Supermassive Black HolesAstroparticle PhysicsPapers in Portuguese
J. A. de Freitas Pacheco
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 091_113Properties of Stellar Matter
T. Kodama
(II BSCG, 1979) cod. 177_202Gravitational Coupling of Neutrinos to Matter Vorticity II: Microscopic Asymmetries in Angular-Momentum Modes
I. D. Soares and L. C. M. S. Rodrigues
(III BSCG, 1982) cod. 188_210Five Lectures on Particles Physics and Cosmology
E. W. Kolb
(IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 280_317Topics at the Interface of Particle Physics and Cosmology
D. N. Schramm
(IV BSCG, 1984) cod. 317_341Lectures on Particles Cosmology
E. W. Kolb
(V BSCG, 1987) cod. 441_551Elementary Particles in Cosmology
A. Dolgov
( VII BSCG, 1993) cod. 001_087Particles Physics and Cosmology
J. Ellis
( VIII BSCG, 1995) cod. 164_228Physics and Astrophysics of Black Holes and Physics of Time Machines
I. Novikov
(IX BSCG, 1998) cod. 087_0124Astroparticle Physics: an overview
E. W. Kolb
(X BSCG, 2002)Cosmology from topological defects
A. Gangui
( X BSCG, 2002)