Classical Field Theory

Papers in Portuguese
Transformation Groups
M. D. Maia
(II BSCG, 1979) cod.  001_090

Towards the Geometrization of Electromagnetism
M. Novello
 (II BSCG, 1979) cod. 115_157

Introduction to the Formulation of Some Theories of Unitary Field
C. G. Oliveira
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 361_477

Classical Gauge Theory and Gravitation
Ruben Aldrovandi
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 1091_1164

Pre-Simpletic Diferential Geometry and the Dirac-Bergmann Formalism to Constrained Mechanics
P. R. Rodrigues
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 1165_1191

Some Aspects of Gauge Theory
 P. P. Srivastava
 (II BSCG, 1979)  cod. 671_713

Introduction to the Formulation of Some Unitary Theories and the Gauge Theory of the Group(3,1)
C. G. Oliveira
(III BSCG, 1982)  cod.  145_175

Nonlocal Electrodynamics
B. Mashoon
(VII BSCG, 1993)  cod.  245_295

Introduction to Thermal Field Theory
N. Fux Svaiter
(X BSCG, 2002)