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Other Physics Institutions:
There are more physics documents scattered about
the web. See PhysNet
for a good introduction (especially PhysDis
which includes, for example, recent theses
in theoretical particle physics at CERN).
Course: Conceitos Basicos de Mecanica
Quantica para Computacao Quantica (March, 2003)
Author: Franklin de Lima Marquezino
An introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Computer
Science students. Includes such topics as: particle-wave duality, uncertainty
principle, Schroedinger equation, angular momentum, the Bohr atomic model,
potential wells and tunneling, theta and delta functions, qubits, etc. (In
notes (542k, 68 pages)
Course: Teorias de Gauge Supersimétricas
Author: Prof. Helayël and M. Beatriz
D. Silva M. Porto
Course notes from Prof. Helayël's 1999
course on supersymmetric gauge theories, to be considered along with Marco
Antonio de Andrade's notes on spinors in arbitrary dimensions. In these
notes, N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories are constructed for various dimensions,
making use of dimensional reduction to obtain N>1 theories in lesser
dimensions. (In Portuguese)
notes (100k, 53 pages)
Course: String Theory and Zeta-function
Author: Francesco Toppan
Abstract: These lecture notes are based
on a revised and LaTexed version of the Master thesis defended at ISAS.
The research part being omitted, they include a review of the bosonic closed
string a la Polyakov and of the one-loop background field method of quantization
defined through the zeta-function. In an appendix some basic features of
the Riemann's zeta-function are also reviewed. The pedagogical aspects of
the material here presented are particularly emphasized.
These notes are used, together with the Scherk's
article in Rev. Mod. Phys. and the first volume of the Polchinski book for
the mini-course on String Theory (16-hours of lectures) held at CBPF. In
this course the Green-Schwarz-Witten two-volumes book is also used for consultative
Lecture Notes Page
Course: Compactificação
e Redução Dimensional com o Método de Kaluza Klein
Author: Marco Antonio de Andrade
"Mini-Course" offered by Marco Antonio de Andrade
concerning dimensional reduction.
notes from first two classes. (88k, 13 paginas).
Course: Introducao as Ideias Basicas sobre
Renormalizacao em Teoria Quantica de Campos
Author: Daniel H. T. Franco
Two-part course tought in Petropolis, near Rio
in May, 2000.
da primeira aula. (117k, 20 paginas)
da quarta aula. (200k, X paginas)
Course: Dirac Spinors in Arbitrary Dimensions
Author: Marco Antonio de Andrade
Epecially useful course for those students
considering supersymmetry and/or dimensional reduction in more (or less)
than 1 time and 3 space dimensions. (In Portuguese)
notes (175k, 37 pages)
Course: Introduction to Supergravity (Portuguese)
Authors: Prof. Helayel-Neto, C.N. Ferreira,
L.R.U. Manssur, M.E.X. Guimaraes
Chapter 1: The Present Status of Quantum Gravity.
Chapter 2: Basic Notions of General Relativity. Chapter 3: Gravitational
Symmetries and Associated Gauge Fields. Chapter 4: Study of Torsion
and Curvature Using the Covariant Derivatives D_\alpha. Chapter 5:
Equations of Motion. Chapter 6: Coupling Gravity to Matter.
Chapter 7: Coupling Spin-3/2 Fields to Gravity. Chapter 8: Higher-Order
Lagrangians and Dynamical Torsion. Chapter 9: Introduction to Supersymmetry.
Chapter 10: Supergravity.
Paper (250k,
88 pages)
PhD Thesis: Finitude em Teoria Quantica
de Campos: Um Estudo Algebrico (December, 2001, Portuguese)
Author: Marcelo Silva Sarandy
Abstract: Ultraviolet finite quantum
field theories are discussed in the framework of the algebraic renormalization.
Firstly, by studying the BRST cohomology, we show the finiteness of the
self-dual Pasti-Sorokin-Tonin (PST) models, as well as the absence of gauge
anomaly. These models have arised as a covariantization of duality symmetric
actions and, although a coupling constant is not present, they have an infinite
series of interactions arranged in a nonpolinomial term. We work explicitely
in two, four and six dimensions, indicating an argument for the extension
of the results for higher dimensions.
