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About the CCP 

Here you'll find more information about the facilities available at DCP, including a directory and floor plan of our humble department.



This page last modified: $Date: 2001/08/18 18:53:17 $

Computer Facilities
Recently, a new document describing our computer facilities has been put up by the "CAT" people (the people who manage our network) which documents our computer facilities quite well!


305A: (tel. 2141-7266) Elisete Martins dos Anjos 
301D: (tel. 2141-7256) Dr. Walter Baltensperger
302D: (tel. 2141-7255) Dr. Fernando R. A. Simão
303D: (tel. 2141-7218) Rosangela Marques de Castro (Secretary)
306D: (tel. 2141-7227) Prof. B. Shroer
307/308D: (tel. 2141-7228) Nanoscopy Laboratory 
309D: (tel. 2141-7232) Prof. Sebastião A. Dias 
310D: (tel. 2141-7231)Visitor's room
312D: (tel. 2141-7257) Dr.Cristine Ferreira,  Dr.Alvaro Nogueira e Roger Barreto Ribeiro
313D: (tel. 2141-7233 e 2141-7303) Prof. Anibal Caride e Profa. Susana . Zanette de Caride
314D: (tel. 2141-7234) Dr. Marco Aurelio Kneipp, José Gomes, Chauca Murga, Dr.Everton Abreu e Dr. Fabrício Barone Rangel.
315D: (tel. 2141-7235) Prof. J. Leite Lopes
317D: (tel. 2141-7220)  Gustavo Dourado Barbosa e Alvaro Ferreira
318D: (tel. 2141-7360) Dr. Hector Leny, Ricardo Cardoso Paschoal, Dr.Marcelo A. N. Botta Cantch, Sergio Velloso.
319D: (tel. 2141-7358) Prof. J.A. Helayël Neto, Prof.  A. W. Smith
320D: (tel. 2141-7254) Leonardo P. G. de Assis,  Dr.Jose Luis Boldo, Dr. Moises Rojas, Thales Costa Soares,  Leonardo Moraes.

314B (tel. 2141-7205):Visitor's room

605B (tel.: 2141-7286): Prof.  Francesco Toppan

Home Pages

Prof. Franciso Toppan: http://www.cbpf.br/~toppan/

PhD Students
Patrick Brockill: http://www.cbpf.br/~brockill/

Telephone Numbers

General telephone CBPF: 2141-7100

Secretary, CCP: 2141-7218

And using the form below, you can get a perhaps more accurate list of telephone numbers of the members of the department:

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