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Meet the Researchers  A closer look into the researchers who "are" the Theoretical Physics Department of CBPF.
José Leite Lopes
Biographical info from the Brazilian Academy of Science.
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Prof. Helayël NetoProf. José  Helayël Neto

Interests: Prof. Helayel's current interests include supersymmetry and gravitation.

Recent Publications: A list of Prof. Helayel's publications can be found via the SLAC server here.


    Phone: +55(21) 2141-7336

Current Research Interests

       Supersymmetry and Supergravity
       Gauge theories in 3D 
       Supersymmetric Sigma Models

To see a list of publications click here

Prof. Sebastiao A. DiasSebastião Alves Dias

  E-Mail: tiao@cbpf.br

    Phone: +55(21) 2141-7232 

Current Research Interests

      Gauge theories in D2 
       Topological Properties in Field Theories
       Renormalization Group
       Quantum Cromodynamics

To see a list of publications click here

Fernando Raimundo Aranha Simão

  E-Mail: simao@cat.cbpf.br

    Phone: +55(21)541-0337 Extension: 255

Current Research Interests

       Polarization of Hyperons produced in Inclusive Reactions

To see a list of publications click here


Rosangela Marques de Castro
The departmental secretary, Rosangela is (as usual) the only one who knows what's really going on, and where people can be found.

E-Mail: rosangel@cbpf.br

    Phone: +55(21) 2141-7218

Elisete Martins dos Anjos