares: type 1 and type 2. (**) If they don't know where the CBPF
is, then give your destination as "Shopping Rio Sul": everybody knows where
that is, and the CBPF is just next door.
The bus is somewhat easier. Take the "frescao"
(airconditioned bus) which is run by Real. It costs R$3.50 (even if you
have lots of luggage) and goes right alongside Shopping Rio Sul and continues
up through Barata Ribeiro in Copacabana. During the week, it is supposed
to run every half-hour from the airport, and every 40 minutes on Saturdays
and Sundays. Its schedule is kind of undetermined, however, and it probably
only runs from 6.40 or so in the morning to, perhaps, 00.40 at night, but
that's only a guess. Call 0800-240-850 for more information if you're in
By the way, if you're trying to get to
the airport on Sunday from Copacabana and the Avenida Atlantica is closed
(the bus usually passes along here), then the bus comes down Nossa Senhora
You have a month after arriving in Brazil
to register with the foreign police. Take a big breath and relax before
doing so: it's no fun.
Within the CBPF, at least three people
have a good idea of what's required of you at the foreign police: Marcia,
Miryam and Prof. Helayel.
Myriam CFC 586-7163 Myriam Simoes Coutinho
Marcia DIR 586-7260 Marcia de Oliveira Reis
People have theories when is the best
time to arrive at the Policia Federal (PF). 10am seems to work well, and
sometimes 1pm. Outside of those times, you're likely to spend a lot of
time waiting in line.
The Policia Federal will (probably) want
the following to process you:
Your "Pedido de Visto Consular" (which you
received from the consulate)
Your passport
Copies of the used pages in your passport
(i.e. those which are not blank)
Two photos (small ones. These can be made
in Shopping Rio Sul if you don't have any on you)
About R$110 in taxes, paid at a Banco do Brasil
(see below).
So here's the process: go to the Policia Federal
at about 10 in the morning. You'll see an "information desk" as you walk
in. The first window to the left of that desk is where you want to be (it's
also the window with the longest line of people waiting). You'll hand in
the first 4 items above, after which the police will look them over and
then give you two things: firstly, a form to fill in (for their own database),
as well as some little slips of paper ("GAR/FUNPOL" or something like that)
which are payment slips meant to be paid at the Banco do Brasil. You must
fill in your name on these forms, although the police fill in the rest
(they'll probably fill in a CPF/CGC of "000 000 001/91", a codigo da receita
of "008-5", and perhaps a codigo da unidade arrecadodora do DPF of "027-2").
Make sure that the police didn't forget to write in the "CPF" number (your
CPF is your social security number. They should have filled in some sort
of "general number" for you in the meantime. Just make sure that that space
isn't blank).
Although the police will tell you to fill
in "all of the blanks from here to here" on that database form, you'll
quickly find out that you don't (and couldn't possibly) know half of them.
Don't worry: they fill these in. Just fill in what you know.
The other "fun" thing you'll have to do
is pay those taxes. For whatever reason, you're not allowed to actually
pay at the police station, only at the government-run Banco do Brasil.
The payment slips you received are for exactly that purpose. So leave the
police station and go to the nearest Banco do Brasil. Show the slips to
whomever you can to make sure that you're standing in the correct line
(they're often long lines, by the way). You'll give them cash (by the way,
the total will come to slightly more than what's written on the slips)
and they'll give you some of the slips back with computerized stuff written
on them.
Now back to the foreign police. Back in
line, now you hand in all of the documents. They'll paste your pictures
on the form you filled in and give you back the form so that you can get
your fingerprints taken. This is done off to the right-hand side of the
information desk. Ask the people at the information desk if you don't know
where to go.
After adding your fingerprints to the
form, you return to the same window as before. You'll have to wait a bit,
after which they'll give you back your passport and a little slip of paper
with your photo on it. This (some would say "ridiculous") little slip of
paper is what's known as a "protocol", and will be your I.D. for months
to come.
Your protocol is valid for 180 days. Effectively,
this means that you must return to the foreign police in 5 months (more
on this below), but for the meantime, relax knowing that you've passed
through the foreign police!!
Your CPF will be your social security
number, and you'll need it to open such things as bank accounts.
