25 years of Cosmology at the Brazilian Center of Scientific Research (CBPF)


        In 2002, during the Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation (BSCG), we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the School, that has been organized since 1977 by the Group of Cosmology and Gravitation of the CBPF. To commemorate this unique moment, a web page is being launched  with all the 93 lectures and seminars of the first nine schools* : more than 4500 pages in pdf format, provided by many of the most important scientists in Cosmology, Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Field Theory.  It is an important contribution for students and researchers in these areas, which shows the historical evolution of physics in the last 25 years.

 * The proceedings of the Xth BSCG will be published this year by AIP.

       index by Subject
Classical Cosmology
Quantum Cosmology
Observational Cosmology
Gravitation Theory
Classical Gravity
Quantum Gravity
Astroparticle Physics
Observational Astrophysics
Field Theory
Classical Field Theory
Quantum Field Theory

Webpage Created by Felipe T. Falciano