Scientific papers published by members of our group
1.M.Novello e J.Leite Lopes. The Role of the Mass in the Theory of Fermions. Revista Mexicana de Física 18, 5, 425-435, 1969.
2.M.Novello. Dirac's Equations in a Weyl Space. Nuovo Cimento, 164A, 954-960, 1969.
3.J.Leite Lopes e M.Novello. Gauge Transformations and Generalized Multipole Moment Operators. Revista Mexicana de Física 19, 229-239, 1970.
4.M.Novello. An Exact Solution of the g -Equation. Helvetica Physica Acta 44, 6, 697-702, 1971.
5.M.Novello. Gravitation as a Consequence of the Self-Interaction of the g Fields. Journal of Mathematical Physics 12, 6, 1039-1041, 1971.
6.M.Novello. The Origin of the Neutrino Mass. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 1, 6, 252-254, 1971.
7.M.Novello e P.Rotelli. The Cosmological Dependence of Weak Interaction. Journal of Physics A 5, 1488-1494, 1972.
8.M.Novello e M.Armony. On the Mass Difference of the Electron and the Muon. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-XIX, 3, 97-101, 1972.
9.M.Novello. A New Model of Gravitational Interaction. Notas de Física do CBPF XX, 4, 111-116, 1973.
10.M.Novello. Weak and Electromagnetic Forces as a Consequence of the Self-Interaction of the g -Field. Physical Review D 8, 8, 2398-2400, 1973.
11.M.Novello e Ligia M.C.S.Rodrigues. Beyond the Cosmological Singularity. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 13, 2, 74-76, 1975.
12.I.D.Soares e M.Novello. Spherically Symmetric Neutrino Radiation Stars. Physics Letters 55A, 1, 5-6, 1975.
13.M.Novello. Generalization of Einstein's Theory of Gravity in the Presence of Tensions in Space-Time. International Atomic Energy Agency, IC/75/61, 1-14, Miramare, Trieste, 1975.
14.M.Novello e I.D.Soares. Neutrino Cosmology. Physics Letters 56A, 6, 431-433, 1976.
15.M.Novello, C.A.P.Galvão, I.D.Soares e J.M.Salim. Electric and Magnetic Gravitational Monopoles: the Equation of Motion of Poles. Journal of Physics A 9, 4, 547-554, 1976.
16.M.Novello. Scalar and Massless Vector Fields in Cartan Space. Physics Letters 59A, 2, 105-106, 1976.
17.M.Novello. Ghost Basis for Neutrino. Physics Letters 58A, 2, 75-76, 1976.
18.M.Novello, I.D.Soares e J.M.Salim. On Jacobi Fields. General Relativity and Gravitation 8, 2, 95-102, 1977.
19.M.Novello. Static Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model. Physics Letters 61 A, 5, 293-294, 1977.
20.M.Novello e I.D.Soares. Eigenvalue Treatment of Cosmological Models. Physics Letters 64 A, 2, 153-154, 1977.
21.M.Novello. Absorption of Gravitational Waves by an Excited Vacuum Space-Time. Physics Letters 61 A, 7, 441-442, 1977.
22.M.Novello. Excitations of the Gravitational Field - I. Revista Brasileira de Física 8, 2, 442-460, 1978.
23.M.Novello e M.J.Rebouças. The Stability of a Rotating Universe. Astrophysical Journal 225, 719-724, 1978.
24.M.Novello. Galaxy Formation and Vacuum Quantum Fluctuations of the Gravitational Field. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 24, 3, 72-74, 1979.
25.M.Novello. A Note Concerning the Gravitational Indistinguishability of a Neutrino Field and Stokesian Fluids. Physics Letters 69 A, 5, 309-310, 1979.
26.M.Novello e J.M.Salim. Nonlinear Photons in the Universe. Physical Review D 20, 2, 377-383, 1979.
27.M.Novello e M.J.Rebouças. Rotating Universe with Successive Causal and Non-Causal Regions. Physical Review D 19, 10, 2850-2852, 1979.
28.L.A.R.Oliveira, T.Kodama e F.C.Santos. Path Integrals for Arbitrary Canonical Transformations. Nuovo Cimento 58 B, 2, 251-256, 1980.
29.M.Novello e J.B.d'Olival. Nonlinear Viscous Cosmology. Acta Physica Polonica B 11, 1, 3-13, 1980.
30.M.Novello e J.Duarte. On Dual Properties of Weyl Tensor. General Relativity and Gravitation 12, 11, 871-880, 1980.
31.M.Novello e R.Araújo. Qualitative Analysis of Homogeneous Universes. Physical Review D 22, 2, 260-266, 1980.
32.M.Novello. Stokesian Fluids and Cosmology. Nukleonika 25, 11-12, 1405-1413, 1980 (Número Especial, dedicado à memória do físico polonês B.Kuchowicz).
33.M.Novello. Algumas Questões Cosmológicas. Revista Brasileira de Física 10, 3, 599-642, 1980.
34.M.Novello, H.Heintzman e E.Schrfer. Generation and Propagation of Synchro-Cherenkov Radiation. Revista Brasileira de Física 11, 3, 623-628, 1981.
35.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. Pulsar Slow-Down Epochs. Revista Brasileira de Física 11, 3, 611-621, 1981.