To open your CPF, you will probably need
the following documents:
Your passport
Your protocol from the federal police
A "comprovante de endereco", i.e. a light
or gas receipt from your house (or wherever you're living). This doesn't
have to be in your name. You should also bring a copy of this with
To register, take these documents to the "Secretaria
da Receita Federal", located at:
Secretaria da Receita Federal
Rua das Laranjeiras 28
Bus from CBPF: take bus 569 or 571
Metro: get off at Largo do Machado
Every once in a while, the Secretaria da
Receita Federal asks people to step forward and show that they are still
present (known as a "recadastramento do CPF"). This seems to happen in
about December. You must then re-register your CPF in some form. Lots of
people tend to miss these recadastramento periods (as they are not very
well publicised), and, for example, the period was extended 4 times (to
at least 19 January, 2000) in 1999-2000 to accomodate the people who missed
the December 17, 1999 deadline. Now, the worst thing is knowing WHEN you
have to step forward. This happened toward the end of 2000, in about
October or so. Apparently, this date is advertised on TV and in newspapers:
be sure to ask brazilians that you know when you have to reregister your
As of 2000, you can reregister yourself
on the internet, in lottery agencies, in post offices or by telephone (although
it's practically impossible to get through on the phone). The best,
by far, is by the internet, located at www.receita.fazenda.gov.brwhere
you can pretty much do everything.
You'll want to open a bank account to
receive your study grant. CNpQ and Capes students receive their grants
at the Banco do Brasil. To open an account at the bank, you'll need (at
least) the following things:
A letter (to be obtained from Myriam) for
Capes/CNpQ. Obviously, these agencies will want to know what your bank
account number is where they will be depositing your grant.
Try to open your bank account at the tower
at Rio Sul instead of opening it at Botafogo: once you have your account
number into which your fund is being deposited, if you want to change bank
agencies (which requires changing account numbers!) you'll have to contact
CNpQ or Capes and tell them to deposit into this new account. Since
this is so much of a hassle, you're much better off just starting off at
the tower of Rio Sul, or perhaps at the little agency inside the military
complex in Urca.
Another thing you'll probably want is
a credit card, if you want to get health insurance from the SBF,
that is. The health insurance costs R$100,00 per month, but you can only
pay with a VISA credit card.
You'll also want cheques, since most payments
for physics congresses, etc. are almost always made by cheque. On
the other hand, I've been here for about 2 years and don't have cheques,
so perhaps you really don't need them that badly after all.
Have 5 months passed since you went to
the foreign police? If so, grind your teeth and get ready for yet another
trip to the foreign police.
Let's explain why. As far as we can ascertain,
this is how the process works. That form you filled out at the consulate,
the "Pedido de Visto Consular", is a request for the government to give
you a visa. The police receive it and send it off to the government in
Brasilia. They make a decision and publish the results in this little official
booklet known as the "D.O.U." (Diario Oficial da Uniao). The police are
supposed to read this little newspaper and if your name appears on the
"visa approved" list, they make up a little identity card for you.
Chances are, however, that after 5 months
either your name has yet to appear in the D.O.U., or the police haven't
seen your name yet. So after 5 months, you will return to the police station
and present your passport and protocol. They will probably say that your
identity card isn't there yet, and tell you to come back in anywhere from
a week to a month.
Lots of people end up coming back every
month for the next 6 months while their card still hasn't arrived. This
appears to be quite normal, so don't despair.
If you plan to stay in Brazil more than
one year, then you must extend your visa (what's known as a "prorrogação").
This must be done BEFORE 11 MONTHS HAVE PASSED since you first went to
the Policia Federal. (If you don't, you have to pay a fine)
So it's back to the Policia Federal. This
time, they'll probably ask for the following documents:
Your passport
Copy of your protocol (or I.D. card) validated
by a cartório.
Copy of all (INCLUDING unused or blank pages)
of your passport, also validated by a cartório.
More taxes. In December of 2000, these
were about R$22,00.
A letter of invitation from the institution
(CBPF), where the following must be evident: your profession, when you
arrived and until which date you intend to stay, and how much you receive
(per month).
Copy of a "Concessão da Bolsa" from
Capes/CNpQ/etc. (This may also be included in the letter from the CBPF
in the case of a Capes scholarship, which comes directly from the institute).
