Remote Shifts
About the remote shifts
Start in: September 2012
Details: The CBPF is the first institute in the LHCb experiment to performs remote shifts.
Shifter Role: [Extracted form "Grid Shifters Tutorial", Stefan Roiser (2012, June 20)]
Details: The CBPF is the first institute in the LHCb experiment to performs remote shifts.
Shifter Role: [Extracted form "Grid Shifters Tutorial", Stefan Roiser (2012, June 20)]
- Act as a first line of defence for grid operations issues.
- Monitor the current production activities, data transfer and the user activities.
- Eventually help GEOC on operational tasks.
About the RioShifters group
2 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;
3 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro;
Current members
LHCb members of the institutes listed below.Institutes
1 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas;2 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro;
3 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro;
Tutorials & Tools
- Remote shifts painel (tested at Chrome/Chromium)
- Production shift plots (Public and restricted plots)
(Restricted = needs a grid certificate installed in the web browser.)- Shifter - Pilot Jobs Status
- Shifter - Data Transfer
- Shifter - Data Reconstruction
- Shifter - Data Stripping
- Shifter - Data Merging
- Shifter - Data Reprocessing
- Simulation Jobs plots (restricted)
- Shifter - Job Execution (all types)
- Tiers 1 plots (restricted)