Classical Gravity
Papers in Portuguese
"Strings" in Special and General Relativity
P. A. Letelier Sotomayor
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 159_175

The Calculus of Differential Forms and a Dirac Equation in Curved Space
I. D. Soares
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 479_546

Gravitation Theory
C. G. Oliveira
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 715_924

The Applications of the Inverse Scattering Problem in General Relativity
V. A. Belinskii and V. E. Zakharov
( III BSCG, 1982) cod. 053_114

Solitons of Matter in General Relativity
P. S. Letelier Sotomayor
( III BSCG, 1982) cod.  137_144

Metric Fluctuations: The Macroscopic Equations of Gravity and Chaos Versus Anti-Chaos
M. Novello
( III BSCG, 1982) cod.  211_222

Initial Value Problem: Positivity of Energy
I. Choquet-Bruhat
( IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 007_053

Some Notes on the Propagation of Discontinuities in Solutions to the Einstein Equation
K. Lake
(V BSCG, 1987) cod. 001_081

Towards a History of Einstein's Theory of Gravitation
J. Einsenstaedt
(V BSCG, 1987) cod.  552_565

Cosmic Strings and the Singularity Problem
V. Moncrief
(VI BSCG, 1989)

General Relativity and Fierz-Lanczos Variables
M. Novello
( VI BSCG, 1989)

Black Holes: Classical Properties, Thermodynamics and Heuristic Quantization
J. Bekenstein
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 001_085

Aspects of Black Hole Entropy
W. Israel
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 275_291

Field Theory of Gravity
M. Novello
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 245_274

Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities
P. Brady
(X BSCG, 2002)

Experimental Status of Corrections to Newtonian Gravity Inspired by the Extra Dimensional Physics
V. Mostepanenko
(X BSCG, 2002)

Non-Gravitational Black Holes: An Overview
M. Novello
(X BSCG, 2002)