We are a group of theoretical physicists doing research in the Center of Brazilian Physics Research (CBPF) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  We principally work with Field Theory and Gravitation.
Energy Reduction in July!
We must keep energy consumption (purple line) under the allowed values (green line).
Name Change
A solely bureaucratic change, our name has officially been changed from DCP to CCP. Neverthless DCP still appears on these pages (indeed, people still refer to the DCP when talking).
Department News: Seminars, etc.
Students (daily, when possible!) filter through the departmental emails floating around to keep you up to date on the most recent events: seminars, conferences, etc.  Also see the official list of CBPF colloquia, as well as the CBPF news page.
(Un)published Papers
An archive of PhD and master's theses, as well as various other physics documents which may be of interest. Includes various popular papers from Professor Helayel.  Also see the most recent publications coming out of the CBPF.
About the Institute
Layout of the building wing where DCP is located, personal home pages of researchers, information on the computer facilities, etc.
Coming to the Institute
Information for students wishing to do their Master's or PhD studies here at the CBPF. (Unfinished, but may be of use in it's present form) Also, congratulations to the new students who passed the entrance exam for the 2nd semester of 2001!
About the Institute
Layout of the building wing where DCP is located, personal home pages of researchers, information on the computer facilities, etc.
This page last modified: $Date: 2001/08/18 18:53:16 $