LHCb/CBPF web page >> Tutorials  



LHCb/Brazil information


LHCb/CBPF information


General information

LHCb style for plots
Inside the package Styles you will find the files that you need. To obtain the last version follow the instruction below.
ssh lxplus.cern.ch
getpack Tools/Styles
Command to search for a object inside the LHCb software
As an example, to search for where is defined of is used the word ProtoParticle inside DaVinci you use the command:
Lbglimpse LHCb::ProtoParticle DaVinci v28r5
Command to convert a DOS file to UNIX format
dos2unix arquivo.txt
"dos2unix" and "unix2dos" are missing in version Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid). First of all, install dos2unix package:
aptitude install tofrodos
Then if you want "dos2unix" type "fromdos" and if you want "unix2dos", type "todos". If you have a habit of typing in the old commands, its best to create links. Go to /usr/bin:
cd /usr/bin
ln -s fromdos dos2unix
ln -s todos unix2dos
Another alternative is create alias inside the ~/.bashrc file.

Internal information


This web site is part of the LHCb/CBPF web page.