After the PST models, we present an algebraic
criterion for the vanishing of the beta function for renormalizable quantum
field theories, which is based on the descent equations following from the
invariant counterterms consistency condition. In the cases we will be interested,
these equations relate the fully quantized action to a local gauge invariant
field polynomial. The vanishing of the anomalous dimension of this polynomial
enables us to establish a nonrenormalization theorem for the beta function
$\beta _g$, stating that if the one-loop order contribution vanishes, then
$\beta _g$ will vanish to all orders of perturbation theory. As a by-product,
the special case in which $\beta _g$ is only of one-loop order, without
any further corrections, is also covered. The examples of Chern-Simons in
three dimensions coupled to fermionic matter and $N=2$ and $N=4$ super Yang-Mills
theories are discussed in detail.
(260k, 98 pages)
PhD Thesis: Aspectos de Gravitação
Quântica e de Teorias Quânticas com Torção
Dinâmica (February, 2001, Portuguese)
Author: Guilherme de Berredo Peixoto
Abstract:Investigamos nesta tese vários
aspectos da teoria quântica de campos. No trabalho mais relevante,
estudamos as restrições à torção dinâmica
que surgem no contexto de uma teoria quântica de campos efetiva. Este
resultado é um exe
mplo de restrição à geometria
do espaço-tempo obtida através de métodos das teorias
quânticas de campos. Outros resultados incluem a construção
de uma nova versão de teoria com derivadas superiores e simetria
conforme local, sua contribuição para a anomalia e o cálculo
das divergências a 1-loop para a gravitação quântica
usando uma nova parametrização conforme.
Abstract: Several problems of quantum
field theory have been investigated throughout this thesis. The most relevant
result is the analysis of the constraints on a dynamical torsion arising
in the framework of effective quantum field theory. We then present an example
of the restrictions on the space-time geometry obtained by quantum field
theory methods. Other results include the construction of a new version
of higher-derivative theory with local conformal symmetry, its contribuction
to anomaly and the derivation of 1-loop divergences for quantum gravity
in a new conformal parametrization.
(270k, 103 pages)
PhD Thesis: Aspectos Peculiares
das Eletrodinâmicas de Maxwell e Maxwell-Chern-Simons Planares (February,
2001, Portuguese)
Author: Winder Alexander de Moura Melo
Classical Maxwell and Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS)
Electrodynamics in (2+1)D are studied in a great deal of details. General
expressions for the potentials and fields are obtained for both models,
and some particular cases are explicitly solved. Conceptual and technical
difficulties arise, however, for accelerated charges. The propagation of
electromagnetic signals is also studied and their reverberation is worked
out and discussed. Furthermore, we show that a Dirac-like monopole yields
a (static) tangential electric field. We also discuss some classical and
quantum-mechanical consequences of the field created by such a monopole
when acting upon a usual electric charge. In particular, we show that, at
large distances, the dynamics of one single charged particle under the action
of such a potential and a constant (external) magnetic field as well reduces
to that of one central harmonic oscillator, presenting, however, an interesting
angular sector which admits energy-eigenvalues. Among other peculiarities,
both the radial and the angular sectors, present non-vanishing energy eigenvalues
for their lowest levels. Moreover, those associated to the angle are shown
to respond to discrete shifts of such a variable. We also raise the question
of the possibility of formation of bound states in this system.
(250k, 49 pages)
PhD Thesis: Contribuições
recentes ao estudo de teorias de gauge planares (February 1, 2001, Portuguese)
Author: José Luís
A number of different topics that regard planar
field theories are presented and discussed in this thesis. Particular attention
is devoted to the issue of torsion in pure gravity and gravity coupled to
fermions; the dynamical mass generation mechanism is reassessed in this
framework. Aside from these problems, one tackles here the techniques for
extending superfields and superspace formalism in those cases where supersymmetry
is explicitly and spontaneously broken. With our results, the breaking parameters
are taken into account to all orders in the free superpropagators.
Thesis (230k,
59 pages)
PhD Thesis: Propriedades Quânticas
da Electrodinâmica Bidimensional Renormalizada (November, 2000, Portuguese)
Author: Rodolfo Alván Casana
We regularize and renormalize, by functional
integral techniques, the anomalous (ASM) and the chiral Schwinger model
(CSM). The renormalization is done both semi-perturbatively (in terms of
an expansion involving the exact photon propagator) and exactly. We study
the screening and confinement of test charges (using the regularized theories),
confirming our results by a Wilson loop analysis. We find the operator solution
of the ASM, using the bosonization method, and we reveal the structure of
the Hilbert space and the physical observables. We analyze the behaviour
of the chiral condensates and physical currents in the ASM, in what concerns
cluster properties and infrared behaviour, and we show that gauge symmetry
is preserved at the quantum level (for av * 1), in a similar way to what
happens in the CSM. All our results show the consistency of anomalous gauge
theories in two dimensions, at least for some classes of regularizations.