36.M.Novello, A.Santoro e H.Heintzmann. Is Parity Violation a Cosmological Evolution Effect? Physics Letters 89 A, 266, 1982.
37.M.Novello. Cosmic Repulsion. Physics Letters 90 A, 7, 347-348, 1982.
38.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. Action Principle for a Hot Plasma in Curved Space-Time. Physical Review A 27, 5, 2671-2681, 1983.
39.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. Weyl Integrable Space-Time: A Model for Our Cosmos. Physics Letters 98 A, 1, 10-11, 1983.
40.M.Novello e J.M.Salim. Non Equilibrium Relativistic Cosmology. Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics 8, 201-342, 1983.
41.M.Novello. On a New Formulation of the Hamiltonian Theory of Gravity. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-045/83, 1-6, 1983.
42.M.Novello e L.C.M.S.Rodrigues. On the Way to a Large Unification Theory. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-074/83, 1-7, 1983.
43.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. O Universo Eterno. Ciência e Sociedade, CBPF, CS-001/83, 1-11, 1983.
44.M.Novello, I.D.Soares e J.Tiomno. Geodesic Motion and Confinement in Gödel's Universe. Physical Review D 27, 4, 779-788, 1983.
45.M.Novello e L.C.M.S.Rodrigues. Bifurcation in the Early Cosmos. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 40, 10, 317-320, 1984.
46.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. An Eternal Universe. General Relativity and Gravitation 16, 6, 535-539, 1984.
47.M.Novello e J.M.Salim. Nonlinear Photons in the Universe. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 40, 8, 232, 1984.
48.M.Novello, J.M.Salim e E.Ruckert. Non Linear Photons in the Universe II - The Anisotropic Case. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 40, 8, 232-234, 1984.
49.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. The Hall Effect in a Unipolar Inductor: A Possible Dynamo or Anti-dynamo. Revista Brasileira de Física 15, 4, 394-405, 1985.
50.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. A Scheme to Unify Gravity and Electro-Weak Interactions. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-058/85, 1-17, 1985.
51.M.Novello e L.C.M.S.Rodrigues. A Unified Model for Gravity and Electroweak Interactions. Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 43, 6, 292-296, 1985.
52.M.Novello e L.A.R.Oliveira. Stochastic Behaviour of the de Sitter Universes. Physics Letters 109 A, 9, 454-456, 1985.
53.M.Novello e J.M.Salim. On the Propagation of Einstein's Equations with Quasi-Maxwellian Equations of Gravity. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-021/85, 1-5, 1985.
54.M.Novello e H.Heintzman. Pulsar Procession: A Nod is Not as Good as a Wink! Revista Brasileira de Física 16, 3, 413-425, 1986.
55.M.Novello e L.A.R.Oliveira. A Marionette Universe. Journal of Modern Physics A 1, 4, 943-951, 1986.
56.M.Novello e L.A.R.Oliveira. New Feature for an Old Large Number. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-020/86, 1-4, 1986.
57.M.Novello. A New Cosmological Scenario. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-025/86, 1-9, 1986.
58.M.Novello e N.Pinto Neto. A Modified Theory of Gravity. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-002/87, 1-9, 1987.
59.M.Novello e Y.Choquet-Bruhat. Système Conforme Régulier pour les Équations d'Einstein. Comptes Rendu de L'Academie Des Sciences Serie II - Paris 305, 155-160, 1987.
60.M.Novello e L.A.R.Oliveira. Nonminimal Interaction of Gravity with Other Physical Fields: An Overview. Revista Brasileira de Física 17, 3, 432, 1987.
61.M.Novello e C.Romero. Nonminimal Gravitational Coupling: The Spectrum of Cosmic Solutions. General Relativity and Gravitation 19, 10, 1003-1011, 1987.
62.M.Novello e A.L.Velloso. The Connection Between General Observers and the Lanczos Potential. General Relativity and Gravitation 19, 12, 1251-1265, 1987.
63.N.Pinto Neto, M.Gleiser e R.Holman. First Order Formalism for Quantum Gravity. Nuclear Physics B 294, 1164-1179, 1987.
64.J.M.Salim e H.P.Oliveira. Non-Equilibrium Friedmann Cosmologies. Acta Polonica B 19, 7, 373, 1988.
65.I.Bediaga, M.Gasperini, M.Novello e E.Predazzi. Geometric Description of Hadronization in Curved Spacetime. Modern Physics Letters 4 A, 2, 169-174, 1988.
66.M.Novello. Does There Exist a Gravitational Analogue of the Electro-Weak Unification? Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-009/89, 1-7, 1989.
67.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. Bootstrap Variables in Einstein's General Relativity (The Role of the Cosmological Constant). Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-020/89, 1-5, 1989.
68.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. Quantum Gravity, Classical Geometry: A Coherent Treatment. Revista Brasileira de Física 19, 4, 591-597, 1989.
69.M.Novello e S.Jorda. Does There Exist a Cosmological Horizon Problem? Modern Physics Letters 4 A, 19, 1809-1813, 1989.
70.M.Novello, L.A.R.Oliveira e J.M.Salim. Is the Number of Photons Conserved in an Expanding Universe? Classical and Quantum Gravity 6, 1989.
71.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. A New Short Range Gravitational Force in the Leptonic World? LYCEN 8911, 1989. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-022/89, 1989.
