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Electricity Usage at the CBPF Due to a recent crisis in the amount of available electrical energy in Brazil, we have been forced to implement a number of energy-saving measures at the CBPF.
This page last modified: $Date: 2001/08/18 18:53:34 $
New Hours of Operation for July, 2001
For the month of July (at the least), the new hours of operation will be:
Day of Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Hours of Normal Operation NONE 08.00-21.00 08.00-21.00 08.00-21.00 08.00-21.00 08.00-14.00 NONE
Comments All non-essential (including lights, PC's and UNIX workstations) equipment turned off. Lights out and PC's turned off at 21.00  Lights out and PC's turned off at 21.00 Lights out and PC's turned off at 21.00 Lights out and PC's turned off at 21.00 Lights out and ALL non-essential equipment turned off at 14.00 (including UNIX workstations)
until 08.00 Monday
All non-essential (including lights, PC's and UNIX workstations) equipment turned off.

Necessity of Measures
The necessity of the measures can be seen in the following graph:

The blue line (running from January to December) is the consumption of energy for the year 2000.  The green line starting from May onwards is the new amount of energy we may use, as dictated by the government (25% less than was used in 2000). The purple line from January to July is the amount of energy we are currently using in 2001. Notice that we must reduce our consumption in order to stay beneath the green line, especially in July and August!