Gravitation and Cosmology


1 Alternative theories of Gravity, Consequences ofGR, and Applications to Classical Cosmology

1.a GR as a field theory and Alternative Theories of Gravity

1.b Short Range Gravitational Theory

1.c Gravitation in Weyl-Integrable Spaces

1.d Relativistic Thermodynamics

1.e Gravitational Energy

1.f The program of the Eternal Universe


2 Structure Formation, Black Holes and Wormholes

2.a Perturbation Theory of the Gravitational Field

2.b Anisotropic Phase Transitions

2.c Pathological Solutions in General Relativity

2.d Cosmological Models with Rotation

2.e Geometrical Effects Associated to Non-Linear Eletrodynamics


3 Quantum Cosmology and Gravitation

3.a The Bohm - de Broglie Interpretation in Cosmology

3.b Quantum Transition of Topology

3.c Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spaces


4 Dynamical systems and chaos in gravitation and cosmology

4.a Dynamical systems and chaos in pre-inflationary cosmologies

4.b General dynamical structures in the gravitational colapse and reheating