72.J.M.Salim, J.Torres e H.P.Oliveira. Viscous Causal Cosmologies. Acta Physica Polonica B 21, 7, 571, 1990.
73.M.Novello e S.L.S.Duque. Gravitationally Self-Induced Phase Transition. Physica A 168, 1073-1081, 1990.
74.M.Novello, I.Costa, N.Deruelle e N.F.Svaiter. Quantum Fields in Cosmological Space-Time: A Soluble Example. Classical and Quantum Gravity 6, 1893-1907, 1990.
75.M.Novello, H.P.Oliveira e J.M.Salim. Is the Number of Photons Conserved in an Expanding Universe? Classical and Quantum Gravity 7, 51-65, 1990.
76.B.D.B.Figueiredo, I.D.Soares e J.Tiomno. On the Detection of Spacetime Vortice and Spacetime Torsion. Physics Letters A 145, 8-9, 477, 1990.
77.J.M.Salim e H.P.Oliveira. Spinning Fluids in General Relativity: A Variational Formulation. Classical and Quantum Gravity 8, 1199-1204, 1991.
78.F.Caruso, N.Pinto Neto B.F.Svaiter e N.F.Svaiter. Attractive or Repulsive Nature of the Casimir Force in a D-Dimensional Spacetime. Physical Review D 43, 1300-1306, 1991.
79.F.Caruso, N.Pinto Neto B.F.Svaiter e N.F.Svaiter. On the Scalar Casimir Energies in Spacetime with Mp X Tq Structure. Modern Physics Letters A 20, 1855, 1991.
80.M.Novello, N.Pinto Neto, Luciane Freitas e N.F.Svaiter. Quantization of Spin-Two Field in Terms of Fierz Variables: the Linear Case. Fortschritte der Physik 39, 8, 1991.
81.M.Novello. Dynamical Eternal Universe Scenario. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-011/91, 1-21, 1991.
82.M.Novello. Fundamentos da Cosmologia. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-005/91, 1-18, 1991.
83.M.Novello, V.M.C.Pereira e N.Pinto Neto. Non-Minimal Coupling and Quantum Cosmology. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-059/91, 1-24, 1991.
84.J.M.Salim, M.O.Calvão, H.P.Oliveira e D.Pavón. Dissipative Cosmology with Decaying Vacuum Energy. Physical Review D 45, 3869, 1992.
85.J.M.Salim e M.O.Calvão. Extended Thermodynamics of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Models in the Landau-Lifschitz Frame. Classical and Quantum Gravity 9, 127-135, 1992.
86.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. Electrodynamics, Gravity and the Corresponding Short-Range Fermi Forces. Fortschritte der Physik 40, 8, 651-665, 1992.
87.M.Novello e N.Pinto Neto. Theory of Gravity in Fierz Variables (The Linear Case). Fortschritte der Physik 40, 2, 173-194, 1992.
88.M.Novello, N.F.Svaiter e M.E.X.Guimarães. Backwards Time Travel Induced by Combined Magnetic and Gravitational Fields. Modern Physics Letters 7, 5, 381-386, 1992.
89.J.M.Salim e H.P.Oliveira. On the Influence of Spin on Entropy Production in Curved Spacetimes. Physics Letters A 170, 370-372, 1992.
90.B.D.B.Figueiredo, I.D.Soares e J.Tiomno. Gravitational
Coupling of Kelin-Gordon and Dirac Particles to Matter Vorticity and Spacetime
Torsion. Classical and Quantum Gravity 9, 6,
1593-1617, 1992.
91.N.Pinto Neto e J.Fabris. Double Paramétrisation en Relativité Générale. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris 317, 11, 1383, 1993.
92.N.Pinto Neto e A.F.Velasco. The Search for New Representations
of the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation Using the First Order Formalism. General
Relativity and Gravitation 25, 10, 991,
93.J.M.Salim e I.Waga. Thermodynamic Constraints on a Time-Dependent Model. Classical and Quantum Gravity 10, 1767-1774, 1993.
94.J.M.Salim, D.Nunez e H.P.Oliveira. Dynamics and Collision of Massive Shells in Curved Backgrounds. Classical and Quantum Gravity 10, 1117-1126, 1993.
95.M.Novello, L.A.R.Oliveira, J.M.Salim e E.Elbaz. Geometrized Instantons and the Creation of the Universe. International Journal of Modern Physics 1, 3, 641-677, 1993.
96.B.D.B.Figueiredo e M.Novello. Solutions to a Spheroidal Wave Equation. Journal of Mathematical Physics 34, 7, 3121-3132, 1993.
97.M.Novello, S.L.S.Duque, R.Triay e H.H.Fliche. Phase Transition in Nonlinear Viscous Cosmology. Physical Review D 47, 8, 3165-3168, 1993.
98.M.Novello, N.F.Svaiter e M.E.X.Guimarães. Synchronized Frames for Gödel's Universe. General Relativity and Gravitation 25, 2, 137-164, 1993.
99.N.Pinto Neto e N.F.Svaiter. Quantum Fluctuations, Noise and the Quantum Equivalence Principle. Europhysics Letters 24, 7-12, 1993.
100.M.Novello e M.C.Motta da Silva. Exact Solution for the Gravitational Field of a String with Non-Zero Cosmological Constant. Physical Review D 48, 10, 5017-5020, 1993.
