Observational Cosmology
Extra-galactic distance scale
J. L. Sersic
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 1015_1067The Large Scale Structure of the Universe
G. Chincarini
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 001_052Neutrinos in the Universe
R. Opher
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 299_315The Electromagnetism Spectrum of the Cosmic Background Radiation
N. J. Shuch
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 176_187The Angular Distribution of the Cosmic Background Radiation
N. J. Shuch
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 223_235Formation of Large Scale Structure in the Universe
F. Li. Zhi
(IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 054_105Pertubation in the Expanding Universe
S. Gottlöber
(VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 415_492Observing the Universe
B. Jones
(VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 493_638Formation of Structure in the Universe
R. Brandenberger
(VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 001_163Lecture on the very early Universe
V. Lukash
(VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 288_348Cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
G. Smoot
(IX BSCG, 1998)Physics of the Universe
J. Villumsen
(IX BSCG, 1998)Homogeneity and Fractality
L. Amendola
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 125_205Observational Cosmology
J. Bartlett
(X BSCG, 2002)