Here's an example of a letter from the instutition
(which also served as a "Consessao da Bolsa") which was given to me:
DECLARO, por solicitacao da
Policia Federal, que o Senhor PATRICK JOHN BROCKILL e aluno regularmente
matriculado no Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Fisica (Doutorado) deste Centro
Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas - CBPF desde marco de 1999 e recebe proventos
mensais, como bolsista da CAPES, no valor de R$1.072,89 (hum mil e setenta
e dois reais e oitenta e nove centavos). O Senhor Brockill, teve
bom aproveitamento neste periodo e tendo as Bolsas da CAPES a duracao de
48 (quarenta e oito) meses e o Programa de Doutorado do CBPF a duracao
de 72 (setenta e dois) meses, podera, portanto, permanecer no curso ate
o mes de agosto de 2004, podendo receber proventos mensais ate agosto de
Rio de Janeiro,
29 de junho de 1999
By the way, when you're doing
this "prorrogação" (extension) of your visa, you don't have
to wait in that huge line you waited in when you first came to Brazil.
In December of 2000, you went to window 21 instead, where the line is a
lot shorter!
Although I'd like to know the answer to
this question myself, a cartório seems to be some sort of legal
agency which verifies the validity of documents (at least, that's pretty
much its function as far as foreigners are concerned). Believe it
or not, it appears that a cartório is passed down from parents to
their children, so that they can simply rake in the money!
(And given the prices for their services, I'm sure they do!)
Of the various cartórios I've been
in, the system seems to work like this: say you've got a passport which
you need validated copies of (by the way, they'll charge you for copies
if you haven't made them yourself.). You give your documents to some
clerk behind the counter, who gives you a slip of paper. Then you
wait while they put little stickers on your passport. Then you stand
in the line to pay, and you receive the copies you made with little stickers
on them indicating that it's been validated. (However, on at least
one occasion, I didn't even have to show them my passport. That,
despite the fact that they are confirming that the copies are truly copies
of the original!)

that you pay a fee PER PAGE (i.e. per A4) that they validate, and the price
can vary GREATLY and depends on which cartório you go to.
The current price seems to be about R$2.00 per A4 verified. (However,
when I arrived in São Paulo in 1998, I paid only R$0.20 per page!)
For instance, I went to a cartório
in Copacabana (across from the "Barao de Pao" on Nossa Senhora) and paid
a (ridiculous?) R$2.50 per page of my passport, meaning that I had to pay
more than R$65 to have the copies validated! At that time, some places
only charge R$1.00 per page, so be sure to ask beforehand how much they
charge! (Actually, I've understood that things have been "normalized" since
then, and that the prices don't vary as much as they used to. So
now they're all expensive!)
If you make your own copies, then make
sure that the space around your passport isn't black (i.e. don't leave
the lid of the copier open while you make the copies). If it is,
the cartório has no place to put their little stickers.
Now, there is a large controversy surrounding
the number of passport pages you can put onto one A4. The Policia
Federal, at least as of 7 December 2000, accepted both of the formats pictured
in the images on the left and the right.
Now, when I first arrived in Brasil in
1998, I was told that you could NOT put four pages of my passport on one
A4. All of a sudden, in 2000, I understand that it is no problem.
Some cartórios charge per A4 which is validated, so putting four
pages onto one page could save you a lot of money! Other, less reputable
perhaps, cartórios, will try to charge you twice for putting four
pages of your passport onto one A4. If so, then just walk away and
go to a different cartório.
Here are just a couple of cartórios
in Rio:
Centro: Rua Buenos Aires, 24: "Cheap", R$2.00
per page, but they tried to charge me R$4.00 per page when I put 4 pages
of my passport on one A4. (Other peruvians tell me that didn't happen
to them, however) Within walking distance of the Polícia Federal.
Centro: Avenida Presidente Vargas, 435, on
the 22nd floor: expensive (R$2,53), but they did accept putting 4 pages
onto one A4. Within walking distance of the Polícia Federal.
Centro: Rua México, 42: Never been
here. Recommended by a secretary.
Copacabana/Leme: 24 Ofício de Notas,
Praça Demétrio Ribeiro 17, Lojas C-D-E: Recommended by a
Copacabana: Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, across
from the "Barão de Pão": Pretty expensive. A while
ago I paid R$2.50 per page there, and that was when the going price was
a lot lower!
Botafogo: Rual Real Grandeza, just after the
intersection with Rua Voltários da Pátria, going towards
the intersection with Henrique Novaes. Actually, this was by far
the best, although I haven't been there recently. They were charging
R$1.00 when other people were charging R$2.00 a while back.
If you've been in Rio for a while, but
need to stay a bit longer, you'll have to go through the process of re-applying
for your visa. This has to be done OUTSIDE OF BRAZIL. So you'll
be off to Argentina, Peru, etc. if you've stayed this long!