101.N.Pinto Neto e T.Damour. Antisymmetric Tensor Field Interactions and Neutron Star Models. Classical and Quantum Gravity 11, 6, 1565-1573, 1994.
102.M.Novello e M.C.Motta da Silva. Cosmic Spinning String and Causal Protecting Capsules. Physical Review D 49, 2, 825-830, 1994.
103.J.M.Salim e H.P.Oliveira. Modeling the Black Hole Interior. Classical and Quantum Gravity 11, 2297-2303, 1994.
104.Luciane Freitas, M.Novello e N.Pinto Neto. Nonlinear Theories of Spin-2 Field in Terms of Fierz Variables. Journal of Mathematical Physics 35, 2, 734-747, 1994.
105.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. On the Generation of Electromagnetic Fields in the Universe. Physics Letters A 187, 356-358, 1994.
106.M.Novello, L.A.R.Oliveira e J.M.Salim. Direct Electrogravitational Couplings and the Behaviour of Primordial Large-Scale Magnetic Fields. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 1994.
107.M.Novello e Luciane Freitas. Fluctuations in a Primordial Anisotropic Era. 1994.
108.M.Novello e E.Elbaz. Soft Big-Bang Model Induced by Non-Minimal Coupling. Il Nuovo Cimento 109 B, 741-745, 1994.
109.I.D.Soares e N.Pinto Neto. The Gravitational Energy in Asymptotically Anti-DeSitter Spacetimes. Physical Review D 52, 10, 5665-5669, 1995.
110.M.Novello e S.L.S.Duque. Non-Local Theory of Gravity. International Journal of Modern Physics D 4, 10, 79-96, 1995.
111.M.Novello e V.A.De Lorenci. Non Linear Non Local Theory of Gravity. Modern Physics Letters A 10, 807-812, 1995.
112.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva, S.E.Jorás
e R.Klippert. Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological
Perturbations. Physical Review D 51, 2, 450-461,
113.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva, S.E.Jorás
e R.Klippert. Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological
Perturbations II: Vorticity and Gravitational
Waves. Physical Review D 52, 2, 730-742,
114.J.M.Salim e H.P.Oliveira. A Variational Approach to Changed Spinning Fluids in General Relativity. Physics Letters A 201, 381-386, 1995.
115.V.R.Gavrilov, V.N.Melnikov e M.Novello. Exact Solutions in Multidimensional Cosmology with Bulk Viscosity. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-036/95, 1995.
116.M.Novello, V.M.C.Pereira e N.Pinto Neto. Nonminimal Coupling and Quantum Cosmology. International Journal of Modern Physics 4, 5, 673-684, 1995.
117.M.Yu Konstantinov, V.N.Melnikov e M.Novello. Numerical Investigation
of Integrable Weyl Geometry in Multidimensional Cosmology. International
Journal of Modern Physics D 4, 3,
339-355, 1995.
118.M.Novello, Luciane Freitas e V.A.De Lorenci. The Static Gravitational Field of a Spherically Symmetric Body. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-086/95, 1995.
119.M.Novello e Luciane Freitas. What is the Velocity of Gravitational Waves? Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-083/95, 1-18, 1995.
120.Luciane Freitas, Regina C.Arcuri, J.M.Salim, M.Novello,
L.A.R.Oliveira e R.Klippert. Stochastic Equations for Spin-2 Fields in
the Quasi-Maxwellian Formulation. Physics
Letters A 211, 1, 1996.
121.M.Novello e V.A.De Lorenci. Non Linear Non Local Theory of Gravity - II. Gravitation and Cosmology 2, 1 (5), 501, 1996.
122.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva e R.Klippert. Minimal
Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations III:
Quantum Treatment. Physical Review D 54,
2578-2588, 1996.
123.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva e R.Klippert. Canonical Formulation of Standard Cosmology: Direct Quantum Approach. Physical Review D 54, 6202-6205, 1996.
124.M.Novello, V.R.Gavrilov e V.N.Melnikov. Bulk Viscosity and Entropy Production in Multidimensional Integrable Cosmology. Gravitation and Cosmology 2, 4, 325, 1996.
125.M.Novello, Oliveira e J.M.Salim. Direct Electrogravitational
Couplings and the Behaviour of Primordial Large-Scale Magnetic Fields.
Classical and Quantum Gravity 13,
1089-1097, 1996.
126.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.Blagov, G.Klimchitskaya e A.A.Lobashov. How to Describe AFM Constant Force Surface in Repulsive Mode? Surf. Sci. 349, 2, 196-206, 1996.
127.V.M.Mostepanenko, V.B.Bezerra e C.Romero. Vacuum Quantum
Effects of Nonconformal Scalar Field in the Radiation Dominated Friedmann
Universe. Gravitation and Cosmology 2, 3,
203-210, 1996.
128.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag e J.Lindig. Vacuum Quantum Effects Near an Isotropic Singularity. Gravitation and Cosmology 2, 4, 315-318, 1996.
129.J.M.Salim e S.L.Sautú. Gravitational Theory in Weyl Integrable Spacetime. Classical and Quantum Gravity 13, 353-360, 1996.
130.L. Anchordoqui, G. Birman, S. Perez Bergliaffa, e H. Vucetich, Variable rest mass in 5 dimensional gravitation faced to experimental data, Gen. Relat. & Grav. 28, 6, 701, 1996.
