Cosmic Strings and the Singularity Problem - Prof. V. Moncrief
Accelerated Observers and Quantum Effects - Prof. S. Takagi
Introduction to Stochastic Quantum Theory - Prof. F. Guerra
Quantum Effects in Cosmology - Prof. L.P. Grishchuck
Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spaces - Prof. I.G.Moss
Minisuperspaces - Prof. M.P. Ryan Jr.
General Relativity and Fierz-Lanczos Variables - Prof. M.Novello
Quantum Field Theory in Eternal Universes - Prof. N.Deruelle
Organizing Committee:
M.Novello (CBPF)
L.A.R.Oliveira (CBPF, Rio de Janeiro)
A.J.Accioly (IFT, São Paulo).