Observational Cosmology

Extra-galactic distance scale    (In Spanish)
J. L. Sersic
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 1015_1067

The Large Scale Structure of the Universe
G. Chincarini
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 001_052

Neutrinos in the Universe
R. Opher
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 299_315

The Electromagnetism Spectrum of the Cosmic Background Radiation
N. J. Shuch
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 176_187

The Angular Distribution of the Cosmic Background Radiation
N. J. Shuch
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 223_235

Formation of Large Scale Structure in the Universe
F. Li. Zhi
(IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 054_105

Pertubation in the Expanding Universe
S. Gottlöber
(VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 415_492

Observing the Universe
B. Jones
(VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 493_638

Formation of Structure in the Universe
R. Brandenberger
(VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 001_163

Lecture on the very early  Universe
V. Lukash
(VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 288_348

Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
G. Smoot
(IX BSCG, 1998)

Physics of the Universe
J. Villumsen
(IX BSCG, 1998)

Homogeneity and Fractality
 L. Amendola
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 125_205

Observational Cosmology
J. Bartlett
(X BSCG, 2002)