131.S. Perez Bergliaffa, G. Romero, e H. Vucetich, Axiomatic foundations of Quantum Mechanics revisited: the case of Systems, Int. J. of Theor. Phys. 35, 1805, 1996.
132.I.D.Soares e J.Tiomno. The Physics of the Sagnac-Mashhoon Effects. Physical Review D 54, 2808, 1996.
133.I.D.Soares, M.L.Bedran, M.O.Calvão e H.P.Oliveira.
Model for Nonspherical Collapse and Formation of Black Holes by Emission
of Neutrinos, Strings and Gravitational Waves.
Physical Review D 54, 3826, 1996.
134.G. Romero, J. Combi, L. Anchordoqui, e S. Perez Bergliaffa, A possible source of extragalactic
cosmic rays with arrival energies beyond the GZK cutoff, Astrop. Physics 5, 279, 1996.
135.L. Anchordoqui, S. Perez Bergliaffa e D. Torres, Brans-Dicke wormholes in nonvacuum spacetime, Phys. Rev. D 55, 5226, 1997.
136.E.Elbaz, M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva e R.Klippert. Hamiltonian Formulation of FRW Equations of Cosmology. General Relativity and Gravitation 29, 4, 481-487, 1997.
137.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci e E.Elbaz. A New Model of Gluon Confinement. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-036/97, 1, 1997.
138.M.Novello, Luciane Freitas e S.L.S.Duque. Do Gravitational Waves Travel at Light Velocity? Annals of Physics 254, 83108, 1997.
139.M.Novello e Luciane Freitas. Reminiscences of the Primordial Anisotropic Era of Our Universe. Gravitation and Cosmology 3, 1, 48-50, 1997.
140.M.Novello, Luciane Freitas, Regina C.Arcuri e J.M.Salim.
Reply to the Comment on Stochastic Equations for Spin-2 Fields in Quasi-Maxwellian
Formulation. Physics Letters A
225, 364, 1997.
141.V.M.Mostepanenko, G.L.Klimchitskaya, C.Romero, Ye.P.Krivtsov
e A.Ye.Sinelnikov. A Proposed Experiment Using a Sphere with an Eccentric
Cavity for Hypothetical Long-Range
Interactions. International Journal
of Modern Physics A 12, 8, 1465-1482, 1997.
142.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov, G.L.Klimchitskaya e M.Z.Smirnov.
Calculation of Local Friction Forces in Atomic Force Microscopy of Metal
Surfaces. Rus. Phys. Techn. Phys. (USA),
42, 2, 243-246, 1997.
143.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov, G.L.Klimchitskaya e A.A.Lobashov.
Modelling of Surfaces of Constant Force Above a Lattice of Closed-Packed
Atoms in the Repulsive Mode. Sov. Phys.
Techn. Phys. (USA), 42, 6, 655- 662,
144.V.M.Mostepanenko, V.R.Bezerra e C.Romero. Creation of Nonconformal
Particles from Vacuum by a Test Model Isotropic Gravitational Field. Modern
Physics Letters A 12, 3, 145-154,
145.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Calculation
of the Lateral force Components in AFM Contact Mode in Application to the
Diagnostic of Point Defects. Surface
Review and Letters 4, 2, 271-278, 1997.
146.V.M.Mostepanenko, V.B.Bezerra, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya.
AFM Operating Mode with a Constant Force Projection Onto the Arbitrary
Axis. Surface Review and Letters 4, 4,
613-620, 1997.
147.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag e G.T.Gillies. New Constraints
on the Yukawa-Type Hypothetical Interactions from the Recent Casimir Force
Measurement. Physical Review D 56, 1, R6-R10,
148.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag, J.Lindig e Yu.V.Pavlov. Vacuum
Stress-Energy Tensor of Nonconformal Scalar Field in Quasi-Euclidean Gravitational
Background. International Journal of
Modern Physics D 6, 4, 449-463, 1997.
149.V.M.Mostepanenko, G.L.Klimchitskaya e E.R.Bezerra de Mello.
Constraints on the Parameters of Degree-Type Hypothetical Forces Following
from the New Casimir Force Measurement.
Physics Letters A 236, 4, 280-288, 1997.
150.J.M.Salim, V.Mendes e D.Pavón. Absorption of Gravitational Radiation by the Cosmic Fluid. Classical and Quantum Gravity 14, 77-85, 1997.
151.J.M.Salim, S.L.Sautú e Oliveira. Non-Singular Inflationary Cosmologies in Weyl Integrable Spacetime. Classical and Quantum Gravity 14, 2833-2843, 1997.
152.J.Acácio e N.Pinto Neto. Comments on the Quantum Mechanical Approach to a Class of Quantum Cosmological Models. Classical and Quantum Gravity 14, 1993-1995, 1997.
153.V.A.De Lorenci, J.Martin e N.Pinto Neto. Topology Change in Canonical Quantum Cosmology. Physical Review D 56, 4, 3329-3340, 1997.
154.R.Portugal e S.L.Sautú. Application of MAPLE to General Relativity. Computer Physics Communications 105, 2-3, 233-253, 1997.
