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Clique aqui para ler esta página em Português Page updated on May 04) The 5th LABNANO/CBPF School on Nanofabrication is intended to create/improve/boost the culture on nanofabrication techniques and its applications. The school is aimed to the brazilian science, technology and innovation community as potential users for the LABNANO/CBPF nanofabrication facility, particularly suitable for projects involving e-beam nanolithography. The LABNANO/CBPF facility is one of the Strategic Laboratories created by the Brazilian Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (MCTI) whithin the Brazilian Nanotechnology Innitiative. The Laboratory is part of the National System of Nanotechnology Laboratories (SISNANO). The School is targeted to graduate students, post-docs and researchers interested in develop future projetcs of micro and nanofabrication using optical lithography, electron beam nanolithography, laser writing lithography and ion beam lithography, The 5th School on Nanofabrication is organized in two parts: (1)
Part A - Basic Concepts (first 2 days)
Joao Alberto Lins de Barros Auditorium Seats
Available: 100 Travel
Grants: There
are a few grants to support brazilian attendees from outside Rio de
Janeiro metropolitan area. See registration instructions for
details. - André L. Pinto (CBPF) - Fernando Lázaro Freire Junior (CBPF) - Jason Sanabia (Raith USA) - João P. Sinnecker (CBPF) - Rubem L. Sommer (CBPF) - Tatiana L. Marcondes (CBPF)