Thesis (388k,
95 pages)
PhD Thesis: Aspectos algebricos e geometricos
dos modelos de Toda (September 2000, Portuguese)
Author: Guillermo Santiago Cuba Castillo
We study the relation between the group algebraic
approach and the dressing symmetry one to the soliton solutions of the A(1)_n
Toda field theory in 1+1 dimensions. Originally solitons in the affine Toda
models has been found by Olive, Turok and Underwood. Single solitons are
created by exponentials of elements which ad{diagonalize the principal Heisenberg
subalgebra. Alternatively Babelon and Bernard exploited the dressing symmetry
to reproduce the known expressions for the fundamental tau functions in
the sine-Gordon model. We show the equivalence between these two methods
to construct solitons in the A(1)_n Toda models.
By studying the internal Riemannian geometry
of the surfaces of constant negative scalar curvature, we obtain a natural
map between the Liouville, and the sine-Gordon equations. Considering isometric
immersions into the Lobachevskian plane, we obtain an uniform expression
for the general (locally defined) solution of both the equations. We prove
that there is a Lie-Backlund transformation interpolating between Liouville
and sine-Gordon. We also derive an auto-Backlund Transformation for the
Liouville equation.
(267k, 88 pages)
Master's Thesis: Rediscutindo a Trialidade
de Cartan (May 2000, Portuguese)
Author: Moises Porfirio Rojas Leyva
Spinors are discured in space-times with arbitrary
signatures and a great deal of attention is drawn to the so-called Majorana-Weyl
representation. In particular, we contemplate the case of 8 dimensions,
where Cartan's triality plays a central role. Our main purpose is to reassess
triality by adopting a sort of " superspace" formulation where a Majorana-Weyl
representation is adopted and greatly simplifes the treatment.
(200k, 98 pages)
PhD Thesis: Resultados Recentes em Teorias
de Gauge Planares Supersimetricas (Abril 2000, Portuguese)
Author: Leon Ricardo Ururahy Manssur
In this work we propose to analyse a supersymmetric
gauge model in D = 4. It includes a Maxwell field minimally coupled to scalar
matter and to another 2-form gauge potential, wich in turns couples non-minimally
to the scalar. Through a process of dimensional reduction, supplemented
by an identi,cation of both gauge fields, we obtain an N = 2-D = 3 supersymmetric
gauge theory with a Chern-Simons term and non-minimal coupling to matter.
It is shown that the bosonic sector of this model displays topological vortex
solutions. The model is still reassessed by means of the Simplectic Projector
Method, and we obtain thereby the true dynamical phase space degrees of
freedom of the bosonic theory. At last, we recionsider the model by formulating
it with the help of superspace techniques. The bosonic component of the
central charge present in the supersymmetry algebra is calculated and one
shows, as expected, that it is nothing but the topological charge.
Neste trabalho, propomos um modelo de gauge
supersimetrico em D = 4. Este modelo inclui um campo de Mawxell acoplado
minimamente "a materia escalar e a um outro potencial de gauge, 2-forma
que, por sua vez, acopla-se nao-minimamente ao escalar. Atraves de um procedimento
de reducao dimensional, suplementado por uma identi,cacao apropriada entre
os 2 campos de gauge, obtemos o modelo de Maxwell-Chern-Simons em D = 3,
com um termo de Chern-Simons e acoplamento nao-minimo, alem de supersimetria
N = 2. Mostra-se que o setor bosonico deste modelo possui solucoes de vortices
topologicos. O modelo e tambem avaliado atraves do Metodo do Projetor Simpletico,
o que revela os graus de liberdade efetivamente dinamicos do espaco de fase
da teoria bosonica. Finalmente, reconsidera-se o modelo do ponto de vista
do superespaco, formulando-o em termos de supercampos. Obtem-se a componente
bosonica de sua carga central e se demonstra, como esperado, que esta coincide
com a carga topologica.
(189k, 67 pages)
PhD Thesis: (May 2000, Portuguese)
Author: Claudio Anael Gomes Sasaki
Apresentamos uma caracterização
cohomológica para uma classe de identidades de Ward com termo de
quebra linear. Os exemplos da supersimetria vetorial e da equação
do anti-ghost no calibre de Landau são discutidos em detalhes. Mostramos
que a existência dessas identidades de Ward com quebra linear está
diretamente relacionada a certos cociclos exatos do operador de BRST, os
quais dependem dos anti-campos e possuem número de ghost negativo,
de forma análoga a reformulação cohomológica
do teorema de Noether feita por M. Henneaux e seus colaboradores [1].