155.I.D.Soares. Taub?s Plane-Symmetric Vacuum Spacetime Revisited. Physical Review D 55, 3431, 1997.
156.I.D.Soares, H.P.Oliveira e T.J.Stuchi. Chaos in Anisotropic Preinflationary Universes. Physical Review D 56, 730, 1997.
157.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag e G.T.Gillies. New Constraints
on the Yukawa-Type Hypothetical Interactions from the Recent Casimir Force
Measurement. Physical Review D 57, 2024,
158.N.Pinto Neto e Barros. The Causal Interpretation of
Quantum Mechanics and the Singularity Problem and Time Issue in Quantum
Cosmology. International Journal of Modern
Physics D 7, 2, 201-213, 1998.
159.N.Pinto Neto, Barros e M.A.Sagioro-Leal. The Causal Interpretation of Dust and Radiation Fluids Non Singular Quantum Cosmology. Physics Letters A 241, 229-239, 1998.
160.N.Pinto Neto, R.Colistete Jr. e J.Fabris. Singularities and Classical Limit in Quantum Cosmology with Scalar Fields. Physical Review D 57, 8, 4707-4717, 1998.
161.M.Novello e Luciane Freitas. Fluctuations in a Primordial Anisotropic Era. International Journal of Modern Physics A 13, 3, 363-379, 1998.
162.M.Novello, V.B.Bezerra e V.M.Mostepanenko. Vacuum Quantum
Effects of Nonconformal Scalar Field in a Non-Singular Cosmological Model.
International Journal of Modern Physics D 7,
5, 779, 1998.
163.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag e J.Lindig. Particle Creation
and Vacuum Polarization of Nonconformal Scalar Field Near the Isotropic
Cosmological Singularity. Classical and Quantum
Gravity 15, 3, 581-602, 1998.
164.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. The Feasibility
to Determine the Vacancy Migration Energy by the Atomic Force Microscopy
Data. Surface Review Letters 5, 2,
559-567, 1998.
165.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag, B.Geyer e G.L.Klimchitskaya.
Constraints for Hypothetical Interactions from a Recent Demonstration of
the Casimir Force and Some Possible
Improvements. Physical Review D 58,
7, 075003-1-16, 1998.
166.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Impact of Atomic Relaxation on the Breaks of Constant Force Surfaces in AFM. Surface Science 410, 2/3, 158-169, 1998.
167.V.M.Mostepanenko, V.B.Bezerra e C.Romero. Hamiltonian Diagonalization
for the Nonconformal Scalar Field on an Isotropic Gravitational Background.
International Journal of Modern
Physics D 7, 2, 249-259, 1998.
168.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Atomic
Paths When Scanning of the AFM Tip Above the Close-Packed Surface in Repulsive
Mode. Surface Review Letters 5, 5,
989-996, 1998.
169.J.M.Salim, J.C.Fabris e S.L.Sautú. Inflationary Cosmological Solutions in Weyl Integrable Geometry. Modern Physics Letters A 13, 2, 953-959, 1998.
170.J.M.Salim e S.L.Sautú. Spherically Symmetric Solutions in Weyl Integrable Spacetime. Classical and Quantum Gravity 15, 203-214, 1998.
171.B.D.B.Figueiredo. Gödel-Type Spacetimes and the Motions
of Charged Particles. Classical and Quantum Gravity 15, 12, 3849-3862,
172.L.Anchordoqui, D.Torres, M.Trobo e S.Perez Bergliaffa. Evolving
Wormhole Geometries, Physical Review D 57, 829, 1998.
173.S.Perez Bergliaffa, G.Romero e H.Vucetich. Axiomatic Pregeometry
of Space-Time. International Journal of Theoretical Physics 37, 2281, 1998.
174.L.Anchordoqui, G.Romero, S.Perez Bergliaffa e J.Combi. High Energy Protons from PKS1333-33. Modern Physics Letters A 13, 3039, 1998.
175.Herman J.Mosquera Cuesta, Araújo, O.D.Aguiar
e J.E.Horvath. Gravitational Waves from Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters: Can They
Be Detected? Physical Review Letters 80, 2988,
176.I.D.Soares, G.Monerat e H.P.Oliveira. Chaos in Preinflationary Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Universes. Physical Review D 58, 063504, 1998.
177.I.D.Soares e H.P.Oliveira. Chaos and a Resonance Mechanism for Structure Formation in Inflationary Models. Modern Physics Letters A 13, 1881-1886, 1998.
178.V.M.Mostepanenko e E.R.Bezerra de Mello. Induced Parity-Violation
Anomaly for the Proca Field in a Three-Dimensional Space-Time. International
Journal of Modern Physics A 14, 2,
271-280, 1999.
179.N.Pinto Neto, Barros e M.A.Sagioro-Leal. The Causal Interpretation of Conformally Coupled Scalar Field. Aceito para publicação em General Relativity and Gravitation, 1999.
180.N.Pinto Neto e E.S.Santini. Must Quantum Spacetimes Be Euclidean? Physical Review D 59, 123517, 1-14, 1999.
181.N.Pinto Neto, Barros e I.Shapiro. Quantum Gravity Correction, Evolution of Scalar Field and Inflation. Classical and Quantum Gravity 16, 1773-1782, 1999.
182.J.M.Salim e S.L.Sautú. Gravitational Collapse in Weyl Integrable Spacetimes. Classical and Quantum Gravity 16, 3281-3295, 1999.
