Classical CosmologyPapers in Portuguese
Relativistic Cosmology![]()
M. Novello
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 203_359Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking and Cosmological Models
H. Fleming
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 629_669Singularities in Cosmological Solutions to Einstein's Equations
I. M. Khalatnikov and E. M. Lifshitz
( II BSCG, 1979) cod. 0925_1014Stochastic Methods in Cosmology
M. Novello
( IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 342_371Standard Cosmology
G. F. R. Ellis
( V BSCG, 1987) cod. 083_151Nonstandard Cosmology
J. V. Narlikar
( V BSCG, 1987) cod. 152_244The Program of an Eternal Universe
M. Novello
( V BSCG, 1987) cod. 245_343Non-Singular Cosmology Models
V. N. Melnikov
( VII BSCG, 1993)Theoretical Cosmology
M. Novello
( VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 297_414Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the theory os Cosmological Perturbations
M. Novello
( VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 408_437Classical Solutions in Multidimensional Cosmology
V. N. Melnikov
(VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 463_574Chaos in Cosmology and Astrophysics
V. G. Gurzadyan
( X BSCG, 2002)Space and Space-time in Cosmology
M. Lachieze-Rey
( X BSCG, 2002)Cosmological variable term
I. Dymnikova
( X BSCG, 2002)String / M-Theory Cosmology
E. Copeland
( X BSCG, 2002)