Vladimir  Mostepanenko
Recent results:

In collaboration with Prof.Dr. M. Novello constraints on the Yukawa-type corrections to
Newtonian gravitational law are obtained from the measurement of the Casimir force
between two crossed cylinders. The new constraints are stronger than those previously derived
in the interaction range between 1.5nm and 11nm. The maximal strengthening in 300 times
is achieved at 4.26nm. The possible applications of the results to elementary particle physics are
For detailes see: V.M.Mostepanenko and M.Novello, Phys.Rev.D, 63, 115003 (2001).

In collaboration with Prof.Dr. G.Klimchitskaya the Casimir force acting between real boundaries
at nonzero temperature was investigated. It was shown that the zero-frequency term of the
Lifshitz formula is difficult to interpret in the case of dissipative media. This is because the scattering
theory underlying the Lifshitz formula is not well formulated when the dielectric permittivity takes
account of dissipation. The new prescription was proposed giving sence to this term which is applicable
for the real metals and the temperature Casimir force was computed.
For details see: G.L.Klimchitskaya and V.M.Mostepanenko, Phys.Rev.A, 63, 062108 (2001).