183.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci e H.H.Fliche. Dyadosphere Bending of Light. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-060/99, 1-8, 1999.
184.M.Novello, R.Klippert, V.A.De Lorenci e J.M.Salim. NonLinear Light Propagation. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-8, 1999.
185.M.Novello, R.Klippert, V.A.De Lorenci e J.M.Salim. The Radiation Era in String Cosmology. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1999.
186.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci, L.R. de Freitas e Aguiar. The Velocity of Gravitational Waves. Physics Letters A 254, 245-250, 1999.
187.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag, B.Geyer e G.L.Klimchitskaya.
Stronger Constraints for Nanometer Scale Yukawa-Type Hypothetical Interactions
from the New Measurement of the Casimir
Force. Physical Review D 60, 5, 055004-1-7,
188.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Using an
Atomic Force Microscope in the Surface Modification Regime to Determine
the Migration Energy of Surface Defects. Rus.
Phys. Techn. Phys. (USA), 44, 8, 964-969,
189.V.M.Mostepanenko, E.V.Blagov e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Description
of Force Surfaces in Atomic Force Microscopy with Allowance for the Mobility
of the Lattice Atoms. Rus. Phys. Techn.
Phys. (USA), 44, 8, 970-976, 1999.
190.V.M.Mostepanenko, G.L.Klimchitskaya, A.Roy e U.Mohideen.
Complete Roughness and Conductivity Corrections for the Recent Casimir
Force Measurement. Physical Review A 60, 5,
3487-3497, 1999.
191.J.C.Fabris, N.Pinto Neto e A.F.Velasco. Quantum Cosmology in Scalar-Tensor Theories with Non-Minimal Coupling. Classical and Quantum Gravity 16, 3807, 1999.
192.L.Anchordoqui, S.Perez Bergliaffa, M.Trobo e G.Birman. Cylindrically
Symmetric Spinning Brans-Dicke Spacetimes with Closed Timelike Curves.
Modern Physics Letters A 14, 1105,
193.S.Perez Bergliaffa e K.Hibberd. Inhomogeneous Cosmological Solutions and Inflation. International Journal of Modern Physics D 705, 1999.
194.H.Elze, Y.Hama, T.Kodama, M.Makler e J.Rafelski. Variational Formalism for Relativistic Hydrodynamics. Journal of Physics G 25, 1935, 1999.
195.G.Romero, S.Perez Bergliaffa, L.Anchordoqui e J.Combi. Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays from Cen A. Gravitation & Cosmology Supplement, 5, 188, 1999.
196.I.D.Soares. Homoclinic Structure of Classical Spacetimes Emerging from the Hartle-Hawking Model in Quantum Cosmology. Physical Review D 60, 023512, 1999.
197.I.D.Soares. Chaos and Universality in the Dynamics of Inflationary Cosmologies. Physical Review D 60 (Rapid Communications) 121301, 1999.
198.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, M.C.Motta da Silva e R.Klippert. Minimal
Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological Perturbations IV:
The Anisotropic Paradigm. Physical Review
D 61, 124025-1 - 124025-19, 2000.
199.M.Novello, F.Baldovin, S.E.P.Bergliaffa e J.M.Salim. A NonGravitational Wormhole. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 17, 3265, 2000.
200.M.Novello, H.J.M.Cuesta, V.A.De Lorenci. An Astrophysical
Test-Bed for the NDL Gravity Theory Using Gravitational-Wave and Neutrino
Bursts from Local Supernovae Explosions. Notas
de Física do CNPF, NF-038/00,
1-5, 2000.
201.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci e H.J.M.Cuesta. Birefringence of Gravitational Waves. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF-039/00, 1-5, 2000.
202.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci, E.Elbaz e J.M.Salim. Closed Lightlike Curves in Non-Linear Electrodynamics. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-8, 2000.
203.M.Novello, S.E.P.Bergliaffa, J.M.Salim e V.A.De Lorenci.
Comment on "Regular Black Hole in General Relativity Coupled to NonLinear
Electrodynamics". Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-2,
204.M.Novello e Regina C.Arcuri. Dynamical Boson Field in the Non-Linear Spinor Theory. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-14, 2000.
205.M.Novello, J.M.Salim, V.A.De Lorenci e R.Klippert. Effective
Lagrangian for Electrodynamics and Avoidance of the Singular Origin of
the Universe. Notas de Física do CBPF,
NF-043/98, 1-14, 2000.
206.M.Novello e A.Grib. Gamow in Rio the Discovery of the Urca Process. Astronomy and Astrophysics Transactions, 5, 5, 2000.
207.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci, J.M.Salim e R.Klippert. Geometrical Aspects of Light Propagation in NonLinear Electrodynamics. Physical Review D 61, 4, 1-10, 2000.
208.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci, H.J.M.Cuesta e R.P.Neves. How Does Gravity Interact with Gravity? Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-11, 2000.
209.M.Novello, V.A.De Lorenci, R.Klippert e J.M.Salim. Light Propagation in Non-Linear Electrodynamics. Notas de Física do CBPF, 17, 2000.
210.M.Novello, R.Klippert e J.M.Salim. On the Self-Consistency of Electrodynamics in the Early Universe. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-13, 2000.
