CBPF Grid Site
About the CBPF Grid site (LCG.CBPF.br)
Located now at the "Javier Magnin DataGrid Center" (opened on May 8, 2015), at Brazilian Center for Physics Research (CBPF) the CBPF Grid site or LCG.CBPF.br (launched in 2008) is a Tier-2 site of the LHCb Computing Model. On this model, the Grid sites are grouped into two tiers, Tier-1 and Tier-2. CERN is an exception, because it is also responsible for processing and archiving the RAW experimental data, it is referred to as a Tier-0 site. The LCG.CBPF.br as a Tier-2, wheel simulations. Recently LCG.CBPF.br participate of the "full mesh" of CERN data, working as a Tier-1. This allows experimental data to be sent to LCG.CBPF.br, where they are treated and sent back to CERN, all within the CERN / CBPF collaboration.
The grid site now has more than 600 cores, data storage of 300TB and networking with 10Gbps capacity for CERN (Switzerland). Also in the area of networks, the CBPF is part of LHCone project at CERN, where packets are prioritized, enabling excellence in sending and receiving data over the link between CERN and CBPF. The site supports several VOs (Virtual Organizations), in addition to the LHCb-VO: CMS, Fusion, Auger, BIOMED and ENMR; the latter two in the fields of biomedicine. There is still a VO for submission of jobs locally.
About the Javier Magnin DataGrid Center The aim is handle the data large volume generated in physics experiments resulting from international scientific collaborations. The new facility have capacity to house up to 5 thousand cores (entails today 2 thousand cores). The grid currently has approximately 700 hubs and a modern server with 80 cores that cosumes 1.4KW. It occupies a 30-square meter room, with infrastructure fit to house the equipment, especially with regard to the cooling system, equipped with humidity control and thermal insulation. The cooling is done with an air conditioning of 10TRs (projected to cool to 30TRs) equiped with humidity control, that blows cold air through the raised floor steel (40cm height) to the center of the room (cold aisle) and collect the hot air from the sides of the room two meters from the floor (hot aisles). Following the ABNT (Brazilian Technical Standards Association) and American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers specifications. The Javier Magnin DataGrid Center is an initiative from the High-Energy Experimental Physics Coordination (in Portuguese, Lafex) and astroparticle researchers of the Cosmology, Relativity and Astrophysics Institute (in Portuguese, ICRA) of the CBPF, within the scope of the institution's expansion process, which began in 2006. The data center provides support to the Brazilian participation in the computational grid of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) particle accelerator, installed at the headquarters of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern), in Switzerland. In addition to LCG.CBPF.br site this data center host, other clusters/experiments, namely: Dark Energy Survey, SOAR Gravitational Arc Survey (-law), CO.Vnie and CTA.
About the Javier Magnin DataGrid Center The aim is handle the data large volume generated in physics experiments resulting from international scientific collaborations. The new facility have capacity to house up to 5 thousand cores (entails today 2 thousand cores). The grid currently has approximately 700 hubs and a modern server with 80 cores that cosumes 1.4KW. It occupies a 30-square meter room, with infrastructure fit to house the equipment, especially with regard to the cooling system, equipped with humidity control and thermal insulation. The cooling is done with an air conditioning of 10TRs (projected to cool to 30TRs) equiped with humidity control, that blows cold air through the raised floor steel (40cm height) to the center of the room (cold aisle) and collect the hot air from the sides of the room two meters from the floor (hot aisles). Following the ABNT (Brazilian Technical Standards Association) and American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air conditioning Engineers specifications. The Javier Magnin DataGrid Center is an initiative from the High-Energy Experimental Physics Coordination (in Portuguese, Lafex) and astroparticle researchers of the Cosmology, Relativity and Astrophysics Institute (in Portuguese, ICRA) of the CBPF, within the scope of the institution's expansion process, which began in 2006. The data center provides support to the Brazilian participation in the computational grid of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) particle accelerator, installed at the headquarters of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (Cern), in Switzerland. In addition to LCG.CBPF.br site this data center host, other clusters/experiments, namely: Dark Energy Survey, SOAR Gravitational Arc Survey (-law), CO.Vnie and CTA.
Service for sharing information over the Internet.
Service for sharing computer power and data storage capacity over the Internet.
LCG (LHC Computing Grid project)
Launched in 2002 at CERN with the aim of integrate thousand of computers worldwide to store and analyze the huge amount of data produced by the LHC.
CBPF has two groups participating in large experiments at LHC-CERN, LHCb and CMS. Both groups require of huge computational resources in terms of processing power and data storage.
Service for sharing information over the Internet.
Service for sharing computer power and data storage capacity over the Internet.
LCG (LHC Computing Grid project)
Launched in 2002 at CERN with the aim of integrate thousand of computers worldwide to store and analyze the huge amount of data produced by the LHC.
CBPF has two groups participating in large experiments at LHC-CERN, LHCb and CMS. Both groups require of huge computational resources in terms of processing power and data storage.
About the LCG.CBPF.br Group
Current members
R. Santana1, E. Júnior1, J. Medeiros1, M. Vilaça1, S. Damasceno1Institutes
1 Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas;
- Brasil passa a fazer parte da rede LHCONE
CBPF notícias (Nov 11, 2015) - Brasil passa a fazer parte da rede LHCONE
RNP Lista de notícias (Oct 29, 2015) - CBPF opened data processing center with capacity for up to 5 thousand computer hubs
RNP Lista de notícias (May 20, 2015) - CBPF notícias (Sept 28, 2012)