(190k, 71 pages)
PhD Thesis: Solitons and Vertex Operators
in Affine Toda Field Theories
Author: Marco A.C. Kneipp
Supervisor: Prof. D. Olive
Affine Toda field theories are relativistic
integrable theories in two dimensions. Each of them are associated to an
affine Kac-Moody algebra $\gg^{(k)}$. When the coupling is chosen to be
imaginary these theories possess soliton solutions. These nevertheless carry
real energy and momentum. We obtain a vertex operator construction
which determine the asymptotic behaviour of these solitons.
This result gives some information about the topological charges of
the solitons. Using this vertex operator it is also shown
that a $N$-soliton solution at $t \rightarrow \pm \infty$ has the form of
$N$ isolated solitons. The overall lateral displacement of the
soliton trajectories due to the scattering with several other solitons is
determined and shown to be independent of the temporal order in which the
collisions take place. This result constitutes a classical analogue of the
Yang-Baxter equation. For the collision of two solitons, the time
delay in the center-of-momentum frame is always negative
and proportional to the logarithm of the function which comes from the normal
ordering of two vertex operators. The soliton scattering matrix in
semi-classical approximation is then derived from the time delay.
Various results of twisted and non-simply laced theories are obtained from
the simply laced ones by using folding procedures.
In particular it is shown that the particles
and solitons of the twisted theory are a subset of the unfolded theory and
the criterion of ``survival'' is the same for both, particles and solitons.
(200k, 90 pages)
Master's Thesis: Canonical Quantization
of Chern-Simons on the Light Front (Feb. 1996)
Author: Leon Ricardo Ururahy Manssur
By performing the canonical quantization of
the Abelian Chern-Simons model on the light-front (as suggested by Dirac),
we clarify some controversies appearing in recent papers that discuss the
relation between the existence of excitations carrying fractional spin and
statistics (anyons) and this model. Properties of the Chern-Simons model
on the light-front are investigated in detail, following the Dirac method
for constrained dynamical systems, both for a coupled complex scalar
field as well as for a spinor field.
Thesis (180k,
56 pages)
in English (75k, 11 pages)
Master's Thesis: Supersymmetric QCD (Aug.
1998, English)
Author: Patrick Brockill
Coordinator: Prof. Erik Verlinde
In this work, we consider N=1 globally supersymmetric
QCD-like theories, with N_f >= 0 matter fields in the fundamental representation
of the gauge group, SU(N_c), where N_c >= 3, and where we attempt not
to break global supersymmetry. We construct both Wilsonian and1PI
(and 2PI) effective actions which exhibit the same (non)anomalous symmetries
(whose anomalies we calculate using the Fujikawa method) as the original
theories, and we check their consistency by several means (decoupling fields,
integrating in fields, 't Hooft's triangles). Lastly, we briefly present
the the duality conjecture put forth by Seiberg for N=1 theories. At
a more fundamental level, the goal of this work is to present a clear and
complete logical development of this theory at the basic level, by reviewing
the literature and presenting the results for only one (simple) class of
gauge groups.
(700k, 133 pages)
Master's Thesis: Monopólos Magnéticos
Abelianos e Quantização da Massa Topológica
em (3 + 1) Dimensões. (February
1997, Portuguese)
Author: Winder Alexander de Moura Melo
Coordinator: Prof. José Abdalla
An Abelian gauge model with vector and 2-form
potential fields mixed up by a topological
mass term is shown to exhibit Dirac-like monopoles in the presence of a matter
background. A generalised quantisation condition comes out that involves
charges and
the mass parameter..
(700k, 133 pages)
Course: Complex Analysis
Author: Prof. Bientholts
(830k, 64 pages)
Course: Aspectos de Dimensionalidade no Eletromagnetismo
Paper: Photons in 3 Dimensions
Author: unknown (Prof. Helayel?)
Proposta: formular um modelo, tipo interacao
Eletromagnetica, que descreva fotons longitudinais em 3 dimensoes espaciais.
(32 pages, 240k)
Paper: Extensao da Solucao de D'Alembert para os Operadores $\square ^{2}$ e $\square ^{3}$
Lecture: "Teorias Modernas do Espaço-Tempo"
Author: Maria Cristina Batoni Abdalla
Lecture presented at XVI SNEF 2005..
Master's Thesis: "Campos, Partículas
e Simetrias de Calibre com Violacão da Simetria de Lorentz"
Author: Victor José Vásquez