211.M.Novello, R.Klippert, J.M.Salim e V.A.De Lorenci. Semiclassical Electrodynamics in the Early Universe. Notas de Física do CBPF, 1-13, 2000.
212.M.Novello, S.E.P.Bergliaffa e J.M.Salim. Singularities in
General Relativity Coupled to NonLinear Electrodynamics. Notas de Física
do CBPF, NF- 035/00, 1-7, 2000. Aceito para
publicação em Classical
and Quantum Gravity.
213.M.Novello, R.Klippert, V.A.DeLorenci e J.M.Salim. The Radiation Era in Scalar-Tensor Cosmology. Physics Letters B 472, 27-32, 2000.
214.V.M.Mostepanenko e G.L.Klmchitskaya. The Casimir Interaction
Atom-Macrobody and Between Two Macrobodies: The Influence of Surface Distortions.
Comm. Modern Physics 1, 5/6,
285-300, 2000.
215.V.M.Mostepanenko, U.Mohideen e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Casimir
and Van der Waals Force Between Two Plates and a Sphere (Lens) Above a
Plate Made of Real Metals. Physical Review A 61,
6, 062107-(1-12), 2000.
216.V.M.Mostepanenko, V.B.Bezerra e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Higher Order Conductivity Corrections to the Casimir Force. Physical Review A 62, 1, 014102-(1-4), 2000.
217.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag, B.Geyer e G.L.Klimchitskaya.
New Constraints for Non-Newtonian Gravity in Nanometer Range from the Improved
Precision Measurement of the Casimir
Force. Physical Review D 62, 1, 011701(R)-(1-5),
218.V.M.Mostepanenko, M.Bordag, B.Geyer e G.L.Klimchitskaya. Casimir Force at Both Non-Zero Temperature and Finite Conductivity. Physical Review Letters 85, 3, 503-506, 2000.
219.V.M.Mostepanenko, J.A.Espichán-Carrillo e A.Maia Jr.
Jacobi Elliptic Solutions of l j 4 Theory in a Finite Domain. Aceito para
publicação: International Journal of Modern Physics
A, 2000.
220.N.Pinto Neto e R.R.Silva. Generalized Field Theoretical Approach to General relativity and Conserved Quantities in Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes. Physical Review D 61, 6, 2000.
221.N.Pinto Neto e P.I.Trajtenberg. On the Localizability of Gravitational Energy. Brazilian Journal of Physics, Brasil, 2000.
222.N.Pinto Neto, J.A.Barros e M.A.S.Leal. The Causal Interpretation of Conformally Coupled Scalar Field. General Relativity and Gravitation 32, 15-41, 2000.
223.R.Colistete Jr., J.C.Fabris e N.Pinto Neto. Gaussian Superpositions in Scalar-Tensor Quantum Cosmological Models. Physical Review D 62, 83507, 2000.
224.R.Colistete Jr., A.F.Velasco e N.Pinto Neto. Quantum Isotropization of the Universe. Physics Letters A 277, 194, 2000.
225.Herman J.Mosquera Cuesta, Araújo, O.D.Aguiar
e J.E.Horvath. Supercritically Accreting Neutron Stars and Gravitational
Wave Emmission. Aceito para publicação em Astronomy
and Astrophysics, 2000.
226.Herman J.Mosquera Cuesta. Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters as Neutron-Star Dwarf Relativistic Binaries. Aceito para publicação em Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2000.
227.Durmucs A.Demir e Herman J.Mosquera Cuesta. Weak-Scale Hidden
Sector and Energy Transport in Fireball Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts. Aceito
para publicação em Physics Letters B,
228.L.Anchordoqui, S.Perez Bergliaffa, G.Romero e D.Torres. Tuneles en el Espacio y en el Tiempo. Ciencia Hoy, Fevereiro de 2000.
229.S.Perez Bergliaffa. Inhomogeneous Multidimensional Cosmologies. Modern Physics Letters A 15, 531, 2000.
230.S.Perez Bergliaffa e K.Hibberd. Scattering of E.M.Waves in a Wormhole Geometry. Aceito para publicação em Physical Review D, 2000.
231.L.Anchordoqui e S.Perez Bergliaffa. Wormhole-surgery and Cosmology on the Brane: The World is Not Enough. Physical Review D 62, 067502, 2000.
232.N. Pinto Neto e E. Sergio Santini. Sobre a teoria quântica de campos na interpretação de Bohm-de-Broglie. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF - 054 /00, 2000.
233.N.Pinto Neto. Muito Além do Futuro. Ciência Hoje 28, n° 165, p. 63, 2000.
234.N. Pinto Neto e E. Sergio Santini. On the consistency of
quantum geometrodynamics and quantum field theory in the Bohm-de Broglie
interpretation. Notas de Física do CBPF, NF -
072 /00, 2000.
235.I.D.Soares. Turbulent Inspired Experiments and Universal Statistical Patterns in Hamiltonian Systems. Physical Letters A 277, 2000.
236.I.D.Soares. Homoclinic Structure of the Dynamics of Axisymmetric Bianchi IX Universes and the Oscillatory Loitering Phase. Physical Review D 15, 2001. (in press)
237.I.D.Soares. Universality in the Chaotic Dynamics Associated
with Saddle-Centers Critical Points. Physica A, 2001. (in press)