Quantum Field Theory
Introduction to SuperSymmetry and Supergravitation
P. P. Srivastava
(III BSCG, 1982)  cod. 250_298

The Role of Quantum Mechanics in the Specification of the Structure of Spacetime
 J. Audretsch
(V BSCG, 1987) cod.  419_425

Influence of the Cosmological Background on the Mutual Interaction of Quantum Fields
J. Audretsch
(V BSCG, 1987) cod.  426_440

Elements of BRST Theory
C. Teitelboim
( V BSCG, 1987) cod.  566_605

Accelerated Observers and Quantum Effects
S. Takagi
( VI BSCG, 1989)

Introduction to Stochastic Quantum Theory
F. Guerra
( VI BSCG, 1989)

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spaces
I. G. Moss
( VI BSCG, 1989)

Quantum Field Theory in Eternal Universes
N. Deruelle
( VI BSCG, 1989)

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
L. Ford
( VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 089_146

Generalized Quantizations of Gauge Theories
I. Tyutin
( VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 639_665

Cosmological Applications of QFT in Curved Spacetimes
V. Mostepanenko
 (IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 293_352

Light-front Quantized Field Theory
P. Srivastava
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 207_244