The process of reapplying for a visa is
the same as the original process of applying for a visa, with a couple
of complications. I understand that you need the following:
A letter of invitation from the CBPF, VALIDATED
Proof of financial support.
A passport, valid for at least the period
of your stay.
A "letter of good conduct" from the Brazilian
police. See below.
A tax of between R$40 or US$40. If you're
a U.S. citizen, add a reciprocal tax of about US$45 (so you'll pay a total
of US$85).
Two photos (if you're applying from the U.S.,
these must be 2"x2" photos, i.e. the same size you used for your passport
The trick to this process is the letter of
good conduct from the police. Apparently, the law has recently (at
least in December of 1999) changed, and the police no longer simply give
out letters of good conduct. Your embassy or consulate in Brazil
has to request one for you. This can be difficult, as most embassies
and consulates in Brazil have never heard of this. One researcher
here at the CBPF went to his consulate and was forced to write the letter
of request by himself, after which the embassy signed it (and gave it back
to him to give to the police). The police weren't satisfied with
the letter and sent him back, etc. Finally, he ended up just getting
angry until the police finally agreed to give him his letter of good conduct.
Then he took the letter of conduct to a cartório and had it validated,
which is perhaps required.
Hearing some stories of what can happen
at the embassies and consulates (they can be pretty hard sometimes), you'd
be well-advised to have a system ready to send documents from the CBPF
to you fast if they decide that you'll need them (CEDEX). Some consulates/embassies
don't have faxes (i.e. Cidade do Leste near Foz de Iguaçu), so you'd
best not rely on faxes.
Cartório: see the section
above on cartórios.
Comprovante de Endereço: Proof of residence.
Can be a light or gas bill, or a bank statement sent to you. If it's
for a CPF, your name doesn't have to appear on the gas or light bill.
CFC: The "Commitee of Cientific Formation".
The best person to contact is myriam@cat.cbpf.br,
tel: (021) 586-7163.
CPF: a "Social Security" number for Brazilians.
See the section above on CPFs.
Itamaraty: The old national Brazilian palace
of foreign relations. See the text above.
There is also a bit of history about it at the Itamaraty
pages: go to "-> English -> Structure and Services -> Structore of
the Ministry of Foreign Relations", or just look at this
Título de Eleitor: A voter registration
card. Only Brazilians have these.
Protocolo: A temporary document, used until
the proper document arrives. Since the proper documents often never
arrive in Brazil, the protocol itself (usually just a little slip of paper)
is used instead.
Pedido de Visto Consular: A request for a
visa (apparently from the consulate).
D.O.U.: The "Diário Oficial da União"
("Official Diary/Journal") of the Brazilian judicial system. Apparently,
we have copies of it in the CBPF library.
The Diário Oficial da União
was (as of December of 2000) available online, free of charge. Just surf
to http://www.in.gov.br/, then choose
-> Jornais Officiais por Assinatura -> Diário Oficial da União
-> Pesquisa Avançada no Diário Oficial -> (Pesquisa Livre)
(at which point you should be here)
Note that every DOU comes in two flavors: the "electronic" and the "conventional"
part. Most of the stuff I found was in the "electronic" part.
If you want to read the conventional
part on-line, you'll need to grab a program called "djvu", available at
www.djvu.com or www.lizardtech.com.
The DOU is divided up into three sections,
and apparently most (or, perhaps, all) stuff appears in the first section.
Just look under the "MINISTÉRIO DA JUSTIÇA" heading, thereafter
DA CHEFE DA DIVISÃO" or "DESPACHOS DA CHEFE". You'll probably find
entries such as the following (DEFIRO = granted, INDEFIRO = not granted):
DEFIRO os presentes pedidos de prorrogação
do prazo de estada.
Processo nº 8376-004729/98-14 - Dave
Beetle, até 10/10/2000
Processo nº 8391-002285/99-55 - Maria
Xavier, até 08/11/2000
Processo nº 8000-008670/00-89 - Huck
Finn, até 28/04/2001
INDEFIRO o presente pedido de prorrogação
de prazo de estada, tendo em vista não ser permitido ao titular
de visto temporário IV a participação em curso livre.
Processo nº 8354-000013/00-92 - Beatrice
If you have to call, then here are the
telephone numbers (taken from the wall of the Policia Federal):
Ministerio da Justica (Brasilia)
Tel.: 0.XX.61-218-3479 or -3487
Fax: 0.XX.61-321-9879 or -4669