
MAGSCHOOLSummer School 2014    Rio de Janeiro - August 10-15


School Program

Committees &


Poster Sessions


MAG School
(IEEE page)  

About Rio de Janeiro

Local contact:

Reimbursement Instructions

Updated on August 11, 2014

Region 9 students (Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico)

Your travel expenses (flight tickets only) will be reimbursed in BRL,
limited to the equivalent of USD 500.

You need to bring a hard copy if your flight ticket receipt and also
of the boarding card.

In order to get the reimbursement check (we will help you to cash it
before the end of the school), please fill the IEEE form picked at the
main desk wiht Mrs. Denise Toledo. Use the template provide do fill it
but leave the bus/taxii expenses out of it.

You need another form from ABPF, the local foundation that is handling your
reimbursements and hotel. Please check this form with Mrs. Denise Toledo.

Don't forget to sign both forms (ABPF and IEEE)

Non-region 9 students (US and Canada, Europe, ASIA, etc)

Please, fill the IEEE reimbursement form following the template. The
reimbursement limits were informed in your acceptance letter.

You need to bring a hard copy of your transportation receipts.

Give the signed form and receipst to Prof. Mingzhong Wu and he will
issue the reimbursement check in USD. The check has to be deposited
in your account after you are back home.

Click here to dowload the IEEE_reimbursement_template
