
Bartlesville - OK
(August, 2002)

We left Wichita after having the meatloaf special at a very nice restaurant near Oldtown. Mom, Dad, Angélica and I. From there, a three hour drive to funtown Bartlesville!

"Family album"

We went straight to Bartlesville High School, since I wanted to show it to Angélica. The school is being reformed (the parking lot, actually), and the classes hadn't started yet, but I got to see Mr. Meador, my High School Physics teacher! I was really glad to see him, and he was specially happy to know I am an astronomer and a physicist myself! (Nerd power!)

And then we finally got home. I was so excited to get back at 1051 Grandview Road! After all, it was my home for a whole year, and I hadn't been there since 1993! So good to get back!

Angélica at the backyard of the house

All the houses in that block share a pond in the back

Did I mentioned how good it felt to be back at the house?

On Saturday morning, we went downtown. It was very hot, the streets were deserted, but we did take some nice pictures...

Downtown Bartlesville

The Price Tower

Dad's office

After lunch and a quick nap, Susan arrived with her boys, and I finally got to meet my "nephews". Lovely kids! In the beginning, they were very shy, but soon enough we were fighting with our lightsabres like true Jedi knights (they were kind enough to bring an extra lightsabre for me!).

Ethan, Sam and Angélica, mesmerized with Star Wars: Episode 1

And then came dinner time... Mom had planned a cookout and she had invited some very important people. First let me talk about those who couldn't attend: Jeff Miller (and wife) and Andy Mohler (and wife). They graduated with me from BHS and are two of my best American friends. I would also have invited Jon Rogers, but I lost contact with him...

And then there is Becky Olsen, formerly Droege. We used to date in High School, and we are still pretty good friends. The Droeges were like a second family to me in Bartlesville, and I did spend a lot of time near Hogshooter Creek! It was great to see them all!

Ethan, doing his share of work

Dan, Emily and Melinda Droege, Becky, Brian and little Nicholas Olsen, Angélica and I

I was surprised this picture came out. It was taken with the timer...
Front row: Ethan, Sam and I.
Middle row: Angélica, Emily, Melinda, Nicholas, Dan, Becky and Brian.
In the back: Susan, Allan (dad) and Pat (mom).

We didn't exactly had a cookout, since it was too hot
outside, but it did turn into a surprise birthday party!

Susan left on Sunday morning (not before Sam and I played catch). Later that day we went to Woolaroc. Angélica loved it!

Angélica at Woolaroc

"Take me to your leader!"

I just love the "hot", "warm" and "cold" watertowers!

After a wonderful day, we spent most of the evening packing (actually, Angélica does most of the packing) and talking. We did spend some quality time in front of the computer.

We left for Wichita early on Monday, so we could get our 12:04 flight to Phoenix, via Dallas.

All in all, it was a quick visit, but I enjoyed every minute of it!